* Calendar
* Language 0: Chinese, 1: English
* calendar into the element html use 'show()'
* -up calendar use 'pop()'
var Calendar = function( instanceId, language, startYear, endYear ){
if( typeof instanceId == "string" ){
= new Date();
= ();
= ();
= ();
= ();
= instanceId;
= language || 1;
= startYear || - 5;
= endYear || + 1;
// If instance is input[type='text'] object
this.popContainer_id = 'popCalendarContainer';
// Message store
= [];
this.caleContainer_id = 'calendarContainer';
= {
today_view_id: 'calendarTodayView',
week_view_id: 'calendarWeekView',
lq_year_id: 'linkQuickYear',
lq_month_id: 'linkQuickMonth',
sq_year_id: 'selectQuickYear',
sq_month_id: 'selectQuickMonth',
close_id: 'calendarClose',
prev_month_id: 'toPrevMonth',
back_today_id: 'backToday',
next_month_id: 'toNextMonth'
this.daysContainer_id = 'calendarDaysContainer';
this.msgContainer_id = 'calendarTipsContainer';
= 'calendarCurrentDay';
= 'calendarTipDay';
= 'calendarOldTipDay';
/* Calendar language */
= {
weeks: [
["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]
/* Create calendar element */
._getViewElement = function(){
// Create page html element
var caleElem = "";
// Create Start
caleElem+= '<div id='+this.caleContainer_id+'>';
// <Top>
caleElem+= '<div ><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>';
// Top day view
caleElem+= '<td id='+.today_view_id+'></td>';
// Link or select control
caleElem+= '<td>';
caleElem+= '<div id='+.week_view_id+'></div>';
caleElem+= '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
caleElem+= '<tr>';
caleElem+= '<td>';
caleElem+= '<a id='+.lq_year_id+' href="javascript:void(0);"></a>';
caleElem+= '<select id='+.sq_year_id+'></select>';
caleElem+= '</td>';
caleElem+= '<td>.</td>';
caleElem+= '<td>';
caleElem+= '<a id='+.lq_month_id+' href="javascript:void(0);"></a>';
caleElem+= '<select id='+.sq_month_id+'></select>';
caleElem+= '</td>';
caleElem+= '</tr>';
caleElem+= '</table>';
caleElem+= '</td>';
// Quick control
caleElem+= '<td>';
caleElem+= '<div >';
caleElem+= '<a id='+.close_id+' href="javascript:void(0);">x</a>';
caleElem+= '</div>';
caleElem+= '<div >';
caleElem+= '<a id='+.prev_month_id+' href="javascript:void(0);">«</a>';
caleElem+= '<a id='+.back_today_id+' href="javascript:void(0);"> </a>';
caleElem+= '<a id='+.next_month_id+' href="javascript:void(0);">»</a>';
caleElem+= '</div>';
caleElem+= '</td>';
caleElem+= '</tr></table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></div>';
// </Top>
// <Calendar View>
caleElem+= '<div >';
// Week menu
caleElem+= '<div >';
for(var i = 0; i < 7; i ++){
caleElem+= '<span>'+["weeksMenu"][][i]+'</span>';
caleElem+= '</div>';
// Days view
caleElem+= '<table id='+this.daysContainer_id+' cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
for(var tr = 0; tr < 6; tr ++){
caleElem+= '<tr>';
for(var td = 0; td < 7; td ++){
caleElem+= '<td><span></span></td>';
caleElem+= '</tr>';
caleElem+= '</table>';
caleElem+= '</div>';
// </Calendar View>
caleElem+= '</div>';
// <Calendar msg>
caleElem+= '<div id='+this.msgContainer_id+'></div>';
// </Calendar msg>
// Create End
return caleElem;
/* Get Month Data */
._getMonthViewArray = function( year, month ){
var monthArray = [];
// From the beginning day of the week
var beginDayOfWeek = new Date( year, month, 1).getDay();
// This month total days
var daysOfMonth = new Date( year, month + 1, 0).getDate();
// 42: 7*6 matrix
for( var i = 0; i < 42; i ++ )
monthArray[i] = " ";
for( var j = 0; j < daysOfMonth; j ++ )
monthArray[j + beginDayOfWeek] = j + 1 ;
return monthArray;
/* Search the index of option in the select */
._getOptionIndex = function( selectObject, value ){
for( var j = 0; j < ; j ++ ){
if( value == [j].value )
return j;
/* Bind year data into 'Year select' */
._bindYearIntoSelect = function(){
var oYear = ( .sq_year_id );
var oYearLen = 0;
for( var i = ; i <= ; i ++, oYearLen ++ )
[oYearLen] = new Option( i , i );
/* Bind Month data into 'Month select' */
._bindMonthIntoSelect = function(){
var oMonth = ( .sq_month_id );
var oMonthLen = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < 12; i ++, oMonthLen ++ )
[oMonthLen] = new Option( i + 1 , i + 1 );
/* Bind data */
._bindAllData = function( curYear, curMonth ){
var cr = this;
// Bind default Data into 'select:Year'
// Bind default Data into 'select:Month'
// Change the 'select:Year' and 'select:Month' value
( curYear, curMonth );
// Bind default data into 'current day view and current week view'
( .week_view_id ).innerHTML = ['weeks'][][];
( .today_view_id ).innerHTML = ;
// Get days and bind into 'CalendarMain'
// Add current day class and mouse event
var daysOfMonthArray = this._getMonthViewArray( curYear, curMonth );
var spans = ( this.daysContainer_id, "span" );
var curYMD = + "" + ( + 1 ) + "" + ;
var selectYear = ( .sq_year_id ).value;
var selectMonth = ( .sq_month_id ).value;
for( var i = 0; i < ; i ++ ){
spans[i].innerHTML = daysOfMonthArray[i];
var selectYMD = selectYear + "" + selectMonth + "" + spans[i].innerHTML;
if( curYMD == selectYMD )
spans[i].className = ;
spans[i].className = "";
// If not some days has pop message
if( != "" )
this._initPopMsg( );
/* Bind event */
._bindAllEvent = function(){
var cr = this;
// 'toPrevMonth, toNextMonth, backToday, today view' event
( .prev_month_id ).onclick = function(){ (this); };
( .next_month_id ).onclick = function(){ (this); };
( .back_today_id ).onclick = function(){ (); };
( .today_view_id ).onclick = function(){ (); };
// 'year and month select' onchange event
( .sq_year_id ).onchange = function(){ (); };
( .sq_month_id ).onchange = function(){ (); };
// Quick link event
( .lq_year_id ).onclick = function(){
( .lq_year_id, "none" );
( .sq_year_id, "block" );
( .lq_month_id ).onclick = function(){
( .lq_month_id, "none" );
( .sq_month_id, "block" );
// Remove the link dotted line
var oLink = ( this.caleContainer_id, "a" )
for( var i = 0; i < ; i ++ ){
oLink[i].onfocus = function(){ (); }
/* Bind calendar for calendar view */
._initCalendar = function(){
this._bindAllData( , );
/* Change the quick select value */
= function( year, month ){
var ymArray = [], selectArray = [], linkArray = [];
// Store the 'year' and 'month' to Array
ymArray[0] = year; ymArray[1] = month + 1;
// Store the 'selectYear_id' and 'selectMonth_id' to Array
selectArray[0] = .sq_year_id; selectArray[1] = .sq_month_id;
linkArray[0] = .lq_year_id; linkArray[1] = .lq_month_id;
for( var i = 0; i < ; i ++ ){
var selectObject = ( selectArray[i] );
// Get the return index
var index = this._getOptionIndex( selectObject, ymArray[i] );
// Reset the 'year', 'month' select and link value
[index].selected = "selected";
( linkArray[i] ).innerHTML = ;
/* Search next or previons month */
= function( obj ){
var curMonthSelect = ( .sq_month_id );
var curMonth = parseInt( );
var curYear = ( .sq_year_id ).value;
// If 'next' get current month select + 1
// If 'prev' get current month select - 1
if( == .next_month_id )
= curMonth + 1;
= curMonth - 1;
var getNowMonth = - 1;
if( getNowMonth == -1 && curMonth == 1) getNowMonth = 0;
if( getNowMonth == -1 && curMonth == 12 ) getNowMonth = 11;
this._bindAllData( curYear, getNowMonth );
/* If 'select:Year' and 'select:Month' change value update data */
= function(){
var yearSelectValue = ( .sq_year_id ).value;
var monthSelectValue = ( .sq_month_id ).value;
// Re-bind Panel Data
this._bindAllData( yearSelectValue, monthSelectValue - 1 );
/* Back to taday: re-load '_bindAllData()' */
= function(){
this._bindAllData( , );
/* Find the instance object or children of instance object by Id */
= function( elemId, childTag ){
if( !childTag )
// Return: object
return ( elemId );
// Return: object array
return ( elemId ).getElementsByTagName( childTag );
/* Set element css */
= function( oId, selector ){
var o = ( oId );
selector['left']? = selector['left']:"";
selector['top']? = selector['top']:"";
selector['position']? = selector['position']:"";
/* Check calendar show or hidden */
= function( objectId, dis ){
return ( objectId ). = dis;
/* Init the top quick menu link and select */
= function(){
( .sq_year_id, "none" );
( .sq_month_id, "none" );
( .lq_year_id, "block" );
( .lq_month_id, "block" );
/* Put this calendar into the html of instance */
= function( msgData ){
var obj = ( );
if( obj ){
= this._getViewElement();
// Init calendar event and data
// This function don't have 'close'
( .close_id, "none" );
if( typeof msgData == 'object'){
= msgData;
this._initPopMsg( );
/* Init pop message */
._initPopMsg = function(){
var cr = this;
var selectYear = ( .sq_year_id ).value;
var selectMonth = ( .sq_month_id ).value;
var daysOfMonthArray = this._getMonthViewArray( selectYear, selectMonth );
var spans = ( this.daysContainer_id, "span" );
for( var key in ){
var keyMD = ( 4 );
var keyY = ( 0, 4 );
for( var i = 0; i < ; i ++){
var getMD = selectMonth + "" + spans[i].innerHTML;
if( getMD == keyMD ){
if( selectYear == keyY )
spans[i].className = +" "+ keyY;
spans[i].className = +" "+ keyY;
spans[i].onmouseover = function(){
var hoverDate = (" ")[1] + "" + selectMonth + "" + ;
var y = (" ")[1],
m = selectMonth,
d = ;
( cr.msgContainer_id ).innerHTML = cr._getMsgHtml( y, m, d );
( cr.msgContainer_id, "block" );
( cr.caleContainer_id ).onmouseout = function(){
( cr.msgContainer_id, "none" );
/* Get message */
._getMsgHtml =function( y, m, d ){
var date = y + m + d;
var showDate = y + "-" + m + "-" + d;
var msgHtml = '<div>'+showDate+':</div><div>'+ [date] +'</div>';
return msgHtml;
/* Pop-up the calendar */
= function(){
var cr = this;
var obj = ( );
if( obj ){
// Instance object click then pop-up the calendar
= function( e ){
var e = || e;
var x = || ,
y = || ;
if( !( cr.popContainer_id ) ){
// Create the pop-up div
var oDiv = ("div");
= cr.popContainer_id;
( oDiv );
( cr.popContainer_id, "block" );
( cr.popContainer_id ).innerHTML = cr._getViewElement();
// Init calendar event and data
// Set days click event
( obj );
// Set position
( cr.popContainer_id, {position: "absolute", left: x + "px", top: y + "px"});
// Close panel event
( .close_id ).onclick = function(){ ( cr.popContainer_id, "none" ); };
/* Click the pop calendar days event [For INPUT] */
= function( obj ){
var cr = this;
var spans = ( cr.daysContainer_id, "span" );
for( var i = 0; i < ; i ++ )
spans[i].onclick = function(){
if( != " " ){
var getYear = ( .sq_year_id ).value;
var getMonth = ( .sq_month_id ).value;
= getYear +"-"+ getMonth +"-" + ;
( cr.popContainer_id, "none" );