1. Start a ubuntu container. I started it with docker compose. The configuration file of compose is
services: ipsec-strongswan: image: ubuntu:22.04 container_name: ipsec-strongswan cap_add: - NET_ADMIN - SYS_ADMIN - SYS_MODULE command: "tail -f /dev/null" # Example: Keep the container running, but won't do anything actual volumes: - /opt/services/ipsec-strongswan/:/etc/ - /opt/services/ipsec-strongswan/:/etc/ - /opt/services/ipsec-strongswan/USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem:/etc//cacerts/USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem - /opt/services/ipsec-strongswan/:/etc// - /opt/services/ipsec-strongswan/log:/var/log/strongswan #Port is for 3proxy ports: - 1180:1080 networks: default: name: sill
sudo docker compose -f up -d
2. Enter the container
sudo docker exec -it ipsec-strongswan /bin/bash
3. Start the installation
apt-get update apt-get install strongswan libcharon-extra-plugins
Install some common software
apt-get install vim iputils-ping curl mtr
My configuration is already loaded in the compose file, so it doesn't work. Start directly
# Start ipsecipsec restart # Connection uk2ipsec up uk2
If the connection is successful, the connection ‘uk2’ was established successfully
View status
ipsec statusall
Stop the connection
ipsec down uk2
Stop ipsec
ipsec stop
Here are some other commands:
View the network
ip addr show Abbreviation as ip a s
View the docker service's network
sudo docker inspect -f '{{.Name}}: {{}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' nginx jenkins rmqnamesrv mysql rmqbroker rocketmq-console redis6379 redis6380 redis6381 sentinel26379 sentinel26380 sentinel26381 ipsec-strongswan
View host routes
ip route show
Attached Install 3proxy
sudo docker cp /home/ubuntu/Downloads/3proxy-0.9.4.x86_64.deb ipsec-strongswan:/usr/local
ubuntu installation load 3proxy
This is the end of this article about installing strongswan in ubuntu in docker container. For more related content on installing strongswan in docker container, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!