Updated on 2025-03-10

Javascript connection to Access database complete example

This article describes the method of connecting to Access database by Javascript. Share it for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:

var roc = roc || {};
 =  ||{};
//Create a connection = function(){
  var conn = new ActiveXObject(""), 
    fso = new ActiveXObject(""),
    connstr = "Provider=.4.0;Data Source=" + ("./db/");
  (connstr);//Open the database   = conn;
  return ;
//Get the connection = function(){
  if(  ){
    return ;
    return ();
//Close the connection = function(){
  if(  ){
     = null;
//Get the result set = function( sqlStr ){
  var mysql = ( sqlStr );
  if(mysql == ''){return;}
  var rs = new ActiveXObject(""),
    myConn = ();
  ( sqlStr , myConn ); 
  return rs; 
//Close the result set = function( rs ){
  rs =null;
//Update, insert = function( sqlStr ){
  var myConn = ();
  ( sqlStr );
/*------------Sigma: "I let you trample on my dignity without getting angry at all because I love you." ----------*/
 =  ||{};
 = function( id ){
  if(typeof id == 'string' || id instanceof String) {
    return (id);
  } else if(id &&  && ( == 1 ||  == 9)) {
    return id;
  return null;  
  * @method tagName Get the specified dom element according to the tag
  * @param {String} tagName element tag name
  * @param {HTMLElement} The document object to which the el element belongs is the default to the current document
  * @return {HTMLElement} Return HTMLElement element
 = function(tagName, el) {
  var el = el || document;
  return (tagName);
//Delete the spaces on both left and right ends = function (str) {   
   return (str+'').replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
  * @method show Display target element
  * @param {Element} element The target element or the id of the target element
  * @param {String} element Target element
 = function (element) {
  element = (element);
   = '';
  return element;
  * @method hide Hide target element
  * @param {Element} element The target element or the id of the target element
  * @param {String} element Target element
 = function (element) {
  element = (element);
   = 'none';
  return element;
  * @method hasClass determines whether the element contains class
  * @param {Element} el element
  * @param {String} className class name
 = function(el, className){
  var re = new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(\\s|$)');
  return ();
  * @method addClass Add class to the element
  * @param {Element} el element
  * @param {String} className class name
 = function(el, className){
  if(!(el, className)){
     =  + ' ' + className;
  * @method removeClass Remove class to element
  * @param {Element} el element
  * @param {String} className class name
 = function(el, className){
  var re = new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(?:\\s|$)')
   = (re, '$1');
 * date object namespace
 * @namespace
 * @name data
 =  || {};
  * @method format formats the target date object
  * @param {Object} timestamp Target date object
  * @return {String} str Formatted time
 = function(timestamp) {
  if(timestamp =='' )return '';
  var str = '',
    temptime = new Date(Number(timestamp));
  str += () + '-';
  str += () + 1 + '-';
  str += () + ' ';
  str += String(()).length > 1 ? (() + ':') : ('0' + () + ':');
  str += String(()).length > 1 ? (()) : ('0' + ());
  return str;
  * Cookie object namespace
  * @namespace
  * @name cookie
 =  || {};
  * @method set
  * @param {String} key of name cookie
  * @param {String} value cookie value
  * @param {String} expires Expires Time of expiration (hours)
  * @param {String} domain domain domain
  * @param {String} path
  * @param {String} secure supports https
 = function(name, value, expires, domain, path, secure) {
  var text = encodeURIComponent(value), date = expires;
  if(date && typeof date === 'number') {
    date = new Date();
    (() + (expires * 3600000));
  if(date instanceof Date) {
    text += '; expires=' + ();
  if(domain) {
    text += '; domain=' + domain;
  if(path) {
    text += '; path=/' + path;
  } else {
    text += '; path=/';
  if(secure) {
    text += '; secure';
   = name + '=' + text;
  * @method get
  * @param {String} key of name cookie
 = function(name) {
  var ret,
  if(name) {
    if((m = ('(?:^| )' + name + '(?:(?:=([^;]*))|;|$)'))) {
      ret = m[1] ? decodeURIComponent(m[1]) : '';
  return ret;
 =  || {};
 = function( type ,msg ){
    case 'pop': 
    case 'float':break;
 = function( msg ){
  //Operation flashing prompt  var $ = roc ,
    opt = $.("optTip");
  $. = $. || 0;
  clearTimeout();//debug   = msg ;
   = "blink" + $.%2;
   = setTimeout(function(){
 = function( id ){
  //Restrict text boxes and text fields to enter numbers only  var $ = roc ,
    num = $.( id );
  if( () != 'input' || () != 'textarea' ){
    return ;
  $.( num , 'keypress' , function( e ){
    var e = e ||  ;
    if( >= 48 &&  <= 57){alert()
      return true;
    return false;
 = function(elem, type, fn, useCapture) {
  if() { //DOM2.0
    (type, fn, useCapture);
    return true;
  } else if() { //IE5+
    ('on' + type, fn);
    return true;
  } else { //DOM 0
    elem['on' + type] = fn;
 =  || {};
 =  ||{
 =  || {};
  = function( e ){
    //Batch form values ​​for insertion    var $ = roc,
      allIsNull = true,
    wrapStr = function( num ){
      return '"'+ num + '"';
    vals =[];
  for(var i in e[0]){
    var v =$.($.( e[0][i] ).value + '');
    if( v != ''){
      allIsNull = false;
    switch( e[1][i] ){
      case 'date':
      case 'text':
        ( wrapStr(v) );
      case 'num':
        ( v );
    return false;
  return (',');
 = function(){
  //Assemble and search for sql  var $ = roc,
    addr = $.($.("s_uaddr").value),
    phone = $.($.("s_uphone").value),
    style = $.($.("s_style").value),
    year = $.($.("s_year").value ),
    month = $.($.("s_month").value),
    date = $.($.("s_date").value),
    datetype = $.($.("s_datetype").value),
    mysql = 'select * from inslist where 1=1 ',
    datetypeName = datetype == 0 ? 'selltime':'addtime';
  if( addr != ''){
    mysql += ' and uaddr like "%' + addr + '%"';  
  if( phone != ''){
    mysql += ' and uphone ="' + phone + '"';
  if( style != ''){
    mysql += ' and typeid = ' + style + '';
  if( year !=''){
    mysql += ' and year(' + datetypeName + ') = ' + year + '';
  if( month !=''){
    mysql += ' and month(' + datetypeName + ') = ' + month + '';
  if( date !=''){
    mysql += ' and date(' + datetypeName + ') = ' + date + '';
  return mysql;
//search = function(){
  if( !()){return;}
  var $ = roc ,
    mySql = $.();
    html = $.( mySql);
  $.("searchResult").innerHTML = html;
  $.("Query Completed");//Blinking};
 = function( sqlStr ){
  //Inquiry  var $ = roc,
    rs = $.( sqlStr ),
    filtRs = function ( str ){//Processing fields      return ( str + '' ) == 'null' ? '':str;
  num = 1;
  total_receive = 0,
  total_prize = 0,
  html = "<table class='list' id='memoryDetails'>"
      + "<colgroup>"
      + "<col class='pid' />"
      + "<col class='uaddr' />"
      + "<col class='phone' />"
      + "<col class='number'/>"
      + "<col class='money' span='3'/>"
      + "<col class='number' />"
      + "<col class='phone' />"
      + "<col class='number' />"
      + "<col class='date' />"
      + "<col class='date' />"
      + "</colgroup>"
      + "<tr class='secondRow doNotFilter'>"
      + " <th class='pid'> Serial number </th>"
      + " <th class='uaddr'> User address </th>"
      + " <th class='phone'> User phone number </th>"
      + " <th class='number'> model </th>"
      + " <th class='money'> Collection of payments </th>"
      + " <th class='money'> Payment </th>"
      + " <th class='money'> Balance </th>"
      + " <th class='number'> Installer </th>"
      + " <th class='phone'> Sales phone number </th>"
      + " <th class='number'> Remark </th>"
      + " <th class='date'> Sales date </th>"
      + " <th class='date'> Record time </th>"
      + "</tr>";
    var id   = num ,//filtRs(("id") ),
    uaddr    = filtRs(("uaddr") ),
    uphone   = filtRs(("uphone") ),
    typeid   = filtRs(("typeid") ),
    received  = filtRs(("received") ),
    prize    = filtRs(("prize") ),
    unreceived = filtRs(("unreceived") ),
    installerid = filtRs(("installerid") ),
    sellerid  = filtRs(("sellerid") ),
    remark   = filtRs(("remark") ),
    selltime  = $.(filtRs(("selltime") )),
    addtime   = $.(filtRs(("addtime") ) );
    html += "<tr jsselect='browzr_data'>"
    +"<td class='pid'>" + id + "</td>"
    +"<td class='uaddr'>" + uaddr + "</td>"
    +"<td class='phone'>" + uphone + "</td>"
    +"<td class='number'>" + typeid + "</td>"
    +"<td class='money'>" + received + "</td>"
    +"<td class='money'>" + prize + "</td>"
    +"<td class='money'>" + unreceived + "</td>"
    +"<td class='number'>" + installerid + "</td>"
    +"<td class='phone'>" + sellerid + "</td>"
    +"<td class='number'>" + remark + "</td>"
    +"<td class='date'>" + selltime + "</td>"
    +"<td class='date'>" + addtime + "</td>"
    // Statistics    total_receive += received,
    total_prize += prize,
  html = html 
  +"<tr class='total doNotFilter'>"
  +"<td class='pid'></td>"
  +"<td class='uaddr'>Σ </td>"
  +"<td class='number'></td>"
  +"<td class='number'></td>"
  +"<td class='number'>" + total_receive +"</td>"
  +"<td class='number'>" + total_prize +"</td>"
  +"<td class='number'>" + (total_prize - total_receive ) +"</td>"
  +"<td class='number'></td>"
  +"<td class='number'></td>"
  +"<td class='number'></td>"
  +"<td class='date'></td>"
  +"<td class='date'></td>"
  return html;
 = function(){
  //Query lock  if( typeof  == 'undefined' ){
  return ;
 = function( key ){
   = key;
 = [[
 = function(){
  //Insert the installation order record  var $ = roc,
    getV = $.( $. );
    $.('pop','Please fill in the information before saving!  ');
  var sqlStr = 'insert into inslist (uaddr,uphone,typeid,received,prize,unreceived,installerid,sellerid,remark,selltime) values ('+ getV +')';
  $.( sqlStr );
  $.('Save the installation order successfully');
/*Show and Hide*/
 = function( objDiv){
  var $ = roc ,
    cookieName =  + 'cookie';
  if(  =='' ||  =='none' ){
    $.( objDiv );
    $.( objDiv );
//Operation of cargo model =  || {};
 = [
 = function(){
  //Insert record  var $ = roc,
    getV = $.( $. );
  if( !getV ){
    $.('pop','Please fill in the information before saving!  ');
  var sqlStr = 'insert into type ( tname , tprize , tdesc ) values ('+ getV +')';
  $.( sqlStr );
  $.('Save successfully!  ');
 = function( els ){
  var $ = roc ;
  for(var i = 0 ; i <  ; i ++){
    var e = $.(els[i]+'');
    /* if( == 'input' &&  =='text'){*/
       = '';
 = function( optId ){
  //Get the type list  var $ = roc ,
    mySql = 'select * from type where isdel = 0 ',
    rs = $.( mySql ),
    filtRs = function ( str ){//Processing fields      return (str+'')=='null' ? '':str;
  myOpt = $.( optId ),
  optIndex = 1;
  while(!  ){
    var id = filtRs(('id')),
      prize = filtRs(('tprize')),
      name = filtRs(('tname'));
      desc = filtRs(('tdesc'));
    [optIndex] = new Option( name , id );
    [optIndex].title = 'price:' + prize + ' | Description:' + desc;
  var $ = roc ;
  $.("save").onclick = function(){
    //save    $.();
  $.("searchBtn").onclick = function(){
    //Request inspection    $.();
  //Initialize query installation form Year  for(var i = 0 ; i <= 10 ; i++ ){
    $.("s_year").options[i] = new Option(2010 + i , 2010 + i );
    if( 2010+i+'' == (new Date()).getYear() ){
      $.("s_year").options[i].selected = true;
  //Initialize query installation month  for(var i = 1 ; i <= 12 ; i++ ){
    $.("s_month").options[i] = new Option(i,i);
  //Retrieve condition field id modification triggers query  $.dom.s_fields = ["s_uaddr","s_uphone","s_style","s_datetype",'s_year','s_month','s_date'];
  for(var i = 0 ; i < $.dom.s_fields.length ; i ++){
    var f = $.dom.s_fields[i];
    $.(f).onpropertychange = function(){
      if( == 'value'){
        $. = setTimeout(function(){
    $.(f).onfocus = function(){
    $.(f).onblur = function(){
  $.('saveType').onclick = function(){
    //Cargo Type    $.();
  //Fetch the type list  $.('typeid');
/* //$.("s_uaddr").onkeyup = $.("s_uphone").onkeyup = $.("s_style").onkeyup = function(){
  $.("s_uaddr").onblur = $.("s_uphone").onblur = $.("s_style").onblur = function(){
  $.("s_uaddr").onfocus = $.("s_uphone").onfocus = $.("s_style").onfocus = function(){
  //Switch navigation style  for(var i = 0 ; i < $. ; i++ ){
    var curObj = $.($.[0][i]+'');
     = function(){
     = function(){
  //Add navigation click event  var lis = $.('li',$.("ulNav"));
  for(var i = 0 ; i <  ; i ++ ){
    $.( $.(lis[i].id + 'Div'));
    lis[i].onclick = function(){
    for(var n = 0 ; n <  ; n ++ ){
      $.( $.(lis[n].id + 'Div'));
    $.( $.( + "Div"));
    $.('showWhichDiv', );
  //Default load display page  var showWhichDiv = $.("showWhichDiv") || "searchList";
  $.($.(showWhichDiv + 'Div'));
  //Date control, thanks to the developer of this control for sharing, I wish you a good girlfriend!  J('#selltime').calendar({ format:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' });
  var numFields = ['s_uphone','s_date','uphone','received','prize','unreceived','installerid'];
  for( var i = 0 ; i <  ; i ++ ){
    $.( numFields[i] );

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's JavaScript programming.