Updated on 2025-03-10

Method of implementing cache based on file storage

This article describes the method of PHP to implement cache based on file storage. Share it for your reference. The details are as follows:

When some database data records are large but the server is limited, a MySQL query may take hundreds of milliseconds. A simple page usually has more than a dozen queries. At this time, it will take several seconds to load a page. If the concurrency volume is high, the server will basically be paralyzed, causing a page to not be loaded for a long time. At this time, we can use file cache to relieve the pressure of MySQL. Here is an example of usage.

//Page business logic processing to obtain results$objPage = new Page_IndexModel($arrParams);
//A series of business logic is placed in objPage, and the process method is called to obtain the result set$arrResult = $objPage->process();
//After obtaining the result, smarty assignment$smarty->assign($arrResult);
//Output template$smarty->display();

Now we use file cache to skip the Page business processing step

$cachFile = './';
//The cached file exists and the time does not exceed one hour, then the cached result set is directly used and no MySQL query is being conducted.if(file_exists($cacheFile) && time()-filemtime($cachFile) < 3600) {
  //Use the cached results  $arrResult = include($cachFile);
} else {
  $objPage = new Page_IndexModel($arrParams);
  $arrResult = $objPage->process();
  $strContent = "<?php \n return ".var_export($arrResult, true)."\n;";
  //Cach the result set  file_put_contents($cachFile, $strContent);
//After obtaining the result, smarty assignment$smarty->assign($arrResult);
//Output template$smarty->display();

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's PHP programming.