Updated on 2025-03-11

JVM tuning of Docker-java project - Memory method

1. Analyze memory usage

1.1 Enter the docker container

# View container listdocker ps
# Enter the container command line terminal according to the container name or iddocker exec -it <container_name> bash

1.2 View the current java process list through jps

Three different levels of process list (mainly obtaining the lvmid of the java process)

root@21e4300860c8:/# jps
1 jar
79 Jps

root@21e4300860c8:/# jps -l
1 /

root@21e4300860c8:/# jps -lv
1 / -Xmx512m -Xms512m -=dev,jiewli -= -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=18000
139  -=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 -Xms8m

1.3 Statistics the memory pool capacity of the java process through jstat -gccapacity

root@21e4300860c8:/# jstat -gccapacity -h 20 1 250
NGCMN    NGCMX     NGC     S0C   S1C       EC      OGCMN      OGCMX       OGC         OC       MCMN     MCMX      MC     CCSMN    CCSMX     CCSC    YGC    FGC 
174592.0 174592.0 174592.0 7680.0 8704.0 157184.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0      0.0 1136640.0  98280.0      0.0 1048576.0  11904.0     46     4
174592.0 174592.0 174592.0 7680.0 8704.0 157184.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0      0.0 1136640.0  98280.0      0.0 1048576.0  11904.0     46     4
174592.0 174592.0 174592.0 7680.0 8704.0 157184.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0      0.0 1136640.0  98280.0      0.0 1048576.0  11904.0     46     4
174592.0 174592.0 174592.0 7680.0 8704.0 157184.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0      0.0 1136640.0  98280.0      0.0 1048576.0  11904.0     46     4
174592.0 174592.0 174592.0 7680.0 8704.0 157184.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0      0.0 1136640.0  98280.0      0.0 1048576.0  11904.0     46     4
174592.0 174592.0 174592.0 7680.0 8704.0 157184.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0      0.0 1136640.0  98280.0      0.0 1048576.0  11904.0     46     4
174592.0 174592.0 174592.0 7680.0 8704.0 157184.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0   349696.0      0.0 1136640.0  98280.0      0.0 1048576.0  11904.0     46     4


  1. The new generation space isSurvivor0Survivor1Eden(Survivor Space 0, Survivor Space 1, Garden of Eden) consists of three parts
  2. OGC = sum(all OC), At present, there is only one space in the elderly, soOGCandOCequal. You can explore the differences when there are multiple spaces in the elderly.
  3. JVM parameters-Xmx512mThe maximum heap memory is equal toNGCMX + OGCMX
  4. JVM parameters-Xms512mThe minimum heap memory is equal toNGCMN + OGCMN
  5. Minimum value of the heap-XmsParameters and maximum values-XmxSetting the parameters to the same can prevent the heap from automatically expanding. Because the initial allocation of the JVM is-XmsSpecifies that the default is physical memory1/64; The maximum memory allocated by the JVM is-XmxSpecifies that the default is physical memory1/4. When the default free heap memory is less than 40%, the JVM will increase the heap until-XmxThe maximum limit of the spare heap memory is greater than 70%, the JVM will reduce the heap until-XmsMinimum limit for . Therefore, the server is generally set up-Xms-XmxEqual to avoid resizing the heap after each GC. The heap memory of an object is recycled by an automatic memory management system called a garbage collector.
  6. Full GC trigger condition:
  • Callhour
  • Insufficient space for the elderly
  • Insufficient space in the method area
  • The average size of the elderly after passing through Minor GC (Queen Generation GC) is greater than the available memory in the elderly
  • When copying from the Eden area and From Space area to the To Space area, the object size is larger than the available memory in To Space, the object will be transferred to the old age, and the available memory in the old age is smaller than the size of the object.

JVM parameters-XX:MetaspaceSizeThe memory size of the metaspace is initialized, the default is 20.79MB. After exceeding 20.79MB, Full GC will be triggered every dimensional space amplification, so a larger value can reduce the number of Full GCs.

JVM parameters-XX:MaxMetaspaceSizeThe maximum memory size of the metaspace is unlimited by default (exceeding the host memory is considered consistent with the host memory). Setting this value can avoid occupying a large amount of host memory resources in the event of a failure and affecting other services.

Column code List name Capacity (kB) Capacity (MB)
NGCMN Initial New Generation Space Capacity 174592.0 170.5
NGCMX Maximum space capacity of the new generation 174592.0 170.5
NGC Current new generation capacity 174592.0 170.5
S0C Current survivor space 0 capacity 7680.0 7.5
S1C Current Survivor Space 1 Capacity 8704.0 8.5
EC Current space capacity of Eden area 157184.0 153.5
OGCMN Initial space capacity for old age 349696.0 341.5
OGCMX Maximum space capacity for older generations 349696.0 341.5
OGC Current space capacity for the elderly 349696.0 341.5
MCMN Initial metaspace capacity 0.0 0
MCMX Maximum metaspace capacity 1136640.0 1,110
MC Current metaspace capacity 98280.0 95.9765625
CCSMN Compressed initial capacity of class space 0.0 0
CCSMX Maximum compressed class space capacity 1048576.0 1,024
CCSC The currently compressed class space capacity 11904.0 11.625
YGC Number of GC events in the new generation 46
FGC Number of full GC events 4

1.4 You can also use jstat -gc to count

root@7f9fbd4518a4:/# jstat -gc -h 20 1 250
 S0C    S1C    S0U    S1U      EC       EU        OC         OU       MC     MU    CCSC   CCSU   YGC     YGCT    FGC    FGCT     GCT   
10240.0 10240.0 2416.0  0.0   154112.0 123601.6  349696.0   60088.4   81112.0 75681.7 9432.0 8462.8     38    1.640   3      0.431    2.071
10240.0 10240.0 2416.0  0.0   154112.0 123601.6  349696.0   60088.4   81112.0 75681.7 9432.0 8462.8     38    1.640   3      0.431    2.071
10240.0 10240.0 2416.0  0.0   154112.0 123601.6  349696.0   60088.4   81112.0 75681.7 9432.0 8462.8     38    1.640   3      0.431    2.071
10240.0 10240.0 2416.0  0.0   154112.0 123893.9  349696.0   60088.4   81112.0 75681.7 9432.0 8462.8     38    1.640   3      0.431    2.071
10240.0 10240.0 2416.0  0.0   154112.0 123893.9  349696.0   60088.4   81112.0 75681.7 9432.0 8462.8     38    1.640   3      0.431    2.071
10240.0 10240.0 2416.0  0.0   154112.0 123893.9  349696.0   60088.4   81112.0 75681.7 9432.0 8462.8     38    1.640   3      0.431    2.071
10240.0 10240.0 2416.0  0.0   154112.0 123893.9  349696.0   60088.4   81112.0 75681.7 9432.0 8462.8     38    1.640   3      0.431    2.071
10240.0 10240.0 2416.0  0.0   154112.0 123893.9  349696.0   60088.4   81112.0 75681.7 9432.0 8462.8     38    1.640   3      0.431    2.071
10240.0 10240.0 2416.0  0.0   154112.0 123893.9  349696.0   60088.4   81112.0 75681.7 9432.0 8462.8     38    1.640   3      0.431    2.071
10240.0 10240.0 2416.0  0.0   154112.0 123893.9  349696.0   60088.4   81112.0 75681.7 9432.0 8462.8     38    1.640   3      0.431    2.071


Column code List name KB MB Remark
S0C Survivor space 0 capacity 10240.0 10
S1C Survivor Space 1 Capacity 10240.0 10
S0U Survivor Space 1 Utilization Rate 2416.0 2.35
S1U Survivor Space 1 Utilization Rate 0.0 0.0
EC Eden space capacity 154112.0 150.5
EU Eden Space Utilization 123601.0 120.70
OC Space capacity for the elderly 349696.0 341.5
OU Space utilization rate in the elderly 60088.0 58.67
MC Metaspace capacity 81112.0 79.21
MU Metaspace utilization 75681.7 73.90
CCSC Compressed space capacity 9432.0 9.21 Compressed class space capacity, corresponding parameter -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize
CCSU Compressed space utilization 8462.0 8.26
YGC Number of GC events in the new generation 38
YGCT Time of the new generation of GC events 1.640
FGC Full GC events 3
FGCT Full GC event time 0.431
GCT Total GC time 2.071

1.5 Statistics of garbage collection statistics of java processes through jstat -gcutil

No limiting the number of acquisitions, try to simulate the system call situation under normal circumstances during the acquisition process until the gc event is triggered.

Trigger a new generation of GC eventMinor GC(observeYGCQuantity +1)

root@21e4300860c8:/# jstat -gcutil -h 20 1 250
  S0     S1     E      O      M     CCS    YGC     YGCT    FGC    FGCT     GCT  
  0.00   8.68  98.93  16.94  92.54  89.70     49    1.761     4    0.908    2.669
  0.00   8.68  98.96  16.94  92.54  89.70     49    1.761     4    0.908    2.669
  0.00   8.68  98.96  16.94  92.54  89.70     49    1.761     4    0.908    2.669
  0.00   8.68  98.96  16.94  92.54  89.70     49    1.761     4    0.908    2.669
  0.00   8.68  98.96  16.94  92.54  89.70     49    1.761     4    0.908    2.669
  6.80   0.00   0.00  16.95  92.52  89.72     50    1.766     4    0.908    2.673
  6.80   0.00   0.74  16.95  92.52  89.72     50    1.766     4    0.908    2.673
  6.80   0.00   1.27  16.95  92.52  89.72     50    1.766     4    0.908    2.673
  6.80   0.00   2.67  16.95  92.52  89.72     50    1.766     4    0.908    2.673
  6.80   0.00   2.67  16.95  92.52  89.72     50    1.766     4    0.908    2.673
  6.80   0.00   2.67  16.95  92.52  89.72     50    1.766     4    0.908    2.673
  6.80   0.00   2.67  16.95  92.52  89.72     50    1.766     4    0.908    2.673

Trigger a full GC eventFull GC, If the space is too large, it cannot be triggered manually in general, and it is necessary to wait through time (the project start time divided byFGCIt can be seen how long it takes to trigger Full GC), which is usually triggered once every 1 hour.

Maybe it can alsosurvivorSpace utilization is close to 100% triggering Full GC.

root@21e4300860c8:/# jstat -gcutil -h 20 1 250
  S0     S1     E      O      M     CCS    YGC     YGCT    FGC    FGCT     GCT   
  0.00  99.67  53.34  19.88  93.38  90.50     45    1.680     3    0.627    2.308
  0.00  99.67  55.03  19.88  93.38  90.50     45    1.680     3    0.627    2.308
  0.00  99.67  55.03  19.88  93.38  90.50     45    1.680     3    0.627    2.308
  0.00  99.67  55.03  19.88  93.38  90.50     45    1.680     3    0.627    2.308
  0.00  99.67  56.72  19.88  93.38  90.50     45    1.680     3    0.627    2.308
  0.00  99.67  56.72  19.88  93.38  90.50     45    1.680     3    0.627    2.308
 28.13   0.00   0.00  21.17  93.02  90.13     46    1.729     4    0.627    2.356
  0.00   0.00   0.00  16.94  92.41  89.38     46    1.729     4    0.908    2.637
  0.00   0.00   0.84  16.94  92.41  89.38     46    1.729     4    0.908    2.637
  0.00   0.00   0.84  16.94  92.41  89.38     46    1.729     4    0.908    2.637
  0.00   0.00   0.84  16.94  92.41  89.38     46    1.729     4    0.908    2.637
  0.00   0.00   0.90  16.94  92.41  89.38     46    1.729     4    0.908    2.637
  0.00   0.00   0.92  16.94  92.41  89.38     46    1.729     4    0.908    2.637
  0.00   0.00   0.92  16.94  92.41  89.38     46    1.729     4    0.908    2.637

1.6 Check the metaspace situation

# View a parameter of a java instance# Check the value of MetaspaceSize, the default is -XX:MetaspaceSize=21807104 (20.79 MB)jinfo -flag MetaspaceSize <jvmid>
# Check the value of MaxMetaspaceSize, the default is -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=18446744073709547520 (the value exceeds the maximum memory of the host, and is considered infinite or consistent with the host)jinfo -flag MaxMetaspaceSize <jvmid>

1.7 Check the status of the docker container

#On the docker container (host) terminaldocker stats
# Check the status of a docker containerdocker stats <container_name | id>

The command result is as follows:

CONTAINER ID   NAME                       CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O           BLOCK I/O     PIDS
38b70395877a   knx-organization-service   0.49%     426.4MiB / 3.682GiB   11.31%    4.88MB / 4.35MB   47.6MB / 0B   57
7f9fbd4518a4   user-account-service       0.38%     479.4MiB / 3.682GiB   12.71%    1.84MB / 2.67MB   72.1MB / 0B   48


List name describe
CONTAINER ID and Name The ID and name of the container
CPU % and MEM % Percentage of host CPU and memory that the container is using
MEM USAGE / LIMIT The total memory that the container is using and the total amount of memory allowed to be used
NET I/O The amount of data a container sends and receives through its network interface
BLOCK I/O The amount of data the container has read and written from the block device on the host
PIDs The number of processes or threads created by the container

I/O devices are roughly divided into two categories: block devices and character devices. The block device stores information in fixed-sized blocks, each block has its own address.

The size of the data block is usually between 512 bytes and 32768 bytes. The basic feature of a block device is that each block can be read and written independently of other blocks. Disks are the most common block devices

Based on the first result, we can know:

  1. The maximum memory limit for docker containers is3.682GiB, in fact, is the entire memory of the host, which is equivalent to unlimited.
  2. The memory size used by the docker container is426.4MiB,and11.31% * 3.682GiBConsistent, it is actually the actual memory usage size of the java process in the container (very close), which means that the docker container does not consume much extra memory except for the service.
  3. The number of processes or threads in the docker container is 57, and the process has only one java service, so it can be regarded as the number of threads for the java service.

1.8 Calculate performance parameters

It is known that the current space capacity of the elderly is341.5 MB, and then based on the results collected from the two event processes, namely, the Cenozoic GC and Full GC, it can be calculated:

  1. Space utilization rate in the elderly: 16.94% ~ 21.17%
  2. Space utilization interval for the elderly: 57.8501 MB ~ 72.29555 MB
  3. By default, the old age accounts for 2/3 of the heap memory, and the minimum heap size that can be calculated can be calculated: 72.29555/0.66=109.53871 MB
  4. Push the minimum heap size up a closest 1024 divisor: 1024/8=128 MB
  5. Non-heap memory will not be collected by garbage, and can be regarded as a permanent generation. The amount of current use is basically only needed, according toCCSCCalculate the closest 1024 divisor upwards: 1024/64=16 MB
  6. The current number of threads is 57. Considering that the current instance is a development environment, the concurrency rate is very low, and the maximum number of threads is 100.

2. Modify JVM parameters -Xmx, -Xms, -XX:MetaspaceSize, -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize

Java8 has already removed the permanent generation space (PermGen or permanent generation)-XX:PermSize-XX:MaxPermSizeBoth parameters are invalid.

Instead, metaspace:

  • -XX:MetaspaceSize: Minimum metaspace size: It is not the initial metaspace size. The metaspace is 0 at the beginning and continues to expand. Until MetaspaceSize, Full GC will not be triggered. Once the amplification exceeds MetaspaceSize, Full GC will be triggered every amplification.
  • -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize: Maximum metaspace size: the upper limit of amplification, the default is unlimited. Set a value to avoid a service from occupying the entire server's memory due to errors loading classes, thereby affecting the operation of other services.

Modify the project imageDockerfilemiddlejavaJVM parameters of the command

java \
-Xmx128m \
-Xms128m \
-XX:MetaspaceSize=128m \
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m \

And rebuild the image and run it.

3. Estimate the memory limit of Docker containers

Max memory = [-Xmx] + [-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize] + number_of_threads * [-Xss]


The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.