Today, when I was watching "Programmer Interview Book", I accidentally saw the access efficiency of arrays and pointers. I was bored and wrote a small piece of code myself to briefly analyze the assembly behind C. Many people may only focus on C, but in actual applications, when problems arise, sometimes the problem can be solved by analyzing the assembly code. This article is only for beginners, and big bulls can float by~
The C source code is as follows:
#include ""
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char a=1;
char c[] = "1234567890";
char *p = "1234567890";
a = c[1];
a = p[1];
return 0;
Check the assembly code steps under VC6.0:
Set breakpoints in any line in the main function F9 -> Compile -> F5 Right-click in the debug interface -> Go to disassembly
Debug assembly code (commented):
4: #include ""
6: int main(int argc, char* argv[])
7: {
00401010 push ebp
00401011 mov
00401013 esp,54h ; Raise the top of the stack
00401016 push ebx
00401017 push esi
00401018 push �
00401019 lea edi,[ebp-54h]
0040101C mov ecx,15h
00401021 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00401026 rep stos dword ptr [edi] ; The data between the top of the stack and the stack frame is filled with 0xcc, which is equivalent to int 3 in assembly. This is because all variables on Stack are initialized to 0xcc in debug mode to check for uninitialized problems
8: char a=1;
00401028 mov byte ptr [ebp-4],1 ;ebp-4 is the space address allocated for variable a
9: char c[] = "1234567890";
0040102C mov eax,[string "1234567890" (0042201c)]
00401031 mov In this sentence, the 4 bytes "1234" are copied into array C first.
00401034 mov ecx,dword ptr [string "1234567890" 4 (00422020)]
0040103A mov
0040103D mov dx,word ptr [string "1234567890" 8 (00422024)]
00401044 mov word ptr [ebp-8],dx ; The function is the same as above, copy the 2 bytes of "90" into C
00401048 mov al,[string "1234567890" 0Ah (00422026)]
0040104D mov byte ptr [ebp-6],al ; Everyone is familiar with this, don't forget\0
10: char *p = "1234567890";
00401050 mov
11: a = c[1];
00401057 mov cl,byte ptr [ebp-0Fh] ; This is the point, because array C is continuously stored on the stack, it is easy to find the address of one of the characters based on ebp, take the value, and assign it to cl
0040105A mov byte ptr [ebp-4],cl ; Complete assignment
12: a = p[1];
0040105D mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-14h] ; There is a difference here from the above, because according to ebp, only the value of pointer p is known, and the value of p is obtained first, that is, a pointer is obtained first
00401060 mov al,byte ptr [edx 1] ; Indirectly find a character in the string based on the obtained pointer
00401063 mov byte ptr [ebp-4],al
13: return 0;
00401066 xor eax,eax ; eax clears 0, as the return value of the main function
14: }
00401068 pop edi
00401069 pop esi
0040106A pop ebx
0040106B mov esp,ebp
0040106D pop
0040106E ret
OK, you can see that using an array to access elements requires only 2 steps, while using a pointer requires 3 steps. It can be seen that arrays and pointers are not the same. Sometimes everyone thinks that the name of an array can be regarded as a pointer. This idea is sometimes correct, but sometimes it can go wrong. Let me give you another simple example, and the following example may be a problem that everyone often encounters during the development process.
In the file:
#include ""
#include ""
extern char chTest[10];
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
printf("chTest=%s\n", chTest);
return 0;
There is an extern declaration above, indicating that the chTest array is defined in an external file. chTest is defined in:
char chTest[10]="123456789";
The above program can be successfully run after being compiled. But if you change the red code to the following:
extern char *chTest;
At this time, the program will not be able to pass when compiling. The error message prompts is: redefinition; different types of indirection, but there is no explanation on which line of error appears. If you are developing a large project, it is not easy to locate where the problem lies. I think everyone understands the reason for the above error, because when chTest is referenced as a pointer, its element access method is different from that of arrays. Even if the program can be compiled and passed, an error will occur during runtime.
Okay, the above content is all about personal feelings, it is just simple and fragmentary things, and I accept it with a smile. If there are any places that are not appropriate, I hope to correct them!