Updated on 2025-03-11

Android network access tutorial

1. Concept

HttpClient Removed in Android 6 (difficult to expand the number of APIs).
HttpURLConnection Currently officially integrated.
OKHttp Produced by Square, the realization of underlying communications.
Retrofit Produced by Square, the packaging of the upper-level interface makes it more convenient to use object-oriented thinking for network operations.

2. Use

Android 9 has only allowed HTTPS-type network requests by default, and HTTP plaintext transmission is no longer supported due to security risks. If you insist on using it, you need to configure it: Right-click the res directory → New → Directory → Create an xml directory, Right-click the xml directory → New → File → Create a network_config.xml file, and the modification content is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
            <certificates src="system" />

Manifest {
//Add network access permissions
    <uses-permission android:name="" />
//Allow HTTP access


thread {
    var connection: HttpURLConnection? = null
    try {
        val response = StringBuilder()
        val url = URL("")
        connection = () as HttpURLConnection
         = 8000
         = 8000
        //GET request        val input = 
        val reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(input))
         { (it) }
        //POST request         = "POST"
        val output = DataOutputStream()
    } catch (e: Exception) {
    } finally {




View the latest version

implementation '.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0'    //OkHttp and Okio will be downloaded together
implementation '.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.k6.1'  //GSON will be downloaded together

2.3.1 Defining entity classes

Based on JSON content, write the corresponding entity class.

data class Person(var name: String, var age: Int)

2.3.2 Defining API Interface

According to the API interface, write the corresponding access file. Naming usually starts with a function name + ends with a service.

@GET Get data from the server
@POST Submit data to the server
@PUT @PATCH Modify data on the server
@DELETE Delete data on the server
interface PersonService {
    //Interface 1:/    @GET("")    // means that the GET request is initiated, the address of the incoming request (relative path, repeated root path is configured later)    fun getPerson(): Call&lt;list&lt;Person&gt;&gt;    //The return value must be declared as the call type built in Retrofit, and the specific data type returned by the server is specified through generics    //Interface 2:/<page>/    @GET("{page}/get_data.json")    //Use {page} placeholder    fun getData(@Path("page") page: Int): Call&lt;Data&gt;    //Use the @Path("page") annotation to declare the corresponding parameters    //Interface 3: /?u=<user>&t=<token>    @GET("")
    fun getData(@Query("u") user: String, @Query("t") token: String): Call&lt;Data&gt;
    //Interface 4: /v2/place?query=Beijing&token={token}&lang=zh_CN    @GET("v2/place?token=${}&amp;lang=zh_CN")    //The unchanged parameters are fixed in GET    fun searchPlaces(@Query("query") query: String): Call&lt;PlaceResponse&gt;
    //Interface 5: /data/<id>    @DELETE("data/{id}")
    fun deleteData(@Path("id") id: String): Call&lt;ResponseBody&gt;    //This generic type can accept any type and will not be parsed    //Interface 6: /data/create{"id": 1, "content": "The description for this data."}    @POST("data/create")
    fun createData(@Body data: Data): Call&lt;ResponseBody&gt;    //Convert the data in the Data object into JSON format text and put it in the body part of the HTTP request    //Interface 7: /get_data.json    // User-Agent: okhttp //header parameters are key-value pairs    //      Cache-Control: max-age=0
    // Static declaration    @Headers("User-Agent: okhttp", "Cache-Control: max-age=0")
    fun getData(): Call&lt;Data&gt;
    // Dynamic statement    @GET("get_data.json")
    fun getData(@Header("User-Agent") userAgent: String, @Header("Cache-Control") cacheControl: String): Call&lt;Data&gt;

2.3.3 Building Retrofit Objects

val retrofit = ()
    .baseUrl("/")    //Configure duplicate root path    .addConverterFactory(())    //Specify the conversion library to use to parse the data (here is Gson)    .build()

2.3.4 Create an API interface instance and call access functions

//Create a dynamic proxy objectval personService = (PersonService::)
//Calling access function().enqueue(object : Call&lt;List&lt;person&gt;&gt; {    //Can network request based on the address configured in the annotation    override fun onResponse(call: Call&lt;List&lt;person&gt;&gt;, response: Response&lt;List&lt;person&gt;&gt;) {
        val list = ()    //Get parsed object    }
    override fun onFailure(call: Call&lt;List&lt;person&gt;&gt;, t: Trouble) {

2.3.5 Optimization

object GlobalRetrofit {
    private const val BASE_URL = "/"
    val retrofit: Retrofit = ()
    //fun &lt;T&gt; create(serviceClass: Class&lt;T&gt;): T = (serviceClass)
    inline fun &lt;reified T&gt; create(): T = create(T::)
//useval personService = &lt;PersonService&gt;()

This is the article about the Retrofit usage tutorial on Android network access. For more related Android Retrofit content, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!