Android Support Annotations
Here is the rightThe information about Android Support Annotations has been sorted out in detail. You can refer to it below:
annotation explain @AnimatorRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a Animator Types of resources @AnimRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a Anim Types of resources @AnyRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a任意Types of resources @AnyThred 表示被annotation的方法可以在任何线程中被调用 @ArrayRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a Array Types of resources @AttrRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a attribute Types of resources @BinderThread 表示被annotation的方法只可以在被绑定的线程中被调用 @BoolRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a布尔Types of resources @CallSuper Indicates that any overridden method must call this method of the parent class @CheckResult 表示不能忽视被annotation方法的返回value @ColorInt Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a颜色value而不是颜色资源引用,For example, it should be a AARRGGBB integer value。 @ColorRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a color Types of resources,Instead of color values。Pay attention to and ColorInt the difference @DimenRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a dimension Types of resources @Dimension 表示被annotation的整形参数,A field or return value is a size type @DrawableRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a drawable Types of resources @FloatRange 表示被annotation的元素必须是在一个给定范围的floatordoublevalue @FractionRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a fraction Types of resources @IdRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a资源的 ID type @IntegerRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a整数Types of resources @IntRange 表示被annotation的元素必须是在一个给定范围的longorintvalue @InterpolatorRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a interpolator Types of resources @keep 表示被annotation的元素在构建混淆时不会被删除or缩小字段,Will keep the original field @LayoutRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a layout 布局文件Types of resources @MainThread 表示被annotation的方法只能在主Thread call @MenuRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a menu Types of resources @NonNull 表示被annotation的参数,字段or返回value不能为空 @Nullable 表示被annotation的参数,字段or返回value可以为空 @PluralsRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a plurals Types of resources @Px Parameters representing this plastic surgery,字段or返回value是一个像素尺寸 @RawRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a raw Types of resources @RequiresApi 表示被annotation的元素只能在给定的api级别or更高版本上运行 @RequiresPermission 表示被annotation的元素需要(or可能需要)一个or多个权限 @ Specify that read permissions are required @ Specify that write permissions are required @Size 表示被annotation的元素必须有一个给定的大小or长度 @StringDef 表示被annotation的元素代表一个逻辑type并且它的value必须是显示命名的常量 @StringRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a字符串Types of resources @StyleableRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a styleable Types of resources @StyleRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a style Types of resources @TransitionRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a transition Types of resources @UiThread 表示被annotation的方法or构造方法只能在UIThread call @VisibleForTesting Mainly used in testing,Very few use,Sign effect @WorkerThread 表示被annotation的方法or构造方法只能在工作Thread call @XmlRes Indicates this parameter、The return value of the field or function should be a XML Types of resources
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