Updated on 2024-10-26

A basic tutorial on using the python pillow library

point of knowledge (math.)

  • Image Module ()

Functions of the Image module
Methods of the Image module

  • ImageChops module
  • ImageColor module

Basic use

image module

Load an image object, rotate it 90 degrees and display it

from PIL import Image
#Display Image
im = ('')

# Convert the image 90 degrees

Create Thumbnail 128x128

from PIL import Image
import glob, os
size = 128, 128
for infile in ('D:\code\gitee\pydata\python3-example\pillow_demo\*.jpg'):
  filename = (infile)[-1]
  im = (infile)
  (size, )
  ("D:\code\gitee\pydata\python3-example\pillow_demo\\" + filename)

Create a new image with a resolution of 1920*1080

from PIL import Image
im = ('RGB', (1920, 1080), (255, 0, 0))
im1 = ('RGB', (1920, 1080), 'red')
im2 = ('RGB', (1920, 1080), '#FF0000')

Convert images to PNG

im = ('', 'r')
im_png = ('', 'r')

ImageChops module

The ImageChops module contains several arithmetic image operations, called channel operations, which enable, among other things, special effects, image compositing, algorithmic painting, and more!

It functions Most channel operations use one or two image parameter comparisons to return a new image, and only some common methods are listed below:

(image1,image2): compares the two images pixel by pixel and returns the new image containing the brighter values

from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageChops


ImageColor module

ImageColor module is used to implement the RGB color table conversion, it supports is the color format includes:

  • Hexadecimal color descriptor, e.g., "#ff0000" specifies solid red.
  • RGB functions, given as "rgb(red, green, blue)", where the color value is an integer in the range 0 to 255, e.g., "rgb(255,0,0)" and "rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)". 0%, 0%)
  • Common HTML color names, e.g., "red" designates solid red

getrgb(color): convert color string to RGB tuple

from PIL import ImageColor

(255, 0, 0)

The above is the basic use of python pillow library tutorial details, more information about the use of python pillow library please pay attention to my other related articles!