Updated on 2024-10-28

How to read micaps file using python details

I've been working with files quite a bit with programming lately, and I'm more familiar with matlab, but I'd like to write in python, not Fortran.

The data used are shown below, the first 4 rows are descriptions and the actual data to be used is from row 5 onwards.

There are 29*53 points in total, each group has 53 data, and there are 29 groups in total.

Here's how it works.

# Import the required libraries
import numpy
# Open micaps file
f1 = open('13052520.000', 'rt')
f2 = open('', 'wt')
# The first 4 lines are commented data, not used
for i in range(4):
 temp = ()
# Define an array to hold the data in the file, 29 rows by 53 columns
data = ((29, 53))
# Line by line, reads a string #
for lin in range(29):
 con = 0
 # 1 line required for every 6 lines in the document
 for i in range(6):
  # Read 1 line
  dd = ()
  # Remove the \n from the readout and separate the characters by spaces to form a list of several strings
  dd = ()
  # Here's how to import strings into an array, one by one.
  for d in dd:
   data[lin][con] = float(d)
   con = con + 1

# Convert arrays to lists
data = ()
# One by one
# Since writing to a file can only be done with strings, the list needs to be converted to a string.
for i in range(len(data)):
 for j in range(len(data[i])):
  (' ')
 # At the end of each line, a new line

The final write up looks like this

Read and write binary files, I'll write and write about it when I have time, first I'll continue to do my internship with matlab (‾◡◝)


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