When writing code, it is often necessary to make judgments based on certain conditions and execute different branches of code based on the results of the judgments.
# Individual conditions a =1 if a==1: print(11111)
if a==2: print(2222) else: print(333)
# Multiple conditions, add as many as you want # if a==1: print(11111) elif a==2: print(22222) else: print(33333)
circular judgment
If we needed to print 100 numbers from 1 to 100, we certainly wouldn't be foolish enough to write 100 lines of print code, but would use a loop to handle similar repetitive tasks.
while loop
The idea of a while loop is to keep executing the code in the loop body as long as a condition is true, until the condition is no longer true.
flag = 0 while flag<10: print(flag) flag +=1 # Always remember to change the condition variable in the loop body # # Otherwise it may lead to a dead loop
for loop
The number of loops in a for loop is generally predetermined, and iterates over a flag variable from a start value to an end value.
# x starts at 0 and goes all the way to 9 # for x in range(0,10): print(x)
Lists and dictionaries can be easily traversed with for loops.
li = [1,2.1,'Hello'] # Iterate through the list, where item is just a temporary variable. for item in li: print(item)
dict = { k1:1,k2:2.1,k3:'Hello'} # Iterate through all the keys of the dictionary, the key here is also just a temporary variable, the name doesn't matter. for item in (): print(item)
# Iterate through all the values of the dictionary, where value is also a temporary variable with an unimportant name. for item in (): print(item)
# Iterate over key and value at the same time for key,value in (): print(key,end='|') print(value)
cyclic control
There are three main types of loop control: pass, continue, and break.
pass means do nothing, just take up a line of code; continue means immediately exit the loop, continue to execute the subsequent rounds of the loop; break means immediately out of the loop, the subsequent rounds of the loop is no longer executed.
for x in range(0, 10): if x == 5: pass else: print(x)
for x in range(0, 10): if x == 5: continue print(x)
for x in xrange(0, 10): if x == 5: break print x
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