I. Installation
- redis is a Key-Value database.
- Value supports string, list, set, zset, hash and so on.
pip install redis
II. Connections
import redis # Mode I r = (host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) # Mode II r = (host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True) # Way three, connection pooling pool = (host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True) r = (host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True)
III. Basic string commands
import redis r = (host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True) # Set the value and set the expiration time, ex unit: seconds ('food', 'mutton', ex=3) # Get the value ('food') # Set value and set expiration time, px unit: milliseconds ('food', 'beef', px=3) # nx=True, then the current set operation is executed only if name does not exist. ('fruit', 'watermelon', nx=True) # xx=True, then the current set operation is executed only if name exists. ('fruit', 'watermelon', xx=True) # setnx sets the value and performs the set operation only if name does not exist ('fruit1', 'banana') # setex The first argument is the key, the second is the expiration time (in seconds), and the third is the value. ("fruit2", 5, "orange") # psetex The first argument is the key, the second is the expiration time (in milliseconds), and the third is the value. ("fruit3", 5000, "apple") # batch set values mset(*args, **kwargs) (k1="v1", k2="v2") # Batch fetch ('k1', 'k2') (['k1', 'k2']) # Set the new value and get the original value ("food", "barbecue") # Fetch subsequences (byte-based, not character-based) ("cn_name", 0, 2) ("en_name", 0, -1) # Modify string content, replacing backward from the specified string index (or adding backward if the new value is too long) ("en_name", 1, "ccc") # Operate on the bits of the binary representation of the value corresponding to name (name, offset, value) # Get the value of a bit in the binary representation of the value corresponding to name, 0 or 1. ("foo1", 0) # Get the number of 1's in the binary representation of the value corresponding to name. ("foo",0,1) # Get multiple values and do bitwise operations on the values, saving the final result to the value corresponding to the new name ("AND","new","foo","foo1") # Returns the length in bytes of the value corresponding to name (3 bytes for a Chinese character) ("foo") # Self-increment the value corresponding to name, create name=amount when name does not exist, otherwise, self-increment. ("foo", amount=1) # self-increment The value corresponding to name, created when name does not exist name = amount, otherwise, self-incremented. ("foo1", amount=2.0) # Self-decrease the value corresponding to name, create name = amount when name does not exist, otherwise, self-decrease. ("foo4", amount=3) # append to the value corresponding to redis name ("name", "haha")
IV. Basic hash commands
import redis r = (host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True) # name sets a key-value pair in the corresponding hash (if it doesn't exist, create it; otherwise, modify it) ("hash1", "k1", "v1") # Bulk set key-value pairs in the hash corresponding to name ("hash2", {"k2": "v2", "k3": "v3"}) # Get the value based on the key in the hash corresponding to the name ("hash2", "k2", "k3") ("hash2", ["k2", "k3"]) # Fetch all key-value pairs ("hash1") # Get the format hash length of all key-value pairs ("hash1") # Get all the keys (similar to a dictionary that takes all the keys) ("hash1") # Get all the values (similar to a dictionary that takes all the values) ("hash1") # Determine if a member exists (dictionary-like in) ("hash1", "k4") # Delete key-value pairs ("hash1", "k1") # Self-increasing and self-decreasing integers ("hash1", "k3", amount=-1) # Self-incrementing and self-decrementing floating point numbers ("hash1", "k5", amount=-1.0) # Fetch View - Sliced Reads ("hash1") # Create a generator using yield wrapped hscan to batch fetch data from redis for item in r.hscan_iter('hash1'): print(item) print(r.hscan_iter("hash1"))
V. List Basic Commands
import redis r = (host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True) # Add (new from the left) - new if you don't have one ("list1", 11, 22, 33) # Add (from the right) - if not there, create a new one ("list2", 11, 22, 33) # Add an element to the list corresponding to name, only if name already exists, the value is added to the far left of the list ("list10", 10) # Add an element to the right of a list of names that already exists, but can't be created without it. ("list2", 99) # Insert a new value before or after one of the values in the list corresponding to name. ("list2", "before", "11", "00") # Modify (specify index number to modify) ("list2", 0, -11) # Delete (specify value for deletion) ("list2", "11", 1) # Delete and return ("list2") # Removes the leftmost element of the list and returns the deleted element ("list2") # Delete the rightmost element of the list and return the deleted element # Delete values outside the index ("list2", 0, 2) # Value based on index number ("list2", 0) # move The element moves from one list to another ("list1", "list2") # move An element is moved from one list to another A timeout can be set ("list1", "list2", timeout=2) # Remove multiple lists at once (["list10", "list11"], timeout=2) # Customize incremental iterations def list_iter(name): """ Customize the incremental iteration of a redis list :param name: name in redis, i.e.: iterate over the list corresponding to name :return: yield Returns the list element """ list_count = (name) for index in range(list_count): yield (name, index)
VI. Set basic commands
import redis r = (host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True) # New ("set1", 33, 44, 55, 66) # Get the number of elements similar to len ("set1") # Get all the members of the collection ("set1") # Get all members of a collection - in tuple form ("set1") # Get all the members of a collection - the iterator way for i in r.sscan_iter("set1"): print(i) # Difference sets ("set1", "set2") # Difference sets - difference sets exist in a new set ("set3", "set1", "set2") # Intersection ("set1", "set2") # Intersection - intersection exists in a new set ("set3", "set1", "set2") # And the concatenation ("set1", "set2") # Concatenation - a new set exists for concatenation ("set3", "set1", "set2") # Determine if it's a member of a collection similar to in ("set1", 33) # Move Move a member from one collection to another collection ("set1", "set2", 44) # Delete - randomly deletes and returns the deleted value ("set2") # Delete - specified value deletion ("set2", 11)
VII. zset basic commands
import redis r = (host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True) # New ("zset2", 'm1', 22, 'm2', 44) # Get the number of elements in an ordered set similar to len ("zset1") # Get all the elements of an ordered set ("zset1", 0, -1) # Get all elements - iterator for i in r.zscan_iter("zset3"): # Iterate over the iterator print(i) # Get the number of scores between [min,max] in the ordered set corresponding to name. ("zset3", 11, 22) # Self-incrementing ("zset3", "n2", amount=2) # Get the index number of the value ("zset3", "n1") # Delete - specified value deletion ("zset3", "n3") # Delete - delete based on ranking range, by index number ("zset3", 0, 1) # Delete - based on score ranges ("zset3", 11, 22) # Get the score corresponding to the value ("zset3", "n27")
VIII. Other general orders
import redis r = (host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True) # delete Based on deleting any data type in redis ("gender") # Check if the name exists ("zset1") # fuzzy matching Get name of redis based on the model ("foo*") # Set the timeout period ("list5", time=3) # Rename ("list5", "list5-1") # Randomize the name () # Get type ("set1") # Query all Keys () # How many pieces of data does redis currently contain () # Clear all data in r ()
IX. Pipeline commands
- By default, redis creates (pools a connection) and disconnects (returns it to the pool) one connection per request.
- If you want to specify multiple commands in a single request, you can use pipline to specify multiple commands in a single request
- And by default, a pipline is atomic.
- Pipeline is a subclass of redis' base class that buffers multiple server commands in a single request.
- It does this by reducing the number of repeated TCP database packets between server-client
- This greatly improves the ability to execute batch commands
import redis r = (host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True) # By default, commands executed in the pipeline guarantee atomicity of execution # Default pipe = (transaction=True) # Prohibit pipe = (transaction=False) # Create a pipeline pipe = () ('name', 'jack') ('role', 'sb') ('faz', 'baz') ('num') () # Or write ('hello', 'redis').sadd('faz', 'baz').incr('num').execute() print(("name")) print(("role")) print(("num"))
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