Updated on 2024-10-28

python multiprocessing basics in detail


What is a process?
Process refers to the running of a program, or a program that is being executed.
So the process is a virtual concept, which originated in the operating system.

A CPU can only perform one thing at a time

Start a process

from  multiprocessing import Process
import time
def task(name):
    print('%s is running'%name)
    print('%s is done'%name)
# The operation of starting a child process must be placed in the
# if __name__ == '__main__' in subcode
# Subprocesses are not reloaded
if __name__ == '__main__':
    p=Process(target=task,args=('Little King',))
    # p=Process(target=task,kwargs={'name':'Xiao Wang'})
    # print(p)
    # The master process just sends a signal to the operating system to turn on the child process #
    # ()
    # 1. The operating system requests memory space first
    # 2. Copy the data from the master process to the child process.
    # 3. Call cup to run the code inside.
    # High overhead of the creation process


JOIN method

The current process jion the other process. The current process then waits until the other process has finished executing before moving on to the next one.


from multiprocessing import Process
import time

def task(name, n):
    print('%s is running' % name)
    print('%s is done' % name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start = ()
    p_l = []
    for i in range(1, 4):
        p = Process(target=task, args=('Little King%s' % i, i))
    # Master process waiting for child process
    for p in p_l:
    print('Lord', (() - start))

Space isolation between processes

from multiprocessing import  Process
# This n is the value inside the master process
n = 100
def task():
    global n
    # It's a global variable inside a child process that's changed
    # No change in the main process
    n = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':


Common approaches to processes

current_process View pid(process id)

# 1. process pid: each process in the operating system has a unique id number, called pid
from multiprocessing import Process, current_process
import time

def task():
    print('%s is running' % current_process().pid)
    print('%s is done' % current_process().pid)

# The operation of starting a child process must be placed in the
# if __name__ == '__main__' in subcode
# Subprocesses are not reloaded
if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = Process(target=task)
    print('Lord', current_process().pid)


() View process id

# os modules can also
from multiprocessing import Process, current_process
import time, os

def task():
    print('%s is running Dad is %s' % ((), ()))
    print('%s is done dad is %s' % ((), ()))

# The operation of starting a child process must be placed in the
# if __name__ == '__main__' in subcode
# Subprocesses are not reloaded
if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = Process(target=task)
    # Who created the master process
    # With pycharm is what pycharm creates #
    print('Lord %s father is %s' % ((), ()))


Other methods and properties of the process

from multiprocessing import Process,current_process
import time,os
def task():
    print('%s is running Dad is %s'%((),()))
    print('%s is done dad is %s'%((),()))
# The operation of starting a child process must be placed in the
# if __name__ == '__main__' in subcode
# Subprocesses are not reloaded
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Who created the master process
    # With pycharm is what pycharm creates #
    # Name of the process
    # Kill the child process
    # It takes time
    # Determine if a child process is alive
    print('Lord %s father is %s'%((),()))



It is essentially a "child process" whose life cycle <= life cycle of the daemon.
When the guarded process is done executing. It will also be killed

# When the main process is done, the child processes have no purpose in existence #
# The emperor and the eunuch don't live together, but they die together #
from  multiprocessing import Process
import time
def task(name):
    print('%s alive'%name)
    print('%s normal death'%name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    p1=Process(target=task,args=('Old Eunuch',))
    # Declare child processes as daemons
     = True
    print('The Emperor is dying')


mutually exclusive lock

How to share data when processes are isolated from each other's memory space
Memory data is not shared between processes, but they share the same file system, so there is no problem accessing the same file.
And sharing brings competition, and competition brings misalignment, and how to control that is to add locks to handle the

ticket search
    check tickets
    buy tickets
Mutually exclusive locks:
    To perform locking in a program
    You must release the lock next lock to acquire it, so the program must have to release the lock at the right time
So use files to handle shared data
    1. Slow
    2. Must have mutual exclusion locks
import json
import time,random
from multiprocessing import Process,Lock
# Checking tickets
def search(name):
    with open('','rt',encoding='utf-8')as f:
        dic = (f)
    # Simulated ticket checking time
    print('%s Viewed remaining tickets as %s'%(name,dic['count']))
# Ticketing
# The second get subprocess will not be the result of the first get subprocess' modified count
# Add mutex locks to turn this part of concurrency into serial. #
# But at the expense of efficiency, data security #
def get(name):
    with open('','rt',encoding='utf-8')as f:
        dic = (f)
    if dic['count']>0:
        with open('', 'wt', encoding='utf-8')as f:
            print('%s Ticket Purchased Successfully'%name)
        print('%s Viewed no more tickets'%name)
def task(name,mutex):
    # Concurrent
    # Serial
    # Mutually exclusive locks
    # Release mutex locks
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     for i in range(10):
# p=Process(target=task,args=('passerby%s'%i,))
#         ()
# join can only serialize the tasks of a process as a whole
# Mutual exclusion locks can be locally serialized
#         ()
# # Data security, meaning it doesn't matter when reading, it must be secure when writing (changing)
# Serial for writes, concurrent for reads
# Locked
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Master process locking
    for i in range(10):
        # The lock is passed to the child process
        # join can only make a process's tasks serial in their entirety
        # Mutual exclusion locks can be locally serialized
        # ()
        # Data security, meaning it doesn't matter when reading, it must be secure when writing (changing)
        # Serial for writes, concurrent for reads #

There are only 10 tickets in it. If it is not locked. Then the ticket chanting may be oversold

Inter-process communication (IPC mechanism)

Lock problem solving
ipc mechanism
    Processes are isolated from each other, and to implement inter-process communication (IPC), the
    The multiprocessing module supports two forms: queues and pipes, both of which use message passing
    Shared memory space
    Queues = pipes + locks
from  multiprocessing import Queue
# Memory usage, preferably small data, message data, download address
# Queue (limit the number in the queue)
# Add
print('The basket is full')
# The queue's full, it's the equivalent of a lock
# ({'x':2})
# Extraction
# # The queue is empty, waiting to be joined, also blocks, equivalent to a lock
print('The queue is empty')

When the queue has been fetched, the latter () will block until a new element is available. So the program won't end


JoinableQueue to implement a production consumer

JoinableQueue#task_done() method ends the thread when there are no more elements in the queue.

Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhou each produce 10 points of buns and shredded potatoes
Xiao Dai and Xiao Yang keep eating when there is no food inside the queue. End the process
import time, random
from multiprocessing import Process, JoinableQueue

def producer(name, food, q):
    for i in range(10):
        res = '%s%s' % (food, i)
        # of time to simulate production data
        ((1, 3))
        print('Chef %s generated %s' % (name, res))

def consumer(name, q):
    while True:
        # Orders are gone and still waiting, the queue is empty #
        res = ()
        # of time spent simulating processing data
        ((1, 3))
        print('Eat%s ate%s' % (name, res))
        # 1 Fetch the queue once per completion, go to () , fetch clean () run through

# Multiple producers and consumers
if __name__ == '__main__':
    q = JoinableQueue()
    # Producers
    p1 = Process(target=producer, args=('Little King', 'Bun', q))
    p3 = Process(target=producer, args=('Cho', 'Shredded potato', q))
    # Consumers
    c1 = Process(target=consumer, args=('Dai', q))
    c2 = Process(target=consumer, args=('Little Yang', q))
    # #3. What daemons do: When the main process dies, the consumer subprocesses die with it.
    # Turning consumers into daemons
     = True
     = True
    # 2 Consumer task_done signals to ()
    # Producers run out? 1,2
    # Consumers run out? 1,2

When the queue is empty, you don't wait for it, you end the process.



That's all for this post, I hope it helps you and I hope you'll check back for more from me!