In this article, we share the example of python3 to achieve a simple airplane war specific code for your reference, the specific content is as follows
The game is divided into two parts:1. Main program 2. Game tools
Main program implementation:Game Loop, Event Listening, Graphics Drawing, Position Update, Collision Detection
Game Tools:Encapsulated background sprites, bullet sprites, hero sprites, enemy aircraft sprites
Development Environment:pycharm 2018,python3 ,pygame
Catalog structure:
# coding=utf8 """ The main game program """ # System modules import random # Third-party modules import pygame # Customized modules from plane_sprites import * # Import all members of the module class PlaneGame(object): """ The main game program """ def __init__(self): """ Game Initialization """ # 1. Create a game window = .set_mode(SCREEN_RECT.size) # 2. Create a game clock = () # 3. Create sprites and sprite groups self.__create_sprites() # 4. Setting a timer event to create an enemy plane .set_timer(CREATE_ENEMY_EVENT, 100) # 5. Timer for firing bullets .set_timer(HERO_FIRE_EVENT, 500) def __create_sprites(self): """ Creating a game sprite :return. """ # 1. Creating background sprites and sprite groups bg1 = Backgroud() bg2 = Backgroud(True) self.back_group = (bg1, bg2) # 2. Creating Hero Sprites = Hero() self.hero_group = () # 3. Creating enemy spritesets self.enemy_group = () def start_game(self): """ Start the game loop :return. """ print("Start the game.") while True: # 1. Setting the refresh rate of the game screen (FRAME_PRE_SEC) # 2. Game Event Listening self.__event_handler() # 3. sprite collision detection self.check_collide() # 4. Update and draw sprite sets self.update_sprites() # 5. Updated display images () def __event_handler(self): """ Event Listener Handling :return. """ for event in (): # Determine whether to quit the game if == : PlaneGame.__game_over() elif == CREATE_ENEMY_EVENT: print("Enemy planes out.") # 1. Create enemy sprites enemy = Enemy() # 2. Add enemy sprites to the sprite group self.enemy_group.add(enemy) elif == : keys_pressed = .get_pressed() if keys_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT]: = 1 elif keys_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT]: = -1 else: = 0 elif == : # 1. Button up not moving. = 0 elif == HERO_FIRE_EVENT: # Heroes firing bullets () else: print() def check_collide(self): """ Elf collision detection :return. """ # 1. Bullets destroy enemy aircraft (, self.enemy_group, True, True) # 2. Enemy planes crashing into heroes """ enemies = (, self.enemy_group, True) if len(enemies) > 0: () PlaneGame.__game_over() """ def update_sprites(self): """ Update the location of the sprite :return. """ # Update location self.back_group.update() self.hero_group.update() self.enemy_group.update() () # Drawing graphics to the screen self.back_group.draw() self.hero_group.draw() self.enemy_group.draw() () @staticmethod def __game_over(): """ Game over handling :return. """ () exit() if __name__ == "__main__": # Module built-in attribute __name__ defaults to "__main__", mainly for testing purposes. # 1. Create a game object game = PlaneGame() # 2. Start the game game.start_game()
# coding=utf8 """ Game Genie """ # System modules import random # Third-party modules import pygame # Customized modules from plane_sprites import * # Import all members of the module # Game constants, there is no such thing as a constant in python, it is generally considered to be a constant if all the letters are capitalized. SCREEN_RECT = (0, 0, 480, 700) # Game screen size settings FRAME_PRE_SEC = 60 # Set the refresh rate of the game screen # Path to the game image BACKGROUND_IMAGE_NAME = "./images/" HERO_IMAGE_NAME = "./images/" ENEMY_IMAGE_NAME = "./images/" BULLET_IMAGE_NAME = "./images/" # Create timers CREATE_ENEMY_EVENT = HERO_FIRE_EVENT = + 1 class GameSprites(): """ Airplane Wars Game Sprites Base Class """ def __init__(self, image_name, speed=1): # Call the initialization method of the parent class super().__init__() # Load images into memory = (image_name) # Get the initial position of the image = .get_rect() = speed def update(self, *args): # Move vertically down += class Backgroud(GameSprites): """ Game Background Sprites """ def __init__(self, is_alt=False): # 1. Call the parent class to create the sprite super().__init__(BACKGROUND_IMAGE_NAME) # 2. Determine if it's at the top of the screen if is_alt: = - def update(self): # 1. Call the parent class implementation super().update() # 2. Determine whether the background is flying out of the screen, if so set the background to the top of the screen. if >= SCREEN_RECT.height: = - class Hero(GameSprites): """ Game Hero Wizard """ def __init__(self): # 1. Call the parent class to set the image and speed super().__init__(HERO_IMAGE_NAME, 0) # 2. Set the initial position of the hero = SCREEN_RECT.centerx = SCREEN_RECT.bottom - 120 # 3. Create a bullet sprite group = () def update(self): # 1. Heroes move horizontally += # 2. Control the hero without flying off the screen if < 0: = 0 elif > SCREEN_RECT.right: = SCREEN_RECT.right def fire(self): for i in (0, 1, 2): # 1. Create bullet sprites bullet = Bullet() # 2. Setting the sprite position = - 20 * i = # 3. Add to sprite group (bullet) class Enemy(GameSprites): """ The Enemy Elf """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(ENEMY_IMAGE_NAME) # 1. Specify the initial speed of enemy aircraft. = (1, 3) # 2. Designate random locations for enemy aircraft = 0 max_x = SCREEN_RECT.width - = (0, max_x) def update(self): # 1. call the parent class method to keep flying vertically super().update() # 2. Determine if the plane is flying off the screen, and if so remove the enemy plane from the sprite set. if >= SCREEN_RECT.height: # Auto-destruct, call __del()__ built-in methods () def __del__(self): print("Enemy planes gone %s" % ) class Bullet(GameSprites): """ The Bullet Wizard """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(BULLET_IMAGE_NAME, -2) = () def update(self): super().update() if < 0: ()
Game graphics, drawn at random, are for reference only.
This is the whole content of this article.