This article describes the commonly used API functions of JavaScript string objects. Share it for your reference, as follows:
1. concat(str1,str2,···)
Connection string
2. indexOf(str,start)
Returns where str first appears in the string
var str = "hello world"; ("hello"); // 0 ("o",5); // 7 ("World"); // -1
3. lastIndexOf(str,start)
Returns the last location of str in the string
var str = "hello world"; ("hello"); // 0 ("o",3); // -1 ("o",5); // 4
4. replace(regexp/substr,replacement)
Replace other characters with some characters in a string, or replace a string that matches the regular
var str = "I is Allen."; ("is","am"); // "I am Allen."
5. slice(start,end)
Returns a fragment of a string
var str = "I am Jack."; (3,7); // "m Ja" (3); // "m Jack." (3,-3); // "m Ja"
6. split(separator,limit)
Split a string into a substring and return the result as a string array
var str = "hello world"; (" "); // ["hello","world"] (" ",1); // ["hello"]
7. substr(start,lenght)
Returns a string of specified length starting from the specified position
var str = "how do you do?"; (4,2); // "do" (4); // "do you do?" (4,0); // " " (4,-1); // " " (-3); // "do?"
8. substring(start,end)
Returns a string at the specified position in the string object, containing the character at start, but not the character at end
var str = "how do you do?"; (0,3); // "how"
9. toLowerCase()
Convert string to lowercase
10. toUpperCase()
Convert string to uppercase
var str = "How do you do?"; (); // "how do you do?" (); // "HOW DO YOU DO?"
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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's JavaScript programming.