Updated on 2025-03-01

Python pydash library handles large-scale datasets to perform complex operations

What is a pydash library?

pydash is a Python library designed to provide a high-performance, functional programming-style tool set to simplify code and improve execution efficiency. It provides many useful functions to make it easier in data processing, collection operations and functional programming.

Install pydash

Before you start, you need to install pydash first. You can use the following command to install:

pip install pydash

Core features of pydash

1. Functional programming

pydash supports functional programming style, making it more flexible when processing data. For example:

import pydash as _
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Use pydash's map functionsquared_data =, lambda x: x**2)

2. Chain call

pydash allows chained calls to make the code more concise. For example:

import pydash as _
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
result = (
    .filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    .map(lambda x: x**2)

3. High-performance ensemble operation

pydash provides many high-performance collection operations such as uniq, intersection, etc. Example:

import pydash as _
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list2 = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
common_elements = _.intersection(list1, list2)

Practical application scenarios

In practical applications, processing large data sets is one of the key challenges in many data science and analytics tasks. Let's see how pydash works in this scenario and improves code efficiency.

1. Data preprocessing

Suppose you have a CSV file with a lot of data that you need to preprocess for subsequent analysis. Using pydash's functional programming style, you can easily perform various data cleaning and conversion operations, making the code more concise and easy to read.

import pydash as _
# Read large CSV filesdata = read_large_csv("large_dataset.csv")
# Data cleaning and conversioncleaned_data = (
    .filter(lambda row: row['age'] > 18)
    .map(lambda row: {'name': row['name'], 'age': row['age']})

2. Parallel processing

When processing large data sets, you often face situations where parallel processing is required to speed up task completion time. pydash providesparallelFunctions that facilitate execution of operations on multiple CPU cores in parallel.

import pydash as _
# Large datasetdata = generate_large_dataset()
# Process data in parallelprocessed_data = _.parallel(, expensive_operation))

3. Data grouping and aggregation

When grouping and aggregating large datasets are needed, pydash's collection operations are very powerful. Consider an example where users need to be grouped by city and the average age of each city is calculated.

import pydash as _
# Large user datasetuser_data = get_large_user_dataset()
# Group by city and calculate average ageaverage_age_by_city = (
    .map_values(lambda group: _.mean(_.pluck(group, 'age')))

4. Multi-stage data stream processing

In big data processing, it is often necessary to build a multi-stage data processing process. pydash's chained calls make building such data flow very intuitive.

import pydash as _
# Large data stream processingresult = (

Performance comparison: pydash vs. native Python

To evaluate the performance advantages of pydash, we will compare the execution time of some common operations with native Python code. Here are some examples of benchmarks designed to demonstrate the potential performance improvements of pydash when working with large data sets.

1. Map operation

Consider a simple scenario where a list of elements is squared.

Native Python code:

import time
data = [i for i in range(1, 1000000)]
start_time = ()
squared_data = list(map(lambda x: x**2, data))
end_time = ()
elapsed_time_native = end_time - start_time
print(f"NativePythonCode execution time: {elapsed_time_native} Second")

pydash code:

import time
import pydash as _
data = [i for i in range(1, 1000000)]
start_time = ()
squared_data =, lambda x: x**2)
end_time = ()
elapsed_time_pydash = end_time - start_time
print(f"pydashCode execution time: {elapsed_time_pydash} Second")

2. Filter operation

In this example, elements larger than 100 will be filtered out.

Native Python code:

import time
data = [i for i in range(1, 1000000)]
start_time = ()
filtered_data = list(filter(lambda x: x > 100, data))
end_time = ()
elapsed_time_native = end_time - start_time
print(f"NativePythonCode execution time: {elapsed_time_native} Second")

pydash code:

import time
import pydash as _
data = [i for i in range(1, 1000000)]
start_time = ()
filtered_data = _.filter(data, lambda x: x > 100)
end_time = ()
elapsed_time_pydash = end_time - start_time
print(f"pydashCode execution time: {elapsed_time_pydash} Second")

3. Reduce operation

In this example, the sum of a large list will be calculated using reduce.

Native Python code:

import time
data = [i for i in range(1, 1000000)]
start_time = ()
sum_native = sum(data)
end_time = ()
elapsed_time_native = end_time - start_time
print(f"NativePythonCode execution time: {elapsed_time_native} Second")

pydash code:

import time
import pydash as _
data = [i for i in range(1, 1000000)]
start_time = ()
sum_pydash = _.reduce(data, lambda acc, x: acc + x, 0)
end_time = ()
elapsed_time_pydash = end_time - start_time
print(f"pydashCode execution time: {elapsed_time_pydash} Second")

With these performance comparison examples, you can clearly see the performance advantages of pydash in some common operations. When processing large-scale data, efficient implementation of pydash enables it to significantly reduce execution time on the same task. However, in practical applications, the specific performance improvement depends on the complexity of the task and the size of the data. Readers can choose whether to use pydash to improve the execution efficiency of the code according to actual needs.


In this article, the Python pydash library is deeply explored and highlights its advantages in practical application scenarios and performance. With detailed sample code, we demonstrate how pydash simplifies data processing, provides a functional programming style, and significantly improves code efficiency on large data sets. In practical application scenarios, pydash provides flexible and efficient solutions for processing large-scale data through functions such as chain calls, parallel processing, data grouping and aggregation.

Further, performance comparison was conducted to compare the execution time of pydash and native Python on common operations. The results show that in big data processing tasks, pydash can significantly shorten the code execution time and provide developers with more efficient tools. However, the specific performance improvements still depend on the characteristics of the task and the data size.

Overall, pydash provides Python developers with a powerful tool for handling large-scale data and complex operations, thanks to its rich features and high-performance features. Through elegant functional programming style, chain calls and high-performance ensemble operations, pydash provides data scientists and analysts with a powerful tool to improve code readability and execution efficiency in the context of big data.

The above is the detailed content of the Python pydash library processing large-scale data sets to perform complex operations. For more information about Python pydash big data processing, please pay attention to my other related articles!