This article describes the multimedia file acquisition tool class for Android development. Share it for your reference, as follows:
package ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; /** * Query information based on MediaStore * @Project App_ReadCard * @Package * @author chenlin * @version 1.0 * @Date June 16, 2013 * @Note TODO */ public class MediaStoreUtil { private static final String TAG = "MediaStoreUtil"; /** * Query audio file name * * @param context * @return */ public static List<String> getAudioNames(Context context) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); Cursor cursor = ().query( .EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, new String[] { ._ID, .DISPLAY_NAME, , , , , , .MIME_TYPE, , }, null, new String[] {}, null); while (()) { String fileName = ((.DISPLAY_NAME)); (fileName); } return list; } /** * Query the image file name * * @param context * @return */ public static List<String> getImageNames(Context context) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); Cursor cursor = ().query( .EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, new String[] { ._ID, .DISPLAY_NAME, , .MIME_TYPE, , }, null, new String[] {}, null); while (()) { (TAG, "filePath==" + ); String filePath = (()); String fileName = ((.DISPLAY_NAME)); (filePath + "/" + fileName); } return list; } /** * Query picture files * * @param context * @return */ public static List<File> getImages(Context context) { List<File> list = new ArrayList<File>(); Cursor cursor = ().query( .EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, new String[] { ._ID, .DISPLAY_NAME, , .MIME_TYPE, , }, null, new String[] {}, null); while (()) { String filePath = (()); (TAG, "filePath==" + filePath); String fileName = ((.DISPLAY_NAME)); //(TAG, "fileName==" + fileName); File file = new File(filePath); (file); } return list; } /** * Query file * * @param context * @return */ public static List<File> getAllFiles(Context context) { List<File> list = new ArrayList<File>(); Cursor cursor = ().query( .EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, new String[] { ._ID, .DISPLAY_NAME, , .MIME_TYPE, , }, null, new String[] {}, null); while (()) { String filePath = (()); (TAG, "filePath==" + filePath); String fileName = ((.DISPLAY_NAME)); //(TAG, "fileName==" + fileName); File file = new File(filePath); (file); } return list; } /** * Get all the highlights * * @param context * @return */ public static Bitmap[] getBitmaps(Context context) { Bitmap[] bitmaps; String[] projection = { ._ID, }; Cursor cursor = ().query(.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, ._ID); int count = (); int image_column_index = (._ID); bitmaps = new Bitmap[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { (i); int id = (image_column_index); bitmaps[i] = ((), id, .MICRO_KIND, null); } return bitmaps; } /** * Query the name of the image column file * * @param context * @return */ public static List<String> getThumbNames(Context context) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); Cursor cursor = ().query( .EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, new String[] { ._ID, , , .IMAGE_ID }, null, new String[] {}, null); while (()) { String fileName = ((.DISPLAY_NAME)); (fileName); } return list; } /** * Get all video files * @param context */ public static ArrayList<VideoInfo> getVideoInfo(Context context){ String[] thumbColumns = new String[]{ , .VIDEO_ID }; String[] mediaColumns = new String[]{ , ._ID, , .MIME_TYPE }; //First search all videos on SDcard Cursor cursor = ().query(.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, mediaColumns, null, null, null); ArrayList<VideoInfo> videoList = new ArrayList<VideoInfo>(); if(()){ do{ VideoInfo info = new VideoInfo(); = (()); = ((.MIME_TYPE)); = (()); //Get the ID corresponding to the current Video, and then obtain its Thumb based on the ID int id = ((._ID)); String selection = .VIDEO_ID +"=?"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{ id+"" }; Cursor thumbCursor = ().query(.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, thumbColumns, selection, selectionArgs, null); if(()){ = (()); } // Then add it to the videoList (info); }while(()); } return videoList; } static class VideoInfo{ String filePath; String mimeType; String thumbPath; String title; } }
For more information about Android related content, please check out the topic of this site:Android multimedia operation skills summary (audio, video, recording, etc.)》、《Android development introduction and advanced tutorial》、《Android View View Tips Summary》、《Android file operation skills summary》、《Android resource operation skills summary"and"Android control usage summary》
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's Android programming design.