This article describes the usage of database transactions in Android development. Share it for your reference, as follows:
In Android application development, transaction processing is very important when using databases.
First of all, Android database operations (especially write operations) are very slow. Packaging all operations into one transaction can greatly improve processing speed.
The second is to ensure the consistency of data, so that all operations in a transaction can be successfully executed, or failed, or all operations can be rolled back.
If you like to use other platforms (such as PHP + MySQL), the code usually runs on a powerful server and is generally not aborted by accident, but on the Android platform, you will be surprised by accidental abortions again and again. The Android system will kill apps/threads/activities and other interrupt the use of databases, and the battery will be exhausted or removed. So, using database things is crucial.
Implementing Android database transactions is very simple, you only need to use three methods of SQLiteDatabase class.
When endTransaction() is called, all operations starting from beginTransaction() are submitted.
A simple database transaction operation is as follows:
(); try{ //Execute multiple database operations here //Exception may be thrown during execution (); //No database operation is performed between setTransactionSuccessful and endTransaction }catch(Exception e){ //When an error occurs in the database operation, an exception needs to be caught and the transaction is terminated. (); throwe; } //End a transaction after all operations are executed (); }
For more information about Android related content, please check out the topic of this site:Android database operation skills summary》、《Android programming activity operation skills summary》、《Android file operation skills summary》、《A summary of SD card operation methods for Android programming and development》、《Android development introduction and advanced tutorial》、《Android resource operation skills summary》、《Android View View Tips Summary"and"Android control usage summary》
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's Android programming design.