Updated on 2025-03-02

How to add new fields in MySQL

Adding new fields in MySQL

To add a new field in MySQL, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement.

Here is the basic syntax for adding new fields:

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype;


  • table_nameis the name of the table in which you want to add a new field.
  • column_nameis the name of the new field.
  • datatypeis the data type of the new field. For example,VARCHARINTorDOUBLEwait.

Here is an example ALTER TABLE statement that demonstrates how to nameuserAdd a table namednameThe new field of the data type is VARCHAR(10):

ALTER TABLE users ADD phone_number VARCHAR(10);

Note that if you have to place a new column in a specific position in the table, you can use the following syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype AFTER another_column;

inanother_columnis the name of the column that already exists, and the new column will be placed after the column.

For example, the following command will give the nameuserAdd a table namednamenew column with data typeVARCHAR(10)and place it inidAfter column:


Add a new field at the last position of the table (default)


    ALTER TABLE Table name
        ADD New field name Data Type Constraints

Add new fields at the beginning of the table


    ALTER TABLE Table name
        ADD New field name Data Type Constraints FIRST

Add a new field after a field


    ALTER TABLE Table name
        ADD New field name Data Type Constraints AFTER Already field names

MySQL table add fields sql statement

Add fields to tables in MySQL database using ALTER TABLE

Syntax Rules

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_name VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Add a new field' AFTER old_column;

Statement content

  • table_name: Table name;
  • column_name: The field name that needs to be added;
  • VARCHAR(100): The field type is varchar, length 100;
  • DEFAULT NULL: Default value NULL;
  • AFTER old_column: Add new fields after the old_column field, and if you don't write them, the default end of the table will be the default;


ALTER TABLE xyd_case_info ADD COLUMN `deleted` TINYINT(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '0, normal, 1 delete';
ALTER TABLE xyd_case_info ADD COLUMN `create_by` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Create person' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci';
ALTER TABLE xyd_case_info ADD COLUMN `create_time` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Create time';
ALTER TABLE xyd_case_info ADD COLUMN `update_by` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Update person' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci';
ALTER TABLE xyd_case_info ADD COLUMN `update_time` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Update time';


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