Updated on 2025-03-02

Tensorflow uses pb file to save (recover) model calculation diagrams and parameter examples for detailed explanation

1. Save:

graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants can serialize the calculation graph of the current session into a byte stream (binary). This function contains three parameters: Parameter 1: the currently active session, which contains various variables

Parameter 2: GraphDef object, which describes the computing network

Parameter 3: List of names of nodes to be output in Graph graph

Return value: A simplified version of the GraphDef object, containing the network and variable information of the original input GraphDef and session. Its member function SerializeToString() can serialize this information into a byte stream and then write it to a file:

constant_graph = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, sess.graph_def , ['sum_operation'] )
with open( pbName, mode='wb') as f:

It should be noted that if the original tensors (components included in parameters 1 and 2) do not participate in the tensor calculations specified in the output node list specified in parameter 3, these tensors will not exist in the returned GraphDef object and will not be serialized to the pb file.

2. Recovery:

When recovering, create a GraphDef, then load it from the above file, and then enter it to the current session:

    graph0 = ()
    with open( pbName, mode='rb') as f:
      ( () )
      tf.import_graph_def( graph0 , name = '' )

3. Code:

import tensorflow as tf 
from  import graph_util
pbName = ''
def graphCreate() :
  with () as sess :
    var1 =  ( tf.int32 , name='var1' ) 
    var2 = ( 20 , name='var2' )#The actual parameter name='var2' specifies the operation name, and the tensor name returned by the operation is                       #'var2' is followed by:0, that is, var2:0 is the returned tensor name, that is, the variable                       # The name of var2 is 'var2:0'    var3 = ( 30 , name='var3' )
    var4 = ( 40 , name='var4' )
    var4op = ( var4 , 1000 , name = 'var4op1' )
    sum = ( 4, name='sum' )
    sum =  ( var1 , var2, name = 'var1_var2' ) 
    sum = ( sum , var3 , name='sum_var3' )
    sumOps = ( sum , var4 , name='sum_operation' )
    oper = tf.get_default_graph().get_operations()
    with open( '','wt' ) as f:
      s = 'name,type,output\n'
      ( s ) 
      for o in oper:
        s = 
        s += ','+  
        inp = 
        oup = 
        for iip in inp :
          s #s += ','+ str(iip)
        for iop in oup :
          s += ',' + str(iop)
        s += '\n'
        ( s ) 
      for var in tf.global_variables():
        print('variable=> ' , ) #Tensor is the result of operations like /,                        #The name of the tensor is expressed by adding: 0 to the operation name    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    ( init )
    ( var4op )
    print('sum_operation result is Tensor ' , ( sumOps , feed_dict={var1:1}) )
    constant_graph = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, sess.graph_def , ['sum_operation'] )
    with open( pbName, mode='wb') as f:
def graphGet() :
  print("start get:" )
  with ().as_default():
    graph0 = ()
    with open( pbName, mode='rb') as f:
      ( () )
      tf.import_graph_def( graph0 , name = '' )
    with () as sess :
      init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
      v1 = .get_tensor_by_name('var1:0' )
      v2 = .get_tensor_by_name('var2:0' )
      v3 = .get_tensor_by_name('var3:0' )
      v4 = .get_tensor_by_name('var4:0' )
      sumTensor = .get_tensor_by_name("sum_operation:0")
      print('sumTensor is : ' , sumTensor )
      print( ( sumTensor , feed_dict={v1:1} ) ) 

4. Save the operation name/type/return tensor in the pb function code:

operation name operation type output
var1 Placeholder Tensor("var1:0" dtype=int32)
var2/initial_value Const Tensor("var2/initial_value:0" shape=() dtype=int32)
var2 VariableV2 Tensor("var2:0" shape=() dtype=int32_ref)
var2/Assign Assign Tensor("var2/Assign:0" shape=() dtype=int32_ref)
var2/read Identity Tensor("var2/read:0" shape=() dtype=int32)
var3/initial_value Const Tensor("var3/initial_value:0" shape=() dtype=int32)
var3 VariableV2 Tensor("var3:0" shape=() dtype=int32_ref)
var3/Assign Assign Tensor("var3/Assign:0" shape=() dtype=int32_ref)
var3/read Identity Tensor("var3/read:0" shape=() dtype=int32)
var4/initial_value Const Tensor("var4/initial_value:0" shape=() dtype=int32)
var4 VariableV2 Tensor("var4:0" shape=() dtype=int32_ref)
var4/Assign Assign Tensor("var4/Assign:0" shape=() dtype=int32_ref)
var4/read Identity Tensor("var4/read:0" shape=() dtype=int32)
var4op1/value Const Tensor("var4op1/value:0" shape=() dtype=int32)
var4op1 Assign Tensor("var4op1:0" shape=() dtype=int32_ref)
sum/initial_value Const Tensor("sum/initial_value:0" shape=() dtype=int32)
sum VariableV2 Tensor("sum:0" shape=() dtype=int32_ref)
sum/Assign Assign Tensor("sum/Assign:0" shape=() dtype=int32_ref)
sum/read Identity Tensor("sum/read:0" shape=() dtype=int32)
var1_var2 Add Tensor("var1_var2:0" dtype=int32)
sum_var3 Add Tensor("sum_var3:0" dtype=int32)
sum_operation Add Tensor("sum_operation:0" dtype=int32)

The above article about Tensorflow's calculation diagram and parameter examples using pb file to save (recover) the model is all the content I have shared with you. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.