Updated on 2025-03-02

Using coding rabbit and Superman coding to self-encapsulate coding

# coding:utf-8
from ctypes import *
import requests
import json
import random
import binascii
from config import config

class Dama2():
"""Coding rabbit code.""""
 _username = ''
 _password = ''
 __attrs__ = ['DM', 'username', 'password', 'softuuid', 'timeout']

 def __init__(self):
   = WinDLL('lib/')
  if not self._username:
   Dama2._username = config['dama']['dama2']['username']
   Dama2._password = config['dama']['dama2']['password']
   = c_char_p(self._username)
   = c_char_p(self._password)
   = c_char_p('6fbc06efdc777eee854842572102daec')
   = c_ushort(30)

 def recv_byte(self, imgdata, imgtype=42):
  # imgdata = c_void_p(imgdata)
  imgleng = c_uint(len(imgdata))
  imgtype = c_ulong(imgtype)
  res = c_char_p('')

  code = .D2Buf(, , , imgdata, imgleng, , imgtype, res)
  if code > 0:
  return False

 def report_err(self, imgid):
  return False

class Chaoren():
 _username = ''
 _password = ''
 __attrs__ = ['DM', 'username', 'password', 'softuuid', 'timeout']

 def __init__(self):
  if not self._username:
   Chaoren._username = config['dama']['chaoren']['username']
   Chaoren._password = config['dama']['chaoren']['password']

   = ()
   = 'utf-8'
   = 16
   = {
   'username': ,
   'password': ,
'softid': '1234',#1234 is replaced by your own
   'imgid': '',
   'imgdata': ''

 def get_left_point(self):
   r = ('http://apib.:88/', )
   return ()
  except :
   return self.get_left_point()
   return False

 def recv_byte(self, imgdata):
  ['imgdata'] = binascii.b2a_hex(imgdata).upper()
   r = ('http://apib.:88/', )
   res = ()
   if res[u'info'] == -1:
self.report_err(res[u'imgid'])  # Identification error
    return False

   return ()[u'result']
  except :
   return self.recv_byte(imgdata)
   return False

 def report_err(self, imgid):
  ['imgid'] = imgid
  if ['imgdata']:
   del ['imgdata']
   r = ('http://apib.:88/', )
   return ()
  except :
   return self.report_err(imgid)
   return False

class Dama():
 flag = 'dama2'

 def __init__(self):
  if == 'dama2':
    = Dama2()
  elif == 'chaoren':
    = Chaoren()
= Dama2()  # Default

 def recv_byte(self, imgdata):
  return .recv_byte(imgdata)

 def report_err(self, imgid):
  return .report_err(imgid)

# test
if __name__ == '__main__':

username and password replace with your own