Examples are as follows:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import * from numpy import * data = DataFrame((16).reshape(4,4),index = list("ABCD"),columns=list('wxyz')) print data print data[0:2] #Get the first two rows of dataprint'+++++++++++++' print len(data ) #Find out how many rows in totalprint #Find out how many columns in totalprint'+++++++++++++' print #Column Index Nameprint #Line Index Nameprint'+++++++++++++' print [1] #Get the second row of dataprint [1] #Get the second row of dataprint'+++++++++++++' print data['x'] #Take a column of data with column index xprint ['A'] #Take a row of data with the index of the first row as "A",print'+++++++++++++' print [:,['x','z'] ] # means select all rows and columns with columns a and b;print [['A','B'],['x','z']] # indicates the union of the two rows 'A' and 'B' and columns with columns x and z;print'+++++++++++++' print [1:3,1:3] #Data slice operation, cut continuous data blocksprint [[0,2],[1,2]] # That is, you can freely select the data corresponding to the column position and cut into scattered data blocksprint'+++++++++++++' print data[data>2] # indicates that data is greater than 0 in the datasetprint data[>5] # means select all rows with column x in the dataset that are greater than 5 print'+++++++++++++' a1=() print a1[a1['y'].isin(['6','10'])] #Table display satisfies the condition: the value in column y contains all rows of '6', '8'. print () #By default, find the average value for each column; if parameter (1) is added, find the average value for each row;print data['x'].value_counts() #Count the number of times each value appears in a column x: print () # Statistics on each column of data, including count, mean, std, each quantile, etc. data.to_excel(r'E:\pypractice\Yun\doc\',sheet_name='Sheet1') #Data output toExcel
The above common operation methods for python dataframe: implementing rows, columns, slices, and statistical feature values is all the content I share with you. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.