Updated on 2025-03-02

Implementation of php code on WeChat

This article has shared the specific code of php WeChat jump for your reference. The specific content is as follows

require ''; 
function similar($rgb1, $rgb2) { 
 $r1 = ($rgb1 >> 16) & 0xFF; 
 $g1 = ($rgb1 >> 8) & 0xFF; 
 $b1 = $rgb1 & 0xFF; 
 $r2 = ($rgb2 >> 16) & 0xFF; 
 $g2 = ($rgb2 >> 8) & 0xFF; 
 $b2 = $rgb2 & 0xFF; 
 return abs($r1 - $r2) < 10 && abs($b1 - $b2) < 10 && abs($g1 - $g2) < 10; 
function getStart() { 
 global $image; 
 $width = imagesx($image); 
 $height = imagesy($image); 
 for ($i = $height / 3; $i < $height / 3 * 2; $i++) { 
  for ($j = 0; $j < $width - 75; $j++) { 
   if (checkStart($i, $j)) { 
    $x = $i; 
    $y = $j + 37; 
 return array($x, $y); 
function getEnd() { 
 global $image; 
 global $sx, $sy; 
 $l_r = 0; 
 $cnt = 0; 
 $width = imagesx($image); 
 $height = imagesy($image); 
 for ($i = $height / 3; $i < $sx; $i++) { 
  $demo = imagecolorat($image, 0, $i); 
  for ($l = 0; $l < $width; $l++) { 
   $c = imagecolorat($image, $l, $i); 
   if (!similar($c, $demo)) { 
    $r = $l; 
    while($r+1 < $width && !similar(imagecolorat($image, $r+1, $i), $demo)){ 
    if (abs(($l + $r) / 2 - $sy) > 20) { 
     if (!isset($mid)) $mid = ($l + $r) / 2; 
     if ($r - $l > BODY_WIDTH * 1.1){ 
      if ($r <= $l_r) { 
       $cnt ++; 
       if ($cnt == 3) { 
        return [$i, round($mid)]; 
      else { 
       $cnt = 0; 
      $l_r = $r; 
    $l = $r; 
 return [$sx - round(abs($mid-$sy)/sqrt(3)), round($mid)];; 
$cheet = [ 
 2829129, 2829129, 2829129, 2829129, 2829387, 2960716, 2960461, 
 2960463, 3026256, 3026256, 3092563, 3092563, 3158614, 3158615, 
 3224408, 3290202, 3356252, 3356252, 3356252, 3356767, 3357024, 
 3553376, 3618913, 3618913, 3553891, 3684707, 3750243, 3684706, 
 3684707, 3684707, 3684707, 3750243, 3618914, 3618913, 3684450, 
 3750243, 3750243, 3750243, 3750243, 3750243, 3684706, 3618913, 
 3618913, 3618913, 3684450, 3684706, 3684706, 3684450, 3684450, 
 3750243, 3750243, 3684450, 3684706, 3750243, 3618913, 3618913, 
 3618913, 3684448, 3749727, 3749727, 3749727, 3749727, 3749727, 
 3749470, 3749469, 3749469, 3749721, 3749720, 3749720, 3814998, 
 3814997, 3880534, 3880533, 3946835, 3881042 
function checkStart($sx, $sy) { 
 global $cheet; 
 global $image; 
 for ($i = 0; $i < 75; $i++) { 
  $rgb = imagecolorat($image, $sy + $i, $sx); 
  if (!similar($rgb, $cheet[$i])) { 
   return false; 
 return true; 
function screencap() { 
 system('adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/'); 
 system('adb pull /sdcard/ .'); 
function press($time) { 
 system('adb shell input swipe 500 1600 500 1601 ' . $time); 
for ($id = 0; ; $id++) { 
 echo sprintf("#%05d: ", $id); 
 // screenshot screencap(); 
 // Get coordinates $image = imagecreatefrompng(''); 
 list($sx, $sy) = getStart(); 
 list($tx, $ty) = getEnd(); 
 if ($sx == 0) break; 
 echo sprintf("(%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) ", $sx, $sy, $tx, $ty); 
 // Image drawing imagefilledellipse($image, $sy, $sx, 10, 10, 0xFF0000); 
 imagefilledellipse($image, $ty, $tx, 10, 10, 0xFF0000); 
 imagepng($image, sprintf("screen/%", $id)); 
 // Calculate the press time $time = pow(pow($tx - $sx, 2) + pow($ty - $sy, 2), 0.425) * PRESS_TIME; 
 $time = round($time); 
 echo sprintf("time: %f\n", $time); 
 // Wait for the next screenshot sleep(SLEEP_TIME); 

  * Adjust according to the pressure level parameters according to actual performance
  * If you jump long, lower the point
//define('PRESS_TIME', 3.752); 
define('PRESS_TIME', 3.452); 
  * Sleep time
define('SLEEP_TIME', 2); 
  * Character width, no adjustment is required
define('BODY_WIDTH', 75); 


Another way

function jump() { 
sleep(2.5);//Delay 2.5 seconds, music box, convenience store, manhole cover and other stations will be extra points for 2 seconds$screenShell = "cd D:\&adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/&adb pull /sdcard/ d:jumper/"; 
$i=imagecreatefrompng("d:jumper/");//Read the picture$point=array(); 
for ($y=400;$y<imagesy($i);$y++) {//Start from line 400, avoid the upper contentfor ($x=0;$x<imagesx($i);$x++) {//Horizontal scanning$rgb = imagecolorat($i,$x,$y);//Get color$point["now"]["r"] = ($rgb>>16) & 0xFF; 
$point["now"]["g"] = ($rgb>>8) & 0xFF; 
$point["now"]["b"] = $rgb & 0xFF; 
if( abs($point["now"]["r"]-$point["last"]["r"])>1 
or abs($point["now"]["g"]-$point["last"]["g"])>1 
or abs($point["now"]["b"]-$point["last"]["b"])>1 
$param["left"] = 3750; 
$param["right"] = 3100; 
$time = pow((abs(imagesx($i)/2-($point["x"]["a"]+$point["x"]["a"])/2)/imagesx($i)),1)*$param[$point["direction"]]; 
$time = round($time,0); 
echo "direction:".$point["direction"]; 
echo "\:".$point["x"]["a"]; 
echo "\:".$point["x"]["b"]; 
echo "\ntime:".$time."\n"; 
$touchShell = "cd D:\&adb shell input swipe 50 250 250 250 ".$time; 

For more content, please refer to the topic"WeChat"Conduct learning.

The above is all the content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study and I hope everyone will support me more.