*If you want to add hurdle, find string: "{{Add hurdle above." and "{{After add hurdle, add the hurdle to the vector above." please.
*If you want to add or change type of grid, find string: "{{Add new grid above.".
*If you want to change position of map, please find string: "{{Change map margin above.".
*If the icon of crid is changed, you have to change the size of icon. Find "{{Change icon size above." to change size.
//Map of hurdle or military or resource.
var vView = [];
*L: land *S: sea *R: river *W: swamp *A: lawn *B: bridge *H: house *h: hospital *w: warehouse *b: bourse *M: military academy *m: military factories
*r: research Center *P: port *D: dock *s: Shipyard
var mScene = {
'L': ['./', 'Land']
, 'S': ['./', 'River']
, 'T': ['./', 'Trees']
, 'B': ['./', 'Bridge']
, 'C': ['./', 'Sand']
//{{Add new grid above.
var mCurrent = {
Margin: {
left: -1
, top: -1
, right: -1
, bottom: -1
, Position: {
X: -1
, Y: -1
, Type: 'NONE'
var mTitle = {};
var sHurdleONE =
+ ';T,L,T,T,T,T,S,S,S,S,T'
+ ';T,L,L,T,S,S,S,S,S,L,T'
+ ';T,L,L,L,C,C,C,S,S,T,S'
+ ';T,L,L,L,C,C,C,B,B,L,T'
+ ';T,L,L,C,C,C,C,S,S,L,T'
+ ';T,L,L,C,C,T,S,S,L,L,T'
//{{Add hurdle above.
var vHurdles = [sHurdleONE];
//{{After add hurdle, add the hurdle to the vector above.
function _createGrid(nWidthBasic, nHeightBasic, nPicWidth, nPicHeight, cType, mMargin)
var mCoordMember = {
left: nWidthBasic
, top: nHeightBasic
, right: nWidthBasic + nPicWidth
, bottom: nHeightBasic + nPicHeight
var mPositionMember = {
X: ( - ) / nPicWidth
, Y: ( - ) / nPicHeight
var mItem = {
Coord: mCoordMember
, Position: mPositionMember
, Type: cType
return mItem;
function _loadHurdle(sHurdle)
var nBasic = 0;
var nWidthBasic = nBasic; //margin-left.
var nHeightBasic = 0; //margin-top.
//{{Change map margin above.
var nPicWidth = 45; //Picture width is nBasic.
var nPicHeight = 45; //Picturn height is nHeightBasic.
//{{Change icon size above.
var nSub;
var nRow;
var nCol;
var v = (';');
var vRec = [];
for(nSub = 0; nSub < ; nSub++){
var vCrid = v[nSub].split(',');
vRec[] = vCrid;
for(nRow = 0; nRow < ; nRow++){
var vCol = vRec[nRow];
for(nCol = 0; nCol < ; nCol++){
var cType = vCol[nCol];
var mMargin = {x: nBasic, y: nBasic};
vView[] = _createGrid(nWidthBasic, nHeightBasic, nPicWidth, nPicHeight, cType, mMargin);
nWidthBasic += nPicWidth;
nHeightBasic += nPicHeight;
nWidthBasic = nBasic;
//Show map with vector 'vView'.
function _showMap(sID)
var xDiv=(sID);
var xGrid;
var xImg;
var nTop = 0;
var nSub;
var sIdPrefix = 'ID_IMG_NUM_';
var sIdGrid = 'ID_A_NUM_';
for(nSub = 0; nSub < ; nSub++){
var mGrid = vView[nSub];
var xMargin = ;
var cType = ;
var xProper = mScene[cType];
xGrid = ('a');
xImg = ('img');
= 'absolute';
= ;
= ;
= xProper[0];
= '0px solid #000000';
= sIdPrefix + nSub;
= 45;
= 45;
= 'block';
= function(e){
var xCurrentGrid = ;
var sId = ;
var nIdAsSub = parseInt((, ));
mCurrent = vView[nIdAsSub];
alert("Error 0004.");
= xProper[1] + '(' + parseInt() + ', ' + parseInt(+2) + ')';
= sIdGrid + nSub;
alert("Error: 0003.");
alert("Error: 0002.");
//Show map of hurdle.
function _showHurdle(nHurdle)
if(vHurdles[nHurdle - 1]){
_loadHurdle(vHurdles[nHurdle - 1]);
alert("Error: 0001.");