This article describes the image (thumbnail) processing class encapsulated by PHP. Share it for your reference, as follows:
<?php //Picture processing tool classclass Image{ //property private $thumb_width; //The width of the thumbnail private $thumb_height; //Error attribute public $thumb_error; //Construction method public function __construct($width = 0,$height = 0){ $this->thumb_width = ($width == 0) ? $GLOBALS['config']['admin_goods_thumb']['width'] : $width; $this->thumb_height = ($height == 0) ? $GLOBALS['config']['admin_goods_thumb']['height'] : $height; } /* * Make thumbnails * @param1 string $src, original image path, /uploads/ * @param2 string $path, thumbnail save path/uploads/thumb_20150122101010abcdef.gif * @return The name of the thumbnail */ public function makeThumb($src,$path){ //Judge whether the original image exists if(!file_exists($src)){ $this->thumb_error = 'The original picture does not exist! '; return false; } //Open the original image resource //Get the suffix that can be used $ext = $this->getFunctionName($src); //gif //Patch together the function name $open = 'imagecreatefrom' . $ext; //imagecreatefromgif $save = 'image' . $ext; //imagegif //If it is not clear; echo $open,$save; exit; //The variable function opens the original image resource $src_img = $open($src); //Use variable functions to open image resources //imagecreatefromgif($src) //Thumbnail resources $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($this->thumb_width,$this->thumb_height); //Background color fills white $dst_bg_color = imagecolorallocate($dst_img,255,255,255); imagefill($dst_img,0,0,$dst_bg_color); //Aspect and height ratio determine width and height $dst_size = $this->thumb_width / $this->thumb_height; //Get original image data $file_info = getimagesize($src); $src_size = $file_info[0]/$file_info[1]; //Finish the width and height of the thumbnail if($src_size > $dst_size){ //The aspect ratio of the original image is greater than that of the thumbnail $width = $this->thumb_width; $height = round($width / $src_size); }else{ $height = $this->thumb_height; $width = round($height * $src_size); } //Finish the starting position of the thumbnail image $dst_x = round($this->thumb_width - $width)/2; $dst_y = round($this->thumb_height - $height)/2; //Make thumbnails if(imagecopyresampled($dst_img,$src_img,$dst_x,$dst_y,0,0,$width,$height,$file_info[0],$file_info[1])){ //Sampling successfully: save, save the file to the corresponding path $thumb_name = 'thumb_' . basename($src); $save($dst_img,$path . '/' . $thumb_name); //Save successfully return $thumb_name; }else{ //Sampling failed $this->thumb_error = 'Thumbnail sampling failed! '; return false; } } /* * Get the function name to call the file * @param1 string $file, file name * @return Function string obtained by file suffix name */ private function getFunctionName($file){ //Get the file suffix $file_info = pathinfo($file); $ext = $file_info['extension']; //Suffix: gif, png, jpg, jpeg, pjpeg //imagecreatefromgif,imagecreatefromjpeg,imagecreatefrompng //Define an array to save function name $func = array( 'gif' => 'gif', 'png' => 'png', 'jpg' => 'jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'jpeg', 'pjpeg' => 'jpeg' ); //Return value return $func[$ext]; } }
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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's PHP programming.