Please implement a myAtoi(string s) function to convert a string into a 32-bit signed integer (similar to atoi in C/C++
The algorithm of the function myAtoi(string s) is as follows:
Read in the string and discard useless leading spaces.
Check whether the next character (assuming that it has not yet reached the end of the character) is positive or negative, and read that character (if any). Determine whether the final result is a negative or positive number. If neither exists, the result is assumed to be positive.
Read the next character until the next non-numeric character is reached or the end of the input is reached. The rest of the string will be ignored.
Convert these numbers read in the previous step into integers (i.e., "123" -> 123, "0032" -> 32). If no number is read, the integer is 0. Change the symbol if necessary (start from step 2).
If the integer number exceeds the 32-bit signed integer range [−231, 231 − 1], this integer needs to be truncated to keep it within this range. Specifically, integers smaller than −231 should be fixed to −231 , and integers larger than 231 − 1 should be fixed to 231 − 1 .
Returns integers as the final result.
Notice: The blank characters in this question include only space characters ' ' 。 Except for the leading space or number, the rest of the string,Do not ignore it Any other character。
Example 1: enter:s = "42" Output:42 explain:The bold string is a character that has been read.,The caret is the currently read character。 The 1 step:"42"(No characters are read in at present,Because there are no leading spaces) ^ The 2 step:"42"(No characters are read in at present,Because it doesn't exist here '-' or '+') ^ The 3 step:"42"(Read in "42") ^ Analyze the integer 42 。 because "42" In range [-231, 231 - 1] Inside,The final result is 42 。
Example 2: enter:s = " -42" Output:-42 explain: The 1 step:" -42"(Read into leading spaces,But ignore it) ^ The 2 step:" -42"(Read in '-' character,So the result should be a negative number) ^ The 3 step:" -42"(Read in "42") ^ Analyze the integer -42 。 because "-42" In range [-231, 231 - 1] Inside,The final result is -42 。
Example 3: enter:s = "4193 with words" Output:4193 explain: The 1 step:"4193 with words"(No characters are read in at present,Because there are no leading spaces) ^ The 2 step:"4193 with words"(No characters are read in at present,Because it doesn't exist here '-' or '+') ^ The 3 step:"4193 with words"(Read in "4193";Since the next character is not a number,所以Read in停止) ^ Analyze the integer 4193 。 because "4193" In range [-231, 231 - 1] Inside,The final result is 4193 。
Example 4: enter:s = "words and 987" Output:0 explain: The 1 step:"words and 987"(No characters are read in at present,Because there are no leading spaces) ^ The 2 step:"words and 987"(No characters are read in at present,Because it doesn't exist here '-' or '+') ^ The 3 step:"words and 987"(Due to the current character 'w' Not a number,So read in and stop)
Example 5: enter:s = "-91283472332" Output:-2147483648 explain: The 1 step:"-91283472332"(No characters are read in at present,Because there are no leading spaces) ^ The 2 step:"-91283472332"(Read in '-' character,So the result should be a negative number) ^ The 3 step:"-91283472332"(Read in "91283472332") ^ Analyze the integer -91283472332 。 because -91283472332 Less than range [-231, 231 - 1] The lower boundary of,The final result is truncated as -231 = -2147483648 。
0 <= <= 200 s consists of English letters (upper and lower case), numbers (0-9), ' ', '+', '-' and '.'
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A general introduction to a function
The previously introduced StringBuilder() and toCharArray() are both used here. The function I will introduce to you today is the Math function. It has a wide range of application as a mathematical function. Let's take a look at what functions it has.
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Source code and analysis
public class test { public static String myAtoi(String s) { char[] list=(); StringBuilder lis=new StringBuilder(); for(int i=0;i<;i++) { if(list[i]==' ') { continue; } else if(list[i]=='+'||list[i]=='-'||((list[i])>=48&&(list[i])<=57)) { (list[i]); }else { return (); } } return (); } public static void main(String[] args) { long a=(myAtoi("words and 987")==""? "0":myAtoi("words and 987")); int b= (int) ((a, (2, 31)-1), (-2, 31)); (b); } }
Of course, this is written in my own format, and it does not follow the official format. Come on, let's start explaining one by one:
public static String myAtoi(String s) { //The following two lines are what I mentioned earlier to turn a string into a character array char[] list=(); StringBuilder lis=new StringBuilder(); //The following mainly uses character length as the number of times to convert characters into integers for(int i=0;i<;i++) { //According to the question requirements, start to encounter spaces and discard useless leading spaces if(list[i]==' ') { //I won't introduce the function of continue, it's basic. continue; }//The following judgment is introduced in detail below else if(list[i]=='+'||list[i]=='-'||((list[i])>=48&&(list[i])<=57)) { (list[i]); }else {//If you encounter characters other than the above conditions, you will end directly and return to the string return (); } } return (); } else if(list[i]=='+'||list[i]=='-'||((list[i])>=48&&(list[i])<=57)) { (list[i]);
This part is to judge + and - and the ascll value of each character. () is the function to calculate the ascll value, as long as the number between 0-9 is satisfied.
- Actually, it should be written directly in this form
else if(list[i]=='+'||list[i]=='-'||(list[i]>='0'&&list[i]<='9')) { (list[i]);
Then we have the main function part left. All this part needs to be changed when submitting it, but I did not use it in the official format when writing the explanation.
public static void main(String[] args) { //The three-point operation is involved, but we have talked about the rules before. The main function here is to prevent the following situation from returning to a null character, so we will turn it to zero long a=(myAtoi("words and 987")==""? "0":myAtoi("words and 987")); //This is the main usage of the Math function mentioned above, because the answer must be judged by the scope //So let us first find the number sum of the upper bound (2^31)-1 to find the smallest //Compare with -2^31 to find the largest number. We are looking for. If you don’t understand, you can send a private message or comment for detailed explanation. int b= (int) ((a, (2, 31)-1), (-2, 31)); (b);
Well, that’s all for today’s algorithm problems. Have you learned it? In general, this question recalls our previous questions. If you don’t remember them, it is recommended to take a look. You must not forget what you have learned.
This is the article about practicing Java functions and algorithms every day, summarizing and converting integers in strings. For more related Java functions and algorithm content, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!