LivePipe UIbased onPrototype Javascript framework, contains a complete set of rigorously tested and highly scalable UI controls, with good documentation and seamless downgrades in environments that do not support JavaScript. Including Tab, form, text box, multi-check box, scoring control, progress bar, scroll bar, right-click menu and other controls.
LivePipe Home Page and Download
LivePipe Demos and Examples
UKIIt is a simple JavaScript UI tool set for quickly creating desktop-style web applications. The controls contained in range from sliding bar to column view. familiarjQueryDevelopers will find this tool easy to use, very simple, no framework required, and no dependency on CSS references.
UKI Homepage and Download
UKI controls, demonstrations, examples
MochaUIyesMooTools Javascript frameworkA popular extension with ExplorerCanvas, which can be used to quickly create web applications, web desktops, websites, trims, standalone Windows, Modal dialogs, and more.
MochaUI Homepage and Download
MochaUI controls, demonstrations, examples
Chinese translation source:Ruishang Enterprise CMS Website Content Management SystemOfficial website
Sigma Ajax UI Builder
SigmaVisualIt is a set of web-based, WYSIWYG AJAX UI creation tools, which contain more than 40 missing, such as Tab, dialog boxes, tree charts, timelines, etc., based on JavaScript and PHP.
Sigma Ajax UI Builder Homepage and Downloads
Sigma Ajax UI Builder controls, demos and examples
JxLib based MooTools
JxLibIt is based onMooToolsThe JavaScript UI framework contains the basic space required by most web programs, such as buttons, tabs, menus, tree structures, dialog boxes, etc. JxLib also supports skin removal.
JxLib Homepage and Download
JxLib controls, demonstrations and examples
Dijit – The Dojo Toolkit
Dijitbased onDojo, is also a good starting point for learning Dojo expansion. Can be used to create a very beautiful Web 2.0 GUI. It supports multilingual, and even supports writing directions of text in different languages, as well as localized numbers, dates, etc.
Dijit Homepage, download
Dijit control, demonstration, example
jQuery TOOLS
jQuery ToolsIt is a very lightweight (2.5kb) commonly used UI library that supports the following jQuery objects, Tabs, tooltips, scrollbars, layers, forms, and Flash nesting.
jQuery TOOLS Home Page and Download
jQuery TOOLS control, demonstration, example
jQuery UI
jQuery UIbased onjQuery, contains 3 major categories, decorations, and some built-in UI objects; effects, apply animation effects (such as explosion effects) to various web objects; mouse interaction, such as drag and drop operations.
jQuery UI homepage and download
jQuery UI controls, demonstrations and examples
Prototype UI
Prototype UIbased onPrototypeand, including multiple modules (carousel, Modal window, shadow, right-click menu, etc.), each module can be installed and used separately.
Prototype UI Homepage and Download
Prototype UI controls, demonstrations and examples
JitsuFunctions include XML tagging, page compilation, animation engine, Ajax, runtime detection, etc. Its Ajax function makes the creation of consumer-grade web applications very simple, supports client data binding, and can also compile pages into JavaScript.JitsuBest run in Firefox and IE.
Jitsu Homepage and Download
Jitsu controls, demonstrations and examples
QutensilStill under development, but its roadmap has shown something compelling, based onPrototypeandScriptaculous, including messages, palettes, sliders, tooltips, drag-and-drop windows, and warnings, confirmations, prompts and other windows.
Qutensil Homepage, download
Qutensil control, demonstration, example
is a popular UI tool set based onPrototype framework, provides tools such as visual effects, UI controls, and DOM-oriented.
Home and Downloads
Alloy UI
AlloyUIIt is a set of feature-rich UI frameworks based on YUI 3 and partly based on YUI 2. It contains a rich set of (more than 60) UI components, such as picture gallery, dialog boxes, tree structures, panels, autocomplete, buttons, calendar controls, toolbars, etc.
Alloy UI Homepage and Download
Alloy UI controls, demonstrations and examples
iUI: iPhone UI framework
IUIIt contains a set of JavaScript libraries, CSS style tables and pictures. It is a lightweight iPhone UI library that includes iPhone style navigation menus, device orientations, iPhone style switching and other functions, which can bring an iPhone-like experience to your web program.
iUI Homepage and Download
XUIIt is a lightweight, minimalist, highly modular framework for mobile web applications. The reason it's very lightweight is that it only supports mobile browsers and all code supported across browsers is stripped. It is aimed at front-line mobile web browsers such as Webkit, Fennec, and Opera, and intends to provide mobile IE and BlackBerry in the future.
XUI Homepage, download
Yahoo! YUI Library
Yahoo! YUI LibraryIt can be said to be the father of all web UIs, reliable and feature-rich, and has now developed to version 3. It has a huge development team and has launched very rich features that are unrivaled in terms of features.
YUI Library Homepage and Download
Getting started with YUI2
Getting started with YUI3
YUI3 controls, demonstrations and examples