Usage of defineEmits/defineProps in vue3 setup syntax sugar
Both APIs are used in setup syntax sugar and do not need to be introduced
: The parent component passes parameters to the child component
: Call the parent component's callback function in the child component and can pass parameters
Parent component binding binds custom events in child component, and child components are availableemits
Parent component binding event:
Parent component callback function:
const handleIncrease = (num: number) => {}
Subcomponent definition
// ts proprietaryconst emits= defineEmits<{ (e: 'increase', num: number): void }>() // js let emits = defineEmits(['startChange', 'endChange'])
- Subcomponent call
emits('increase', 1);
Parent component
<template> <section class="parent"> <childVue :num="nums" @increase="handleIncrease"></childVue> </section> </template> <script setup> import childVue from './'; import { ref } from 'vue'; const nums = ref(0); // Callback function const handleIncrease = (num: number) => { += num; }; </script>
<template> <section class="box" @click="handelClick">{{ num }}</section> </template> <script setup> // ts proprietaryconst emits= defineEmits<{ (e: 'increase', num: number): void }>() const handelClick = () => { emits('increase', 1); }; </script>
Parent component can directly pass values to child component (read-only)
Parent component
<template> <div class="Father"> <p>I'm the parent component</p> <!-- --> <son :ftext="ftext"></son> </div> </template> <script setup> import {ref} from 'vue' import Son from './' const ftext = ref('I am the parent component-text') </script>
<template> <div class="Son"> <p>I'm a child component</p> <!-- Shows the value from the parent component Use directly here--> <p>Received value:{{ftext}}</p> </div> </template> <script setup> import {ref} from 'vue' // se //defineProps to receive the component's pass valueconst props = defineProps<{ ftext: string, }>() // Complex writingconst props = defineProps<{ ftext: { type: string, required: false, default: 'hhh' } }>() // Use it here</script>
props two-way binding
When we want to turn the parameters passed by the parent component into two-way binding,Can be read or written
- It is equivalent to binding one more custom event
emits('update:sideCollapse', the value to be changed)
Parent component
<script setup lang="ts"> import { ref } from 'vue' let sideCollapse = ref(false) </script> <template> <nav-header v-model:sideCollapse="sideCollapse"></nav-header> </template>
const props = defineProps<{ sideCollapse: boolean, }>() // let emits = defineEmits(['update:sideCollapse']) js writing method // ts writing methodconst emits = defineEmits<{ (e: 'update:sideCollapse', sideCollapse: boolean): void }>() function toggle() { // = ! Cannot be modified directly! // To modify this emits('update:sideCollapse', !) }
This is the article about the usage of defineEmits/defineProps in vue3. For more relevant usage of defineEmits/defineProps, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!