9. Sequence operation function:
Sequence objects (also called sequence generators) are special single-row tables created with CREATE SEQUENCE. A sequence object is usually used to generate unique identifiers for rows or tables. The following sequence function provides a simple and concurrent read-safe method for us to obtain the latest sequence value from the sequence object.
function | Return type | describe |
nextval(regclass) | bigint | Increment the sequence object to its next value and return that value. This action is automatically completed. Even if multiple sessions run nextval concurrently, each process will safely receive a unique sequence value. |
currval(regclass) | bigint | Returns the value of the sequence caught by nextval in the current session. (If nextval has never been called on this sequence in this session, an error will be reported.) Please note that because this function returns a session-range value and can also give a predictable result, it can be used to determine whether other sessions have executed nextval. |
lastval() | bigint | Returns the value returned by the last nextval in the current session. This function is equivalent to currval, except that it does not use the sequence name as a parameter, it grabs the sequence used by nextval in the current session for the most recent time. If nextval has not been called yet, calling lastval will report an error. |
setval(regclass, bigint) | bigint | Resets the counter value of the sequence object. Set the last_value field of the sequence to the specified value and set its is_called field to true, indicating that the next nextval will increment the sequence before returning the value. |
setval(regclass, bigint, boolean) | bigint | Resets the counter value of the sequence object. The function is equivalent to the setval function above, except that is_called can be set to true or false. If it is set to false, the next nextval will return the value, and the subsequent nextval will start incrementing the sequence. |
For the regclass parameter, you only need to enclose the sequence name in single quotes, so it looks like a text constant. To achieve the same compatibility as with normal SQL objects, this string will be converted to lowercase unless the sequence name is enclosed in double quotes, such as:
nextval('foo') --Operation serial number foo
nextval('FOO') --Operation serial number foo
nextval('"Foo"') --Operation serial number Foo
SELECT setval('foo', 42); --Nextval will return 43
SELECT setval('foo', 42, true);
SELECT setval('foo', 42, false); --The next time nextval will return 42
10. Conditional expression:
1. CASE:
SQL CASE expression is a general conditional expression, similar to the if/else statement in other languages.
CASE WHEN condition THEN result
[WHEN ...]
[ELSE result]
condition is an expression that returns boolean. If true, the result of the CASE expression is a result that meets the criteria. If the result is false, then the subsequent WHEN clause is searched in the same way. If no WHEN condition is true, the result of the case expression is the value in the ELSE clause. If the ELSE clause is omitted and there is no matching condition, the result is NULL, such as:
MyTest=> SELECT * FROM testtable;
(3 rows)
MyTest=> SELECT i, CASE WHEN i=1 THEN 'one'
MyTest-> WHEN i=2 THEN 'two'
MyTest-> ELSE 'other'
MyTest-> END
MyTest-> FROM testtable;
i | case
1 | one
2 | two
3 | other
(3 rows)
Note: CASE expressions do not calculate any subexpressions that are not required for the judgment result.
COALESCE returns the value of its first non-NULL parameter. It is often used to replace NULL values with default values when retrieving data for display purposes.
COALESCE(value[, ...])
Like CASE expressions, COALESCE will not calculate parameters that do not need to be used to judge the result. That is, the parameters to the right of the first non-null parameter will not be calculated.
NULLIF returns NULL if and only if value1 and value2 are equal. Otherwise it returns value1.
NULLIF(value1, value2)
MyTest=> SELECT NULLIF('abc','abc');
(1 row)
MyTest=> SELECT NULLIF('abcd','abc');
(1 row)
The GREATEST and LEAST functions select the largest or smallest numerical value from a list of arbitrary numeric expressions. The NULL values in the list will be ignored. The result will be NULL only when the result of all expressions is NULL.
GREATEST(value [, ...])
LEAST(value [, ...])
MyTest=> SELECT GREATEST(1,3,5);
(1 row)
MyTest=> SELECT LEAST(1,3,5,NULL);
(1 row)
11. Array functions and operators:
1. List of operators for arrays provided in PostgreSQL:
Operator | describe | example | result |
= | equal | ARRAY[1.1,2.1,3.1]::int[] = ARRAY[1,2,3] | t |
<> | Not equal to | ARRAY[1,2,3] <> ARRAY[1,2,4] | t |
< | Less than | ARRAY[1,2,3] < ARRAY[1,2,4] | t |
> | Greater than | ARRAY[1,4,3] > ARRAY[1,2,4] | t |
<= | Less than or equal to | ARRAY[1,2,3] <= ARRAY[1,2,3] | t |
>= | Greater than or equal to | ARRAY[1,4,3] >= ARRAY[1,4,3] | t |
|| | Array and array connection | ARRAY[1,2,3] || ARRAY[4,5,6] | {1,2,3,4,5,6} |
|| | Array and array connection | ARRAY[1,2,3] || ARRAY[[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] | {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}} |
|| | Elements and arrays are connected | 3 || ARRAY[4,5,6] | {3,4,5,6} |
|| | Elements and arrays are connected | ARRAY[4,5,6] || 7 | {4,5,6,7} |
2. A list of functions provided in PostgreSQL for arrays:
function | Return type | describe | example | result |
array_cat(anyarray, anyarray) | anyarray | Concatenate two arrays | array_cat(ARRAY[1,2,3], ARRAY[4,5]) | {1,2,3,4,5} |
array_append(anyarray, anyelement) | anyarray | Append an element to the end of an array | array_append(ARRAY[1,2], 3) | {1,2,3} |
array_prepend(anyelement, anyarray) | anyarray | Append an element to the beginning of an array | array_prepend(1, ARRAY[2,3]) | {1,2,3} |
array_dims(anyarray) | text | Returns a text representation of the dimension of an array | array_dims(ARRAY[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]) | [1:2][1:3] |
array_lower(anyarray, int) | int | Returns the lower bound of the specified array dimension | array_lower(array_prepend(0, ARRAY[1,2,3]), 1) | 0 |
array_upper(anyarray, int) | int | Returns the upper bound of the specified array dimension | array_upper(ARRAY[1,2,3,4], 1) | 4 |
array_to_string(anyarray, text) | text | Connect array elements using provided delimiters | array_to_string(ARRAY[1, 2, 3], '~^~') | 1~^~2~^~3 |
string_to_array(text, text) | text[] | Use the specified separator to split the string into array elements | string_to_array('xx~^~yy~^~zz', '~^~') | {xx,yy,zz} |
12. System information function:
1. A list of database-related functions provided in PostgreSQL:
name | Return type | describe |
current_database() | name | The name of the current database |
current_schema() | name | The name of the current mode |
current_schemas(boolean) | name[] | Pattern name in search path |
current_user | name | Username under the current execution environment |
inet_client_addr() | inet | The remote address of the connection |
inet_client_port() | int | Connected remote port |
inet_server_addr() | inet | Local address of the connection |
inet_server_port() | int | The local port to connect |
session_user | name | Session username |
pg_postmaster_start_time() | timestamp | Postmaster start time |
user | name | current_user |
version() | text | PostgreSQL version information |
2. Functions that allow users to query object access rights in the program:
name | describe | Available Permissions |
has_table_privilege(user,table,privilege) | Does the user have permission to access the table | SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/RULE/REFERENCES/TRIGGER |
has_table_privilege(table,privilege) | Whether the current user has permission to access the table | SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/RULE/REFERENCES/TRIGGER |
has_database_privilege(user,database,privilege) | Does the user have permission to access the database | CREATE/TEMPORARY |
has_database_privilege(database,privilege) | Whether the current user has permission to access the database | CREATE/TEMPORARY |
has_function_privilege(user,function,privilege) | Does the user have permission to access the function | EXECUTE |
has_function_privilege(function,privilege) | Whether the current user has permission to access the function | EXECUTE |
has_language_privilege(user,language,privilege) | Does the user have permission to access the language | USAGE |
has_language_privilege(language,privilege) | Does the current user have permission to access the language | USAGE |
has_schema_privilege(user,schema,privilege) | Does the user have permission to access the mode | CREAT/USAGE |
has_schema_privilege(schema,privilege) | Whether the current user has access mode permissions | CREAT/USAGE |
has_tablespace_privilege(user,tablespace,privilege) | Does the user have permission to access the tablespace | CREATE |
has_tablespace_privilege(tablespace,privilege) | Whether the current user has permission to access the tablespace | CREATE |
Note: All the above functions return boolean type. To evaluate whether a user holds the authorization option on permissions, append WITH GRANT OPTION to the permission keyword; for example 'UPDATE WITH GRANT OPTION'.
3. Pattern visibility query function:
Functions that determine whether an object is visible in the current mode search path. If the pattern in which a table is located is in the search path and no table with the same name appears earlier in the search path, then the table is visually visible. It is equivalent to the table being referenced without explicit schema modification.
name | describe | Application Type |
pg_table_is_visible(table_oid) | Is the table/view visible in the search path | regclass |
pg_type_is_visible(type_oid) | Is this class/view visible in the search path | regtype |
pg_function_is_visible(function_oid) | Is this function visible in the search path | regprocedure |
pg_operator_is_visible(operator_oid) | Is this operator visible in the search path | regoperator |
pg_opclass_is_visible(opclass_oid) | Is this operator table visible in the search path | regclass |
pg_conversion_is_visible(conversion_oid) | Is the conversion visible in the search path | regoperator |
Note: All the above functions return the boolean type, and all of these functions require the object OID identification as the object to be checked.
postgres=# SELECT pg_table_is_visible('testtable'::regclass);
(1 row)
4. System table information function:
name | Return type | describe |
format_type(type_oid,typemod) | text | Get the SQL name of a data type |
pg_get_viewdef(view_oid) | text | Get CREATE VIEW command for view |
pg_get_viewdef(view_oid,pretty_bool) | text | Get CREATE VIEW command for view |
pg_get_ruledef(rule_oid) | text | Get the CREATE RULE command for the rule |
pg_get_ruledef(rule_oid,pretty_bool) | text | Get the CREATE RULE command for the rule |
pg_get_indexdef(index_oid) | text | Get the CREATE INDEX command for index |
pg_get_indexdef(index_oid,column_no,pretty_bool) | text | Get the CREATE INDEX command for index. If column_no is not zero, it only gets the definition of one index field. |
pg_get_triggerdef(trigger_oid) | text | Get CREATE [CONSTRAINT] TRIGGER for the trigger |
pg_get_constraintdef(constraint_oid) | text | Get a definition of a constraint |
pg_get_constraintdef(constraint_oid,pretty_bool) | text | Get a definition of a constraint |
pg_get_expr(expr_text,relation_oid) | text | Decompile the internal form of an expression, assuming that any Vars in it reference the relationship indicated by the second parameter |
pg_get_expr(expr_text,relation_oid, pretty_bool) | text | Decompile the internal form of an expression, assuming that any Vars in it reference the relationship indicated by the second parameter |
pg_get_userbyid(roleid) | name | Get the role name of the given ID |
pg_get_serial_sequence(table_name,column_name) | text | Get the sequence name used by a serial or bigserial field |
pg_tablespace_databases(tablespace_oid) | setof oid | Gets a collection of OIDs of a set of databases that have objects in a specified tablespace (OID representation) |
Most of these functions have two variants, one of which can choose a "beautiful print" of the result. The beautiful print format is easier to read, but the default format is more likely to be interpreted in the same way by future PostgreSQL versions; if it is used for dumps, avoid using beautiful prints as much as possible. Passing false to the beautiful print parameter is exactly the same as the result generated by the variant without this parameter.
13. System management functions:
1. Functions that query and modify runtime configuration parameters:
name | Return type | describe |
current_setting(setting_name) | text | The value currently set |
set_config(setting_name,new_value,is_local) | text | Set parameters and return new values |
Current_setting is used to obtain the current value set by setting_name in query form. It is equivalent to the SQL command SHOW. for example:
MyTest=# SELECT current_setting('datestyle');
(1 row)
set_config sets the parameter setting_name to new_value. If is_local is set to true, the new value will only be applied to the current transaction. If you want the new value to be applied to the current session, then you should use false. It is equivalent to SQL command SET. for example:
MyTest=# SELECT set_config('log_statement_stats','off', false);
(1 row)
2. Database object size function:
name | Return type | describe |
pg_tablespace_size(oid) | bigint | Specify the disk space used by the tablespace represented by the OID |
pg_tablespace_size(name) | bigint | Disk space used by the tablespace with the specified name |
pg_database_size(oid) | bigint | Specify the disk space used by the database represented by the OID |
pg_database_size(name) | bigint | The disk space used by the database with the specified name |
pg_relation_size(oid) | bigint | Specify the disk space used by the table or index represented by the OID |
pg_relation_size(text) | bigint | Specifies the disk space used by the table or index with the name. This name can be modified with a pattern name |
pg_total_relation_size(oid) | bigint | Specifies the disk space used by the table represented by the OID, including index and compressed data |
pg_total_relation_size(text) | bigint | All disk space used by the table with a specified name, including indexes and compressed data. Table names can be modified with pattern names. |
pg_size_pretty(bigint) | text | Convert byte-calculated sizes into a human-readable unit of size |
3. Database object location function:
name | Return type | describe |
pg_relation_filenode(relationregclass) | oid | Gets the file node number of the specified object (usually the oid value of the object). |
pg_relation_filepath(relationregclass) | text | Gets the full pathname of the specified object. |
mydatabase=# select pg_relation_filenode('testtable');
(1 row)
mydatabase=# select pg_relation_filepath('testtable');
(1 row)
All information provided in this blog is from the official PostgreSQL documentation. The main purpose of writing this blog is to facilitate future review. This statement is hereby declared.