Updated on 2025-03-04

Advanced usage of std::tuple and std::pair in C++

In the C++ standard library, std::tuple and std::pair are two very practical data structures. They both have the function of storing multiple elements, but each has its own unique applicable environment and characteristics. This article aims to explore the differences between the two in depth and explain how to choose and use them rationally in different application scenarios.

1. Basic concepts

  • std::pair
    std::pair is a template class in the C++ standard library that combines two different types of values ​​together. It is defined in the <utility> header file and can store a pair of related data items, which can be different types of data or the same type of data. Each pair has two members: first and second, which are used to access the first and second elements in the pair, respectively.

  • std::tuple
    std::tuple is a standard library type introduced by C++11, which allows multiple different types of values ​​to be stored in a single object. Similar to std::pair, std::tuple is also a way to aggregate different types of values ​​together, but std::tuple is more flexible and can dynamically store any type and number of elements. The number of members of each tuple is determined during the compilation period, but the number of members of different tuple types can be different.

2. Use scenarios and differences

  • Use scenarios of std::pair
    • When a function needs to return multiple values, you can use the pair class to encapsulate these values ​​and use the pair object as the return value of the function.
    • In scenarios where key-value pairs are needed, the pair class can be used to represent key-value pairs and the pair object is stored in various containers, such as map, unordered_map, etc.
  • Use scenarios of std::tuple
    • std::tuple is very useful when you need to aggregate multiple different types of values ​​into a single object, but don't want to trouble-define a new data structure to represent this data.
    • std::tuple can be regarded as a "fast and random" data structure, suitable for scenarios where different types of data need to be combined together.
  • Key differences
    • Number of members:std::pair can only store two members, while std::tuple can store any number of members.
    • name: The members of std::pair are clearly named (first and second), while the members of std::tuple are unnamed and need to be accessed through std::get<Ith>(obj).
    • flexibility:std::tuple is more flexible than std::pair and can adapt to more types of combinations and quantities.

3. Actual code examples

std::pair example

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;utility&gt;

int main() {
    std::pair&lt;int, std::string&gt; myPair(10, "Hello");
    std::cout &lt;&lt; "First: " &lt;&lt;  &lt;&lt; ", Second: " &lt;&lt;  &lt;&lt; std::endl;

    // Create std::pair using std::make_pair    auto p = std::make_pair(3, "cherry");
    std::cout &lt;&lt; "First: " &lt;&lt;  &lt;&lt; ", Second: " &lt;&lt;  &lt;&lt; std::endl;

    return 0;

std::tuple example

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;tuple&gt;
#include &lt;string&gt;

int main() {
    // Create and initialize std::tuple    std::tuple&lt;int, double, std::string&gt; myTuple(1, 3.14, std::string("Hello"));

    // Access elements in std::tuple    int a;
    double b;
    std::string c;
    std::tie(a, b, c) = myTuple;
    std::cout &lt;&lt; "a: " &lt;&lt; a &lt;&lt; "\n";
    std::cout &lt;&lt; "b: " &lt;&lt; b &lt;&lt; "\n";
    std::cout &lt;&lt; "c: " &lt;&lt; c &lt;&lt; "\n";

    // Create std::tuple using std::make_tuple    auto t = std::make_tuple(2, 4.56, "World");
    std::cout &lt;&lt; "First: " &lt;&lt; std::get&lt;0&gt;(t) &lt;&lt; ", Second: " &lt;&lt; std::get&lt;1&gt;(t) &lt;&lt; ", Third: " &lt;&lt; std::get&lt;2&gt;(t) &lt;&lt; std::endl;

    return 0;

4. Advanced usage and precautions

4.1 Advanced usage of std::tuple:

std::tuple_cat:Multiple std::tuples can be merged into one tuple.

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;tuple&gt;
#include &lt;string&gt;
#include <tuple_cat.h> // Note: In some compilers, this header file may be required to be explicitly included, but it is not usually required in standard libraries.
int main() {
    std::tuple&lt;int, double&gt; tuple1(1, 2.3);
    std::tuple&lt;char, std::string&gt; tuple2('a', "Hello");

    // Use std::tuple_cat to merge tuple1 and tuple2    auto mergedTuple = std::tuple_cat(tuple1, tuple2);

    // Access the merged tuple element    std::cout &lt;&lt; std::get&lt;0&gt;(mergedTuple) &lt;&lt; ", "    // int: 1
              &lt;&lt; std::get&lt;1&gt;(mergedTuple) &lt;&lt; ", "    // double: 2.3
              &lt;&lt; std::get&lt;2&gt;(mergedTuple) &lt;&lt; ", "    // char: 'a'
              &lt;&lt; std::get&lt;3&gt;(mergedTuple) &lt;&lt; std::endl; // std::string: "Hello"

    return 0;

Notice:In the standard library,std::tuple_catThere is no need to explicitly include specific header files, because it is in<tuple>defined in  . The above#include <tuple_cat.h>It is added for explanation purposes and should be omitted in actual use.

std::tie:It can unpack the features contained in std::tuple into a single object, and also supports unpacking of std::pair objects.

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;tuple&gt;
#include &lt;string&gt;

int main() {
    std::tuple&lt;int, double, std::string&gt; myTuple(1, 2.3, "Hello");

    //Unpack the tuple element using std::tie    int a;
    double b;
    std::string c;
    std::tie(a, b, c) = myTuple;

    std::cout &lt;&lt; "a: " &lt;&lt; a &lt;&lt; "\n"; // Output: a: 1    std::cout &lt;&lt; "b: " &lt;&lt; b &lt;&lt; "\n"; // Output: b: 2.3    std::cout &lt;&lt; "c: " &lt;&lt; c &lt;&lt; "\n"; // Output: c: Hello
    return 0;

Forstd::pairstd::tieThe same applies:

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;utility&gt;

int main() {
    std::pair&lt;int, std::string&gt; myPair(1, "Hello");

    //Unpack the pair element using std::tie    int x;
    std::string y;
    std::tie(x, y) = myPair;

    std::cout &lt;&lt; "x: " &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; "\n"; // Output: x: 1    std::cout &lt;&lt; "y: " &lt;&lt; y &lt;&lt; "\n"; // Output: y: Hello
    return 0;

std::ignore:When not paying attention to an element in a tuple, you can use std::ignore to ignore the element.

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;tuple&gt;
#include &lt;string&gt;
#include &lt;utility&gt; // for std::ignore

int main() {
    std::tuple&lt;int, double, std::string&gt; myTuple(1, 2.3, "Hello");

    // Use std::ignore to ignore the second element    int a;
    std::ignore = std::get&lt;1&gt;(myTuple); // Or you can just not write this variable, but std::ignore is more explicit    std::string c;
    std::tie(a, std::ignore, c) = myTuple;

    std::cout &lt;&lt; "a: " &lt;&lt; a &lt;&lt; "\n"; // Output: a: 1    std::cout &lt;&lt; "c: " &lt;&lt; c &lt;&lt; "\n"; // Output: c: Hello
    return 0;

4.1 Notes:

  • Element access is by location rather than name

    It has been reflected in the above example, we usestd::get<I>Come and visitstd::tupleThe firstIElement.

  • Type is determined during compilation period

    becausestd::tupleThe type of  is determined during the compilation period, so you cannot dynamically change its member types and number at runtime. This is already implicitly reflected in all the examples above, because we are all determined during the compilation period.std::tupleType and size.

5. Summary

std::pair and std::tuple are both template classes in the C++ standard library for combining multiple values, but they vary in member count, naming, and flexibility. std::pair is suitable for scenarios where two related values ​​are stored, while std::tuple is more flexible and can store any number and type of values. In actual programming, you can choose the appropriate template class to use according to specific needs.

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