Updated on 2025-03-04

Troubleshooting and handling methods for abnormally overcrowded disk space of Linux

Problem phenomenon

During the server operation and maintenance process, we often encounter this situation, the server disk space usage rate reaches 100%, and business abnormalities occur.

Problem positioning

1. Log in to the server and view it through df -Hl

[root@k8s-master1 ~]# df -Hl
File system                 capacity  Used  Available Used% Mounting point
devtmpfs                 8.4G     0  8.4G    0% /dev
tmpfs                    8.5G     0  8.5G    0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                    8.5G  774M  7.7G   10% /run
tmpfs                    8.5G     0  8.5G    0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/centos-root  136G   68G   68G   51% /
/dev/sda1                1.1G  238M  827M   23% /boot

2. Find directories or files that take up a large space

Stupid method: In the root directory, use the du -hs command to list the size of space occupied by each directory

[root@k8s-master1 /]# du -hs *
0	bin
194M	boot
1012K	core.580
0	dev
37M	etc
21M	home
7.7G	kuboard-data
0	lib
0	lib64
0	media
0	mnt
135M	opt
du: Unable to access"proc/21212/task/21212/fd/3": There is no file or directory
du: Unable to access"proc/21212/task/21212/fdinfo/3": There is no file or directory
du: Unable to access"proc/21212/fd/3": There is no file or directory
du: Unable to access"proc/21212/fdinfo/3": There is no file or directory
0	proc
1.6G	root
738M	run
0	sbin
0	src
0	srv
0	sys
6.2M	tmp
3.2G	usr
51G	var

A relatively efficient method is to set the directory depth of the query through du's -d parameter, or --max-depth

du -h -d 2|grep [GT] |sort -nr  
du -h --max-depth=2|grep [GT] |sort -nr  
#In this way, you can search for large directories that occupy disk space in units of G or T and sort them
[root@k8s-master1 /]# du -h -d 1 /
194M	/boot
0	/dev
du: Unable to access"/proc/24731/task/24731/fd/3": There is no file or directory
du: Unable to access"/proc/24731/task/24731/fdinfo/3": There is no file or directory
du: Unable to access"/proc/24731/fd/4": There is no file or directory
du: Unable to access"/proc/24731/fdinfo/4": There is no file or directory
0	/proc
738M	/run
0	/sys
37M	/etc
1.6G	/root
51G	/var
6.2M	/tmp
3.2G	/usr
21M	/home
0	/media
0	/mnt
135M	/opt
0	/srv
0	/src
7.7G	/kuboard-data
64G	/

A highly efficient method, using find for search is more efficient than using du

find / -type f -size +1G -exec du -h {} \;  #Find file greater than10GFiles

Encountering problems

After deleting some backup files and log information, the viewing space is still insufficient. I found that the deleted logs were not released.

Reasons for not freeing disk space:

In Linux or Unix systems, deleting a file through rm or file manager will unlink it from the file system's folder structure. However, assuming that the file is opened (a process is in use), the process will still be able to read the file and the disk space is always occupied. What I deleted was nginx's access log file, which was being used when deleting.

How to deal with it

[root@local ~]# lsof |grep deleted
nginx      4399      root   38w      REG              253,0   19304448   10835682 /var/nginx/logs/ (deleted)
nginx      4399      root   39w      REG              253,0    3502080   10835684 /var/nginx/logs/ (deleted)
nginx      4401    nobody   38w      REG              253,0   19304448   10835682 /var/nginx/logs/ (deleted)
nginx      4401    nobody   39w      REG              253,0    3502080   10835684 /var/nginx/logs/ (deleted)

From the output results, you can see that /var/nginx/logs/ and \ are still in use, so the space is not released.

So how to release the process?

  • Method 1: Directly kill the corresponding process, or stop the application using this file, so that the operating system can actively recycle disk space.
  • Method 2: When cleaning the large log file that is being read and written in the future, use the echo "" > command directly, which means that the file is empty, which does not affect the use of the service. The file size is also controlled and the disk space is also freed.


The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.