Updated on 2025-03-05

Detailed explanation of how to implement Yaml encoding and decoding using Go language

Introduce dependencies

First, we need to introduce corresponding dependencies in the Go project. Go official provides​/yaml.v2​Package to handle Yaml encoding and decoding. Execute the following command from the command line to introduce dependencies:

bashCopy codego get /yaml.v2

Code Yaml

Next, we will demonstrate how to encode the Go structure into a string in Yaml format. First, create a​​​ file, and write the following code into the file:

goCopy codepackage main
import (
type Person struct {
    Name  string `yaml:"name"`
    Age   int    `yaml:"age"`
    Email string `yaml:"email"`
func main() {
    person := Person{
        Name:  "John Doe",
        Age:   30,
        Email: "johndoe@",
    yamlBytes, err := (person)
    if err != nil {
        ("Failed to encode Yaml: %v", err)

In the above code, we define a name called​Person​​, which has three fields​Name​​、​​Age​and​Email​, each field uses​yaml​​Tag identification. In​main​In the function, we created a​Person​​Example of the structure and use​​The function encodes it into a string in Yaml format. If there is an error during encoding, we will use​​​Function prints error message. Finally, we use​​​Function prints the encoded Yaml string. Now, run the code from the command line:

bashCopy codego run 

You will see the following output:

yamlCopy codename: John Doe
age: 30
email: johndoe@

This is an example of how we encode the Go structure into Yaml format.

Decode Yaml

Next, we will demonstrate how to decode a Yaml string into a Go structure. Continue in​​Add the following code to the file:

goCopy codefunc main() {
    yamlStr := `
name: John Doe
age: 30
email: johndoe@
    var person Person
    err := ([]byte(yamlStr), &person)
    if err != nil {
        ("Failed to decode Yaml: %v", err)
    ("Decoded person: %+v\n", person)

In the above code, we define a Yaml-formatted string and assign it to​yamlStr​​Variable. Next, we create an empty one​Person​​Structure instance, and use​​The function decodes the Yaml string into this instance. If there is an error during decoding, we will use​​​Function prints error message. Finally, we use​​Function printing decoded​Person​​Structure instance. Now, run the code again on the command line:

bashCopy codego run 

You will see the following output:

bashCopy codeDecoded person: {Name:John Doe Age:30 Email:johndoe@}

This is an example of decoding a Yaml string into a Go structure.

in conclusion

In this article, we learned how to write code in Go to implement Yaml encoding and decoding. By using​/yaml.v2​​package, we can easily convert Go structures to strings in Yaml format and decode Yaml strings into Go structures. This is very useful for handling configuration files or data in Yaml format. I hope this article can help you get started with the world of Yaml encoding and decoding, practice and explore more, come on!

Yaml format is very common when working with configuration files. For example, suppose we have a web application and we want to use a Yaml file to store database connection information. First, we create a​​The Yaml file, the content is as follows:

yamlCopy codedatabase:
  host: localhost
  port: 5432
  name: mydatabase
  username: myuser
  password: mypassword

Then, parse the Yaml file in the Go code and create a​Config​​Structure to store parsed configuration information.

goCopy codepackage main
import (
type DatabaseConfig struct {
    Host     string `yaml:"host"`
    Port     int    `yaml:"port"`
    Name     string `yaml:"name"`
    Username string `yaml:"username"`
    Password string `yaml:"password"`
type Config struct {
    Database DatabaseConfig `yaml:"database"`
func main() {
    yamlBytes, err := ("")
    if err != nil {
        ("Failed to read Yaml file: %v", err)
    var config Config
    err = (yamlBytes, &config)
    if err != nil {
        ("Failed to decode Yaml: %v", err)
    ("Database Config:\n%+v\n", )

In the above code, we define​DatabaseConfig​​Structure to represent database connection information and use​yaml​The tag specifies the mapping relationship between the Yaml key and the structure field. Then, we define​Config​​Structure to include​DatabaseConfig​​Structure. In​main​In the function, we first use​​Function Reading​​​The content of the file and store the content in​yamlBytes​​Variable. Next, we use​​Function decodes Yaml string to​config​​Variable. If there is an error during decoding, we will use​​​Function prints error message. Finally, we use​​​Function prints the decoded database configuration information. Run the code in the command line:

bashCopy codego run 

You will see the following output:

bashCopy codeDatabase Config:
{Host:localhost Port:5432 Name:mydatabase Username:myuser Password:mypassword}

This is an example of using Yaml files to store database connection information and parsing it using Go code. You can use it according to your actual needs​Config​​The structure is expanded and additional configuration information is added. Hopefully this sample code can help you understand how to parse Yaml configuration files using Golang in real-world applications.

"/yaml.v2" is a popular YAML parser and generator package in Go. YAML is a human-readable data serialization format that is widely used in configuration files and data exchange. This package implements the YAML specification and provides functions for parsing and generating YAML data. The following is a detailed introduction to the "/yaml.v2" package:

  • Installation: To use the "/yaml.v2" package, you need to install it first. You can download the package from the Go module using the following command:

    bashCopy codego get /yaml.v2

  • Import: In Go code, use the following import statement to import the "/yaml.v2" package:

    goCopy codeimport "/yaml.v2"

  • Parse YAML: Can be used​([]byte, interface{})​The function parses the YAML string into the specified Go data structure. The parsed data will be populated into the provided interface parameters. For example:

    goCopy codetype Config struct { Name string yaml:"name" Count int yaml:"count" } yamlBytes := []byte( name: example count: 10) var config Config err := (yamlBytes, &config) if err != nil { ("Failed to decode YAML: %v", err) } ("Name: %s, Count: %d\n", , )

The above code will parse the YAML string and store it in​config​​In the variable, then print out the parsed field value. 4. Generate YAML: Can be used​(interface{}) ([]byte, error)​Functions convert Go data structures into byte arrays in YAML format. For example:

goCopy codetype Config struct {
    Name  string `yaml:"name"`
    Count int    `yaml:"count"`
config := Config{
    Name:  "example",
    Count: 10,
yamlBytes, err := (config)
if err != nil {
    ("Failed to encode YAML: %v", err)
("YAML: %s\n", string(yamlBytes))

The above code will generate a YAML string and print it out. 5. Tag configuration: "/yaml.v2" package supports use​yaml:"tag"​​The mapping relationship of tag configuration fields between YAML and Go data structures. Tags can specify the key name of a field in YAML, as well as the serialization and deserialization behavior of the field. For example:

goCopy codetype Config struct {
    Name  string `yaml:"name"`
    Count int    `yaml:"count,omitempty"`

In the above code,​Name​​fields are mapped to the "name" key in YAML,​Count​​The field is mapped to the "count" key in YAML and an additional omitempty option is added to indicate that if the field value is zero during serialization, the field is ignored. Summary: The "/yaml.v2" package provides a convenient way to parse and generate data in YAML format. It supports parsing YAML strings into Go data structures and converting Go data structures into YAML strings. Through tag configuration, the mapping relationship between YAML and Go data structures can be flexibly controlled. This makes this package a powerful tool for handling YAML configuration files and data exchange.

The above is a detailed explanation of the method of using Go to implement Yaml encoding and decoding. For more information about Go to implement Yaml encoding and decoding, please pay attention to my other related articles!