Updated on 2025-03-05

Golang study notes (V): Functions


The core design in Go language is declared through the keyword func

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

func funcName(input type1, input2 type2) (output1 type1, output2 type2) {
    //logical code
    return value1, value2

Basic syntax

1. Syntax

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

//General functions
func func_name(a int) {

//Multiple parameters, no return value
func func_name(a, b int, c string) {
    println(a, b, c)

//Single return value
func func_name(a, b int) int { //Same type, a, b int can be omitted
    return a + b

//Multiple return values
func func_name(a, b int) (c int, err error) {  //The return value can also be   (int, error)
    return a+b, nil

func SumAndProduct(A, B int) (int, int) {
    return A+B, A*B

2. Description:
Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

Keyword func declaration
There can be one or more parameters, each parameter is followed by a type, and multiple values ​​can be returned through the "," separating function.
Return value declaration, you can declare only the type
If there is no return value, the last return information can be omitted.
If there is a return value, return must be added to the outer layer.

Go functions do not support nested, overloaded and default parameters
1. No need to declare the prototype
2. Indefinite length variable parameters
3. Multiple return values
4. Name the return value parameter
5. Anonymous functions
6. Closure

The function starts with func, and the left brace cannot be added to the next line

Functions starting with lowercase letters refer to functions that can be visible in this package, and functions starting with uppercase letters can be called by other packages.

Multiple return values ​​and naming return parameters

Can return multiple results like python, just non-tuple

For unwanted return values, you can throw the trash can

If you return the parameter with a name, the return statement can be empty. return is not empty, the return value order is the order of return rather than the order declared in the function header

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

package main

func change(a, b int) (x, y int) {
    x = a + 100
    y = b + 100

    return   //101, 102
//return x, y  //Same as above
    //return y, x  //102, 101

func main(){
    a := 1
    b := 2
    c, d := change(a, b)
    println(c, d)

If the naming return parameter is overwritten by the variable of the same name in the code block, the result must be returned using an explicit return

There is no need to force a name to return value, but the named return value can make the code clearer and more readable

Parameter pass: value passing and pointer passing

Pointer, Go reserves pointers, and uses "." instead of "->" to operate pointers target object members.

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

& Get the variable address
* Indirect access to the target function through pointers

func add1(a int) int {
    a = a + 1
    return a

x := 3
x1 := add1(x)
x //3
x1 //4
Pass the value, the value of x1 has not changed

func add2(a *int) int {
    *a = *a + 1
    return *a
x := 3
x1 := add2(&x)
x // 4
x1 // 4

Passing multiple functions to operate the same object

Passing pointers is lightweight (8byte), just passing memory addresses. We can use pointers to pass large structures.

In Go language, the implementation mechanisms of string, slice, and map are similar to pointers, so they can be passed directly without having to pass pointers after the address is taken.

Note that if the function needs to change the slice length, you still need to get the address and pass the pointer.

Parameter passing: variable parameters

The variable parameter is essentially a slice, and must be the last formal parameter

When passing slice to variable parameter function, please use... to expand it, otherwise it will be treated as a single parameter of the dang, similar to python

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

package main

func sum(s string, args  {
    var x int
    for _, n := range args {
        x += n
    println(s, x)
func main(){
   sum("1+2+3=", 1, 2, 3)

   x := []int{0,1,2,3,4}
   sum("0+1+2+3=", x[:4]...)

...type type can only exist as a parameter type of a function and is the last parameter
Essentially an array slice, i.e. []type

Indefinite parameters of any type

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

func Printf(format string, args ...interface{}) {

Anonymous functions
Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

f := func(x,y int) int {
    return x + y

Functions as values ​​and types

In Go language, a function is also a variable, which can be defined by type, and its type is that all have the same parameters and the same return value


Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

type typeName func (input1 inputType1, input2 inputType2 [, ....]) (result1 resultType1 [,....])


Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

type testInt func(int) bool //Declare a function type

func filter(slice []int, f testInt) []int {
    var result []int
    for _, value := range slice {
        if f(value) {
            result = append(result, value)

func isOdd(integer int) bool {
    if integer % 2 == 0 {
        return false
    return true

filter(a, isOdd)

This usage is very useful when writing interfaces


You can define function types or pass functions as values ​​(default value nil)

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

package main

//Define the function type callback
type callback func(s string)

//Define a function that can receive another function as a parameter
// sum is the parameter name, func(int, int) int is the parameter type
func test(a, b int, sum func(int, int) int)  {
    println( sum(a,b) )

func main(){
//Demo 1
    var cb callback
    cb = func(s string) {
    cb("hello world")

//Demo 2
    test(1, 2, func(a, b int) int {return a + b})

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

hello world