Golang exports table structure of all databases from StarRocks cluster
The latest version of the non-stable version is to prevent the cluster from being unable to recover due to unknown bugs, or to regularly backup the metadata information of the production cluster. All require a script or program that can export table structures from the cluster. Choose to use hereGolang
Come fromStarRocks
Export the table structure of all databases in the cluster.
Get all
Iterate through each
Get all tablesTraverse each table to get the table creation statement for each table
The output result andTable
The data results are different and classification judgment is required.Write data to a file, and the file can be used directly
Command execution.
Executable detailed code
as follows:
package main import ( "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "log" "os" _ "/go-sql-driver/mysql" "/spf13/pflag" "/spf13/viper" ) type Databases struct { Database string } type Tables struct { Tables string } type CreateTable struct { Table string CreateString string Character_set_client string Collation_connection string } const ( defaultStarRocks = "" defaultPort = 9030 defaultUserName = "root" defaultOutputFile = "" ) func main() { var starRocks, userName, password, outputFile string var port int var includedSys bool (&starRocks, "starrocks", "s", defaultStarRocks, "The address of starrocks without a database name.") (&port, "port", "p", defaultPort, "The port of starrocks") (&userName, "userName", "u", defaultUserName, "The use name of starrocks") (&password, "password", "w", "", "The password of starrocks") (&outputFile, "outputFile", "o", defaultOutputFile, "The output file name.") (&includedSys, "includedSys", "i", false, "Included the system database or not, default is not.") () ("starrocks", ("starrocks")) ("port", ("port")) ("userName", ("userName")) ("password", ("password")) ("outputFile", ("outputFile")) ("includedSys", ("includedSys")) jdbcURL := ("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/", userName, password, starRocks, port) sysDB := []string{"_statistics_", "information_schema", "sys"} databases := getDatabases(jdbcURL) if _, err := (outputFile); err == nil { // File exists, remove it errRemove := (outputFile) if errRemove != nil { ("Error removing file:", errRemove) return } ("File removed successfully.") } for _, db := range databases { if !includedSys && containsElement(sysDB, db) { continue } writeToFile(outputFile, ("-- Database: %s\n", db)) writeToFile(outputFile, ("use %s;\n", db)) tables := getTables(jdbcURL, db) for _, table := range tables { if table != "" { createTable := getCreateTable(jdbcURL, db, table) for k, v := range createTable { var objectType string if v == "VIEW" { objectType = "View" } else if v == "TABLE" { objectType = "Table" } writeToFile(outputFile, ("-- %s: %s\n", objectType, table)) writeToFile(outputFile, ("-- Create %s: \n", objectType)) writeToFile(outputFile, ("%s\n", k)) } } } } } func writeToFile(outputFile string, s string) { file, err := (outputFile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644) if err != nil { ("Error opening file:", err) return } defer () _, err = ([]byte(s)) if err != nil { ("Error writing to file:", err) return } } func containsElement(list []string, target string) bool { for _, element := range list { if element == target { return true } } return false } func getDatabases(jdbcURL string) []string { db, err := ("mysql", jdbcURL) if err != nil { (err) } defer () res, err := ("show databases") if err != nil { (err) } var databases []string for () { var ds Databases err := (&) if err != nil { (err) } databases = append(databases, ) } return databases } func getTables(jdbcURL, dbName string) []string { db, err := ("mysql", jdbcURL+dbName) if err != nil { (err) } defer () res, err := ("show tables") if err != nil { (err) } var tables []string for () { var ts Tables err := (&) if err != nil { (err) } tables = append(tables, ) } return tables } func getCreateTable(jdbcURL, dbName, tableName string) map[string]string { db, err := ("mysql", jdbcURL+dbName) if err != nil { (err) } defer () res, err := ("show create table " + tableName) if err != nil { (err) } createTables := make(map[string]string) for () { var ct CreateTable cs, _ := () err := ("") if len(cs) == 4 { // for view err = (&, &, &ct.Character_set_client, &ct.Collation_connection) if err != nil { (err) } createTables[] = "VIEW" } else if len(cs) == 2 { // for table err = (&, &) if err != nil { (err) } createTables[] = "TABLE" } } return createTables }
Sample results
After the execution is completed, the result sample:
-- Database: test use test; -- Table: test_table -- Create Table: CREATE TABLE `test_table` ( `day` date NULL COMMENT "sky", `id` varchar(65533) NULL COMMENT "id", `amount` double NULL COMMENT "value", `insert_time` varchar(65533) NULL COMMENT "Data Insert Time" ) ENGINE=OLAP UNIQUE KEY(`day`, `id`) PARTITION BY RANGE(`day`) (PARTITION p20231020 VALUES [("2023-10-20"), ("2023-10-21")), PARTITION p20231021 VALUES [("2023-10-21"), ("2023-10-22")), PARTITION p20231022 VALUES [("2023-10-22"), ("2023-10-23")), PARTITION p20231023 VALUES [("2023-10-23"), ("2023-10-24")), PARTITION p20231024 VALUES [("2023-10-24"), ("2023-10-25")), PARTITION p20231025 VALUES [("2023-10-25"), ("2023-10-26")), PARTITION p20231027 VALUES [("2023-10-27"), ("2023-10-28")), PARTITION p20231028 VALUES [("2023-10-28"), ("2023-10-29")), PARTITION p20231029 VALUES [("2023-10-29"), ("2023-10-30")), PARTITION p20231030 VALUES [("2023-10-30"), ("2023-10-31"))) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "1", "dynamic_partition.enable" = "false", "dynamic_partition.time_unit" = "DAY", "dynamic_partition.time_zone" = "Asia/Shanghai", "dynamic_partition.start" = "-7", "dynamic_partition.end" = "3", "dynamic_partition.prefix" = "p", "dynamic_partition.buckets" = "1", "dynamic_partition.history_partition_num" = "0", "in_memory" = "false", "enable_persistent_index" = "false", "replicated_storage" = "true", "compression" = "LZ4" ); -- View: test_view -- Create View: CREATE VIEW `test_view` (`day`, `id`, `amount`, `insert_time`) AS SELECT `test`.`test_table`.`day`, `test`.`test_table`.`id`,`test`.`test_table`.`amount`, `test`.`test_table`.`insert_time` FROM `test`.`test_table` WHERE `test`.`test_table`.`day` >= '2023-11-07' ;
Not implemented:
Backup MV
Backup UDF
Back up user role and grant information.
Backup Catalog creation statement.
The above code is usedgo
Version is1.21.4
, other versions may be a little different. For more information about go backup StarRocks table creation statements, please follow my other related articles!