golang access database record SQL statement:
The packages used are:
1: /arthurkiller/rollingwriter //write to log package
2: /go-xorm/xorm //xorm package
The specific implementation is:
package main import ( "time" "/arthurkiller/rollingwriter" _ "/go-sql-driver/mysql" "/go-xorm/xorm" ) func main() { var conn string = "root:123456@tcp(" Engine, err := ("mysql", conn) if err != nil { panic("mysql connect fail") } config := { LogPath: "./logs", //Log path TimeTagFormat: "060102150405", //Time format string FileName: "mysql_exec", //Log file name MaxRemain: 3, //Configure the maximum number of logs to be retained RollingPolicy: , //Configure rolling policy norolling t imerolling volumerolling RollingTimePattern: "* * * * * *", //Configure the time scrolling strategy RollingVolumeSize: "1M", //Configure the lower limit size of the truncated file WriterMode: "none", BufferWriterThershould: 256, // Compress will compress log file with gzip Compress: true, } writer, err := (&config) if err != nil { panic(err) } var logger * = (writer) (logger) (true) ("ts info code") ("select * from cp_order where id = ? ", 3) (1 * ) }
rollingwriter implements a log write in xorm, saves logs into files in rollingwriter
Dependency package:/robfig/cron
Supplement: golang xorm Model Model File Template
package models import ( "fmt" "/go-xorm/xorm" "time" ) // User login for the first timetype FirstLoginRecord struct { Id int64 `xorm:"not null pk autoincr INT(11)"` UserID int64 `json:"userid" xorm:"int(11) not null 'userid'"` IP string `json:"logonip" xorm:"varchar(45) not null 'logonip'"` CreatedAt `json:"logontime" xorm:"timestamp not null 'logontime'"` UpdatedAt `json:"logofftime" xorm:"timestamp not null 'logofftime'"` Source int `json:"source" xorm:"tinyint(3) not null"` IsCharged int `json:"ischargeaccount" xorm:"tinyint(3) unsigned not null 'ischargeaccount'"` } func (*FirstLoginRecord) TableName() string { return "W_UserFirstLogonRec" } func (*FirstLoginRecord) DB() * { return DbDefault() } func (t *FirstLoginRecord) Save() error { var err error var engine = () if == 0 { , err = (t) return err } var rowsAffected int64 rowsAffected, err = ().Update(t) ("@table: %s: %d rows affected", (), rowsAffected) return err } // Unique constraint for user idfunc (this *FirstLoginRecord) AddDistinct() error { var err error var engine = () var has bool var ent = FirstLoginRecord{UserID: } has, err = (&ent) if has { return nil } , err = (this) return err }
The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more. If there are any mistakes or no complete considerations, I would like to give you advice.