Updated on 2025-03-05

Detailed examples of various database connection methods for ORM operations in Beego

Various database connection methods in beego

The beego framework is an excellent go REST API development framework. Below is a summary of various database connection operations in beego.

Orm connection method

Orm operations in beego support three types of databases: mysql, sqlite3, postgersql. The drivers of the three types of databases are as follows:

import (
    _ "/go-sql-driver/mysql"
    _ "/lib/pq"
    _ "/mattn/go-sqlite3"

For the use of the above three types of databases, it is best to use orm for operation, because simple additions, deletions, and revisions have implemented general interface encapsulation. There is no need to implement a set of additions, deletions, searches and modifications based on each model. In addition, orm also supports native SQL queries. Complex SQL operations can be used directly to perform native queries using () which is simple and fast.

1.1 Orm usage

a. Register the database driver

// Parameter 1 driverName// Parameter 2 Database type// This is used to set the database type corresponding to driverName// mysql/sqlite3/postgres are registered by default, so you can do without setting it("mysql", )

b. Register a database

ORM must register a database with alias default as default.
ORM uses golang's own connection pool

// Parameter 1 The alias of the database, used to switch database usage in ORM// Parameter 2 driverName// Parameter 3 corresponding link string("default", "mysql", "root:root@/orm_test?charset=utf8")
// Parameter 4 (optional) Set maximum idle connection// Parameter 5 (optional) Set the maximum database connection (go >= 1.2)maxIdle := 30
maxConn := 30
("default", "mysql", "root:root@/orm_test?charset=utf8", maxIdle, maxConn)

c. Register the model

(new(User), new(Profile), new(Post))

From then on, you can happily use the interface provided by orm to perform database operations.

type Ormer interface {
    Read(interface{}, …string) error
    ReadOrCreate(interface{}, string, …string) (bool, int64, error)
    Insert(interface{}) (int64, error)
    InsertMulti(int, interface{}) (int64, error)
    Update(interface{}, …string) (int64, error)
    Delete(interface{}) (int64, error)
    LoadRelated(interface{}, string, …interface{}) (int64, error)
    QueryM2M(interface{}, string) QueryM2Mer
    QueryTable(interface{}) QuerySeter
    Using(string) error
    Begin() error
    Commit() error
    Rollback() error
    Raw(string, …interface{}) RawSeter
    Driver() Driver

1.2 Operation example

a. orm connection to mysql

import (
	_ "/go-sql-driver/mysql"
func init() {
	("mysql", )
	("default", "mysql", "root:root@tcp(")

	("default", 10)
	("default", 100)
func Create(param interface{}) (int64, error) {
	return ().Insert(param)
func Update(param interface{}, fields ...string) (int64, error) {
	return ().Update(param, fields...)
func Delete(param interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
	return ().Delete(param, cols...)
func Read(md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
	return ().Read(md, cols...)

b. Orm connection sqlite3

import (
	_ "/mattn/go-sqlite3"
func init() {
	("sqlite3", )
	("default", "sqlite3", "conf/sqlite_test.db")
	("default", 50)
	("default", 200)
    //Set the database time zone    // = 
func Create(param interface{}) (int64, error) {
	return ().Insert(param)
func Update(param interface{}, fields ...string) (int64, error) {
	return ().Update(param, fields...)
func Delete(param interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error) {
	return ().Delete(param, cols...)
func Read(md interface{}, cols ...string) error {
	return ().Read(md, cols...)

c. orm connection postgresql

golang orm can connect to postgres, but it seems that schema in the database does not support it.

import (
	_ "/lib/pq"
func init() {
	("postgres", )
	("default", "postgres", "host= port=5432 user=root password=root dbname=test sslmode=disable")
	//("schema_name", new(PmPark))
	("default", 10)
	("default", 50)

1.3 Non-orm connection method

Using non-orm connection methods, in addition to mysql, sqlite3, postgresql, other such as sqlserver, mongodb, redis, etc. have their own connection methods.

a. mysql

import (

	_ "/go-sql-driver/mysql"
func getMysqlDB() (*, error) {
	connectString := "root:123456@tcp(localhost:3306)/test?charset=utf8"

	db, err := ("mysql", connectString)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return db, nil

b. sqlite3

import (
	_ "/mattn/go-sqlite3"
func GetDBConn() (*, error) {
	return ("sqlite3", "./data/")

c. postgresql

import (
	_ "/lib/pq"
var (
	host     string = ""
	port     int
	user     string = ""
	password string = ""
	dbname   string = ""
	max_conn  int = 40
	idle_conn int = 10
	postgreConn * //Global SQL connection, connection pool has been implemented, so you can only create one instance	DB_CONN_ERROR error
func init() {
	host = ("postgres_host")
	port, _ = ("postgres_port")
	user = ("postgres_user")
	password = ("postgres_password")
	dbname = ("postgres_dbname")
	max_conn = ("postgres_max_conn", 50)
	idle_conn = ("postgres_idle_conn", 10)
	DB_CONN_ERROR = ("Database connection failed")
func GetPostgresSession() * {
	if postgreConn == nil {
		psqlInfo := (`host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable`,
			host, port, user, password, dbname)
		db, err := ("postgres", psqlInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return nil
		(30 * )
		//		err = ()
		//		if err != nil {
		//			return nil
		//		}
		postgreConn = db
	return postgreConn

d. mongodb

import (
// Connect to mongodb databasevar (
	MongodbAddr   string = "" //mongodb database address	MongodbName   string = "" //mongodb data name	MongodbUser   string = "" //mongodb username	MongodbPasswd string = "" //mongodb password)
var (
	mongosession *
func init() {
	MongodbAddr = ("mongodb_addr")
	MongodbName = ("mongodb_name")
	MongodbUser = ("mongodb_username")
	MongodbPasswd = ("mongodb_passwd")
func GetMongoSession() * {
	if mongosession == nil {
		var err error
		if MongodbUser == "" || MongodbPasswd == "" {
			mongosession, err = (MongodbAddr)
		} else {
			dialInfo := &{
				Addrs:     string{MongodbAddr},
				Direct:    false,
				Timeout:    * 30,
				Database:  MongodbName,
				Source:    "admin",
				Username:  MongodbUser,
				Password:  MongodbPasswd,
				PoolLimit: 4096, // 
			mongosession, err = (dialInfo)
		if err != nil {
			return nil
	return ()
func WithMongoCollection(collectionName string, s func(*) error) error {
	session := GetMongoSession()
	if session == nil {
		return ("Failed to get mongodb connection")
	defer ()
	c := (MongodbName).C(collectionName)
	return s(c)

import (
	_ "/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"
const (
	CONN_LIVE_TIME = 24 //Connection usage time hours)
var (
	db       * = nil //Global database connection)
func init() {
	host := ("yr_host")
	port, err := ("yr_port")
	if err != nil {
		port = 1433
	user := ("user")
	password := ("password")
	dbName := ("name")
	connString := ("server=%s;port%d;database=%s;user id=%s;password=%s", host, port, dbName, user, password)
	db, err = ("mssql", connString)
	if err != nil {

import (
var (
	db_addr     string = ""
	db_password string = ""
	redisPool * //Redis connection pool)
func init() {
	db_addr = ("redis_addr")
	db_password = ("redis_password")
//Get Redis connection poolfunc newRedisPool(server, password string) (*, error) {
	var err error
	return &{
		MaxIdle:     32,
		IdleTimeout: 180 * ,
		Dial: func() (, error) {
			var c 
			c, err = ("tcp", server)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if password != "" {
				if _, err = ("AUTH", password); err != nil {
					return nil, err
			return c, err
		TestOnBorrow: func(c , t ) error {
			_, err := ("PING")
			return err
	}, err
 Get the redis database connection
func GetRedisConnection() (, error) {
	if redisPool == nil {
		var err error
		redisPool, err = newRedisPool(db_addr, db_password)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return (), nil

The above is the detailed content of detailed examples of various database connection methods for ORM operations in Beego. For more information about Beego ORM database connection, please pay attention to my other related articles!