Updated on 2025-03-05

golang Four-step operation calculator Yacc reduction handwriting implementation


Recently I read Maehashi Kazuya [hiro]'s <<Homemade Programming Language>>

The first chapter is to teach readers to use the lex/yacc tool

Making four calculators

Among them, the idea of ​​yacc's advancement/reduction/gradient descent is very inspiring

So use golang to practice


  • Make a four-character operator, read a line of expressions, and then output the calculation process and results
  • Support + - * /
  • Support left and right brackets
  • Support negative numbers


Scan the mark (lexer)

  • Scan the mark by character
  • Single character tokens can be directly identified, + - * / ( )

Multi-character tokens, where there are only floating-point numbers, and are recognized by finite state conversion.




<INT_STATUS> + 'SPACE | + | - | * | / | ( | )' = INITIAL


<FRAG_STATUS> + 'SPACE | + | - | * | / | ( | )' = INITIAL

Computation priority

  • /The highest priority is possible, and the calculation can be immediately reduced
  • Next is brackets. When the closing bracket is encountered, +-reduction should be triggered.
  • At the end of the program, no new marks remain, and a +-reduce

Identify negative numbers

  • For simplicity, this program always uses floating point numbers as the basic calculation unit
  • Identify the negative sign as an optional part of a floating point number: Floating point number = -?d+(.d+)?

Overall process

  • Read into a one-line expression string
  • Scan the mark stream character by character and put it into the mark queue
  • Dequeue by sign, place the calculation stack
  • Determine whether the top of the stack meets the reduction conditions, then perform calculations
  • The mark queue is empty, and the final calculation of the calculation stack is performed.
  • Output result

Reading from loop into line

Call to get the token stream

Call to calculate

func main() {
    reader := ()
    for {
        ("=> ")
        arrBytes, _, err := ()
        if err != nil {
        line := (string(arrBytes))
        expression := line
        tokens, e := (expression)
        if e != nil {
        } else {
            e,v := (tokens)
            if e != nil {
            ((v, 'f', 10, 64))


Definition mark

package tokens
type TOKENS string
const IntLiteral TOKENS = "INT"
const DoubleLiteral TOKENS = "DBL"
const ADD TOKENS = "ADD"
const SUB TOKENS = "SUB"
const MUL TOKENS = "MUL"
const DIV TOKENS = "DIV"
const LB TOKENS = "LB"
const RB TOKENS = "RB"
type Token struct {
    Token TOKENS
    Value string
    Position int
func OfRune(t TOKENS, r rune, from int)  *Token {
    return &Token {
        Token: t,
        Value : string(r),
        Position: from,
func OfString(t TOKENS, s string, from int)  *Token {
    return &Token {
        Token: t,
        Value : s,
        Position: from,


Define the state of lexer

type STATES int


Scan the mark

type tLexerState struct {
    tokens []*
    buffer []rune
    i0 int
    i1 int
    d0 int
    d1 int
func (me *tLexerState) AppendToken(t *) {
     = append(, t)
func (me *tLexerState) AppendChar(it rune) {
     = append(, it)
func (me *tLexerState) BufferSize() int {
    return len()
func (me *tLexerState) IntSize() int {
    return me.i1 - me.i0 + 1
func (me *tLexerState) FragSize() int {
    return me.d1 - me.d0 + 1
func Parse(line string) ([]*, error) {
    var state = &(tLexerState{
        state: ,
        tokens: make([]*, 0),
        buffer: make([]rune, 0),
        i0 : 0,
        i1 : 0,
        d0: 0,
        d1: 0,
    for i, it := range line + "\n" {
        e := parseChar(state, i, it)
        if e != nil {
            return nil, e
    return , nil
func parseChar(state *tLexerState, i int, it rune) error {
    var e error = nil
    switch  {
    case :
        e = parseCharWhenInitial(state, i, it)
    case states.INT_STATUS:
        e = parseCharWhenInt(state, i, it)
    case states.DOT_STATUS:
        e = parseCharWhenDot(state, i, it)
    case states.FRAG_STATUS:
        e = parseCharWhenFrag(state, i, it)
    return e
func parseCharWhenInitial(state *tLexerState, i int, it rune) error {
    if is_minus(it) || is_0_to_9(it) {
         = states.INT_STATUS
         = make([]rune, 0)
         = append(, it)
        state.i0 = i
        state.i1 = i
    } else if is_space(it){
        return nil
    } else if is_add(it) {
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_sub(it) {
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_mul(it) {
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_div(it) {
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_lb(it) {
        ((, it, i))
    }  else if is_rb(it) {
        ((, it, i))
    } else {
        return (("parseCharWhenInitial, invalid char %c at %d", it, i))
    return nil
func parseCharWhenInt(state *tLexerState, i int, it rune) error {
    if is_0_to_9(it) {
        if () >= 10 {
            return (("too large int number at %v", i))
        } else {
            state.i1 = i
    } else if is_dot(it) {
         = states.DOT_STATUS
    } else if is_space(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
    } else if is_rb(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
        ((, it, i))
    }  else if is_add(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_sub(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_mul(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_div(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
        ((, it, i))
    } else {
        return (("parseCharWhenInt, invalid char %c at %d", it, i))
    return nil
func parseCharWhenDot(state *tLexerState, i int, it rune) error {
    if is_0_to_9(it) {
         = states.FRAG_STATUS
        state.d0 = i
        state.d1 = i
    } else {
        return (("parseCharWhenDot, invalid char %c at %d", it, i))
    return nil
func parseCharWhenFrag(state *tLexerState, i int, it rune) error {
    if is_0_to_9(it) {
        if () >= 10 {
            return (("too many chars for a double value at %d", i))
        } else {
            state.d1 = i
    } else if is_space(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
    } else if is_add(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_sub(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_mul(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_div(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
        ((, it, i))
    } else if is_rb(it) {
        ((, string(), state.i1))
        ((, it, i))
    } else {
        return (("parseCharWhenFrag, invalid char %c at %d", it, i))
    return nil


Define a node on the calculation stack. There are two nodes in the calculation stack: a reduced value node, and a notation node that has not been calculated yet

type tStackNodeType int
const NODE_VALUE tStackNodeType = 1
const NODE_TOKEN tStackNodeType = 2
type tStackNode struct {
    flag tStackNodeType
    token *
    value float64
func newValueNode(value float64) *tStackNode {
    return &tStackNode{
        flag: NODE_VALUE,
        value: value,
        token: nil,
func newTokenNode(token *) *tStackNode {
    return &tStackNode{
        flag: NODE_TOKEN,
        token: token,
        value: 0,
func (me *tStackNode) getTokenType()  {
    switch  {
    case NODE_VALUE:
    case NODE_TOKEN:
        switch  {
        case :
        case :
func (me *tStackNode) getDoubleValue() float64 {
    switch  {
    case NODE_VALUE:
    case NODE_TOKEN:
        switch  {
        case :
        case :
            v1,e1 := (, 64)
            if e1 != nil {
            return v1
    panic("value not avaiable")


type tParser struct {
    tokens []*
    stack []*tStackNode
    total int
    position int
func newParser(tokens []*)  *tParser {
    return &tParser{
        tokens: tokens,
        stack: make([]*tStackNode, 0),
        total : len(tokens),
        position: -1,
func (me *tParser) showStack() string {
    lst := make([]string, 0)
    for _,it := range  {
        switch  {
        case NODE_VALUE:
            lst = append(lst, (, 'f', 10, 64))
        case NODE_TOKEN:
            switch  {
            case :
            case :
                lst = append(lst, )
                lst = append(lst, )
    return (lst, " ")
func (me *tParser) moreToken() bool {
    return  <  - 1
func (me *tParser) nextToken() * {
    if !() {
        return nil
    return ()
func (me *tParser) currentToken() * {
    if  >=  {
        return nil
    return []
func (me *tParser) reduce() {
    sCurrentStack := ""
    var fnCheckState = func() {
        sStackState := ()
        if sStackState != sCurrentStack {
            sCurrentStack = sStackState
            ("stack => %s\n", sStackState)
    for {
        if () {
        if () {
        if !() {
            if () {
func (me *tParser) stackPop() *tStackNode {
    if () {
        return nil
    var iStackSize = len()
    var last = [iStackSize - 1]
     = [:(iStackSize-1)]
    return last
func (me *tParser) stackPopN(n int) []*tStackNode {
    if () {
        return nil
    var iStackSize = len()
    if iStackSize < n {
        return nil
    var lstTailItems = [(iStackSize - n):]
     = [:(iStackSize-n)]
    return lstTailItems
func (me *tParser) stackTakeN(n int) []*tStackNode {
    if () {
        return nil
    var iStackSize = len()
    if iStackSize < n {
        return nil
    var lstHeadItems = [:n]
     = [n+1:]
    return lstHeadItems
func (me *tParser) stackPush(it *tStackNode) {
     = append(, it)
func (me *tParser) reduceMulOrDiv() bool {
    if () {
        return false
    if (, , ) {
        var lstTailNodes = (3)
        v1 := lstTailNodes[0].getDoubleValue()
        v2 := lstTailNodes[2].getDoubleValue()
        var v = v1*v2
        return true
    } else if (, , ) {
        var lstTailNodes = (3)
        v1 := lstTailNodes[0].getDoubleValue()
        v2 := lstTailNodes[2].getDoubleValue()
        if v2 == 0 {
            panic(("div by zero, %v / %v", v1, v2))
        var v = v1/v2
        return true
    return false
func (me *tParser) reduceBrackets() bool {
    if () {
        return false
    if () {
        rb := ()
        var v float64 = 0
        for {
            if (, ) {
                var lstTailNodes = (2)
                v += lstTailNodes[1].getDoubleValue()
                return true
            } else if (, ) {
                var lstTailNodes = (2)
                v1 := lstTailNodes[1].getDoubleValue()
                v = v + v1
            } else if (, ) {
                var lstTailNodes = (2)
                v1 := lstTailNodes[1].getDoubleValue()
                v = v - v1
            } else {
                panic(("LB not found at %v", ))
    return false
func (me *tParser) reduceAddOrSub() bool {
    var v float64 = 0
    for {
        if () {
        if (, ) {
            var lstTailNodes = (2)
            v1 := lstTailNodes[1].getDoubleValue()
            v = v + v1
        } else if (, ) {
            var lstTailNodes = (2)
            v1 := lstTailNodes[1].getDoubleValue()
            v = v - v1
        } else if len()==1 && () {
            it := ()
            v += ()
            return true
        } else {
            panic("invalid expression")
    return false
func (me *tParser) isStackEmpty() bool {
    return len() == 0
func (me *tParser) isStackRMatch(args...) bool {
    var iArgsSize = len(args)
    if iArgsSize <= 0 {
        return false
    var iStackSize = len()
    if iStackSize < iArgsSize {
        return false
    for i,it := range args {
        var n = iStackSize - iArgsSize + i
        var xStackNode = [n]
        if it != () {
            return false
    return true
func (me *tParser) isStackLMatch(args...) bool {
    var iArgsSize = len(args)
    if iArgsSize <= 0 {
        return false
    var iStackSize = len()
    if iStackSize < iArgsSize {
        return false
    for i,it := range args {
        var xStackNode = [i]
        if it != () {
            return false
    return true
func (me *tParser) parse() (error, float64) {
    for {
        t := ()
        if t == nil {
    var iStackSize = len()
    if iStackSize == 1 && [0].getTokenType() ==  {
        return nil, [0].getDoubleValue()
    panic(("failed parsing expression %s", ()))
func Parse(tokens []*) (error, float64) {
    parser := newParser(tokens)
    return ()


=&gt; 1+2*(3-4*(5/6+(7-8*9)))
stack => 1
stack => 1 +
stack => 1 + 2
stack => 1 + 2 *
stack => 1 + 2 * (
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 -
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 *
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * (
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 5
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 5 /
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 5 / 6
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 +
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 + (
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 + ( 7
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 + ( 7 -
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 + ( 7 - 8
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 + ( 7 - 8 *
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 + ( 7 - 8 * 9
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 + ( 7 - 72.0000000000
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 + ( 7 - 72.0000000000 )
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 + -65.0000000000
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * ( 0.8333333333 + -65.0000000000 )
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - 4 * -64.1666666667
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - -256.6666666667
stack => 1 + 2 * ( 3 - -256.6666666667 )
stack => 1 + 2 * 259.6666666667
stack => 1 + 519.3333333333

The above is the detailed content of the golang four-step operation calculator yacc reduction handwritten implementation. For more information about golang four-step operation calculator yacc reduction, please pay attention to my other related articles!