Updated on 2025-03-05

Practical examples of Go code organization and formatting rules


Go has a very strict set of code organization and formatting rules. These rules make Go code very easy to read and understand, while also ensuring code consistency.

1. Package

Go code is organized into packages. A package is a directory containing some Go source files. Each source file starts with a package declaration:

package main

All Go source files in the same directory must belong to the same package.

2. Import

Go source files can import code from other packages. This is throughimportThe statement is completed:

import (

This statement imports the standard libraryfmtBaohemathBag.

3. Format

Go has a built-in toolgofmt, it can automatically format Go code.gofmtThe tool will adjust the indentation, spaces, line breaks, etc. of the code, making the code look very neat.

You can use it in the command linegofmttool:

gofmt -w 

This command will be modified directlyFile to make it conform to Go's formatting rules.

You can also configure it in your text editor or IDEgofmtTools that allow it to automatically format code when saving files.

4. Best Practices

In addition to the above rules, Go has some programming best practices.

  • Use small functions and packages as much as possible. This makes the code easier to understand and test.
  • Avoid global variables. Global variables make the state of the code more difficult to understand.
  • Use a self-described identifier name. A good name allows the code to interpret itself.
  • Use Go's error handling mechanism instead of ignoring errors.

For example, here is a code example that follows these best practices:

package main
import (
func main() {
func calcCircleArea(radius float64) float64 {
    return  * (radius, 2)

This code defines acalcCircleAreaFunction, used to calculate the area of ​​a circle. This function is small, does not use global variables, uses self-interpreted identifier names, and does not ignore errors (in fact, there is no possible error for this function).

Overall, Go's code organization and formatting rules are designed to improve the readability and consistency of the code. Following these rules and best practices will make your Go code easier to read, understand, and maintain.

The above is the detailed content of Go code organization and formatting practical examples. For more information about Go code organization and formatting, please pay attention to my other related articles!