Go GeneratorPattern explanation and code examples
Concept example
Generator mode can also be used when the required product is complex and requires multiple steps to complete. In this case, using multiple constructors is easier than just using one complex and terrifying constructor. The potential problem with building in multiple steps is that building incomplete and unstable products can be exposed to the client. Generator mode enables the product to be private before it is built.
In the code below, we can seeiglooBuilder
Icehouse generator andnormalBuilder
The ordinary house generator can build different types of houses, i.e.igloo
Icehouse andnormalHouse
Ordinary house. The construction steps for each house type are the same. Supervisor (Optional) The structure can organize the construction process.
:Generator interface
package main type IBuilder interface { setWindowType() setDoorType() setNumFloor() getHouse() House } func getBuilder(builderType string) IBuilder { if builderType == "normal" { return newNormalBuilder() } if builderType == "igloo" { return newIglooBuilder() } return nil }
:Specific generator
package main type NormalBuilder struct { windowType string doorType string floor int } func newNormalBuilder() *NormalBuilder { return &NormalBuilder{} } func (b *NormalBuilder) setWindowType() { = "Wooden Window" } func (b *NormalBuilder) setDoorType() { = "Wooden Door" } func (b *NormalBuilder) setNumFloor() { = 2 } func (b *NormalBuilder) getHouse() House { return House{ doorType: , windowType: , floor: , } }
:Specific generator
package main type IglooBuilder struct { windowType string doorType string floor int } func newIglooBuilder() *IglooBuilder { return &IglooBuilder{} } func (b *IglooBuilder) setWindowType() { = "Snow Window" } func (b *IglooBuilder) setDoorType() { = "Snow Door" } func (b *IglooBuilder) setNumFloor() { = 1 } func (b *IglooBuilder) getHouse() House { return House{ doorType: , windowType: , floor: , } }
package main type House struct { windowType string doorType string floor int }
package main type Director struct { builder IBuilder } func newDirector(b IBuilder) *Director { return &Director{ builder: b, } } func (d *Director) setBuilder(b IBuilder) { = b } func (d *Director) buildHouse() House { () () () return () }
:Client code
package main import "fmt" func main() { normalBuilder := getBuilder("normal") iglooBuilder := getBuilder("igloo") director := newDirector(normalBuilder) normalHouse := () ("Normal House Door Type: %s\n", ) ("Normal House Window Type: %s\n", ) ("Normal House Num Floor: %d\n", ) (iglooBuilder) iglooHouse := () ("\nIgloo House Door Type: %s\n", ) ("Igloo House Window Type: %s\n", ) ("Igloo House Num Floor: %d\n", ) }
:Execution results
Normal House Door Type: Wooden Door
Normal House Window Type: Wooden Window
Normal House Num Floor: 2Igloo House Door Type: Snow Door
Igloo House Window Type: Snow Window
Igloo House Num Floor: 1
The above is the detailed content of the generator mode explanation and code example of Golang design pattern. For more information about the Golang generator mode, please pay attention to my other related articles!