This article describes the method of C# calculating the day of the week based on the Kim Larson algorithm. Share it for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:
Kim Larson Calculation Formula
W= (d+2*m+3*(m+1)/5+y+y/4-y/100+y/400) mod 7
In the formula, d represents the number of days in the date, m represents the number of months, and y represents the number of years.
Note: There is a difference in the formula from other formulas:
Consider January and February as the thirteenth and fourteenth months of the previous year. For example: if it is 2004-1-10, it will be converted into: 2003-13-10 to substitute the formula to calculate.
#region Calculate the day of the week based on year, month, day (=CaculateWeekDay(2010,11,29);) /// Calculate the day of the week based on year, month and day (=CaculateWeekDay(2010,11,29);)///Year///moon///day/// public static string CaculateWeekDay(int y,int m, int d) { if(m==1){m=13}; if(m==2){m=14}; int week=(d+2*m+3*(m+1)/5+y+y/4-y/100+y/400)%7+1; string weekstr=""; switch(week) { case 1: weekstr="Monday"; break; case 2: weekstr="Tuesday"; break; case 3: weekstr="Wednesday"; break; case 4: weekstr="Thursday"; break; case 5: weekstr="Friday"; break; case 6: weekstr="Saturday"; break; case 7: weekstr="Sunday"; break; } return weekstr; } #endregion
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's C# programming.