public void SetGridViewWidth(GridView gridview1)
int rowcount = ; // Number of rows
int coloncount = ; //Number of columns
int i=0,j=0;
int[] cellwidth = new int[colcount]; //Array is used to store the maximum number of characters in each column
int gridviewwidth = 0; //GridView width
Unit width = 0;
string temp = null;
int tempLength = 0;
for (i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) //Loop the data item to obtain the maximum character width of each column
for (j = 0; j < colcount; j++)
temp = [i].Cells[j].Text;
tempLength = LengthOfLetter(temp); //LengthOfLetter() returns the width of the string containing Chinese characters, 1 Chinese character and 2 characters wide
if (cellwidth[j] < tempLength)
cellwidth[j] = tempLength; �
for (j = 0; j < colcount; j++)
if ( == true) �
temp = [j].Text;
tempLength = LengthOfLetter(temp);
if (cellwidth[j] < tempLength)
cellwidth[j] = tempLength;
if ( == true) //If the end of the GridView table is visible, the column width at the end of the table is included in the comparison �
temp = [j].Text;
tempLength = LengthOfLetter(temp);
if (cellwidth[j] < tempLength)
cellwidth[j] = tempLength;
for (j = 0; j < colcount; j++)
if ([j].Visible == true) //Add the maximum character widths of each column of the displayed column �
gridviewwidth += cellwidth[j];
width = gridviewwidth * oneLetterLength; //Multiple the maximum number of characters in GridView by one character display width to get the GridView display width
if ( < ) //If the width of the GridView has been set on the interface, the width of the dynamic calculation will be obtained and the
{ �
= width;
//The display length of the string equivalent to the English string containing Chinese
public int LengthOfLetter(string temp)
int length = ;
int newlength = ;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) //Transfer each character of the string
if (IsChineseLetter(temp, i)) //IsChineseLetter() determines whether it is a Chinese character, then the width is 1
return newlength;
//Determine whether it is a Chinese character
public bool IsChineseLetter(string input,int index)
int code = 0;
int chfrom = Convert.ToInt32("4e00", 16); //Convert range (0x4e00~0x9fff) to int (chfrom~chend)
int chend = Convert.ToInt32("9fff", 16);
if (input != "")
code = Char.ConvertToUtf32(input, index); //Get the character unicode encoding at the specified index in the string input
if (code >= chfrom && code <= chend)
return true;
return false ; //Return false when the code is not in Chinese
return false;