Use shortcut keys to quickly lock and unlock lock function in the upper right corner of Inspector in Unity
In Unity, the Inspector window is a very important tool that allows us to view and edit the properties of selected objects. Sometimes, we may want to lock the Inspector window to prevent unexpected changes to the properties of the object. Fortunately, Unity provides a shortcut way to quickly lock and unlock the locking feature of the Inspector window.
What is the lock function of the Inspector window?
The lock function of the Inspector window refers to the lock icon in the upper right corner, which allows us to lock or unlock the Inspector window. When the Inspector window is locked, the properties of the selected object will not be updated as the selected object changes. This is useful for maintaining a stable state when viewing object properties, especially when we do not want to accidentally change the object's properties.
How to use shortcut keys to quickly lock and unlock the lock function of the Inspector window?
To quickly lock and unlock the lock function of the Inspector window using shortcut keys, we need to use the InspectorWindow class in the UnityEditor namespace and call the isLocked property in the reflection method.
Here is a sample code that demonstrates how to use shortcut keys to switch the lock state of the Inspector window:
using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; public class InspectorLockShortcut : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Window/Toggle Inspector Lock %l")] private static void ToggleInspectorLock() { // Get the Inspector window var inspectorType = typeof(Editor).(""); var inspectorWindow = (inspectorType); // Call the isLocked property using reflection var isLockedProperty = ("isLocked"); var isLocked = (bool)(inspectorWindow); (inspectorWindow, !isLocked); } }
In the above example code, we create an EditorWindow called InspectorLockShortcut and use[MenuItem]
Properties add it to the menu bar in Unity. We set the shortcut keys to Ctrl+L(%l), but you can change them according to your preferences.
When we press the shortcut key Ctrl+L, the ToggleInspectorLock method will be called. It first gets the type of the Inspector window, and then usesMethod gets the currently open Inspector window instance. Next, we use reflection to get and set the value of the isLocked property to toggle the lock state of the Inspector window.
Now, you can try to press the shortcut key Ctrl+L in Unity to switch the lock state of the Inspector window. You will find that when the Inspector window is locked, the properties of the selected object will not be updated until you unlock it manually.
in conclusion
By using shortcut keys, we can quickly lock and unlock the lock function of the Inspector window in Unity. This is useful for maintaining a stable state when viewing an object's properties to prevent accidental changes to the object's properties.
The above is the detailed content of using shortcut keys to quickly lock and unlock the lock function in the upper right corner of the Inspector in Unity. For more information about the shortcut key Unity Inspector lock function, please follow my other related articles!