/// <summary>
/// Generate QR code
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Generate QR code path</param>
/// <param name="url">Created content</param>
/// <param name="width">QR code width</param>
/// <param name="height">QR code high</param>
/// <param name="userFace">Logo image to be generated</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Bitmap GetCodeImgUrl(string fileName, string url, int width, int height, string userFace)
BarcodeWriter writer = new BarcodeWriter
Format = BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE,
Renderer = new BitmapRenderer
Foreground =
Options = new
DisableECI = true,
Height = height,
Width = width,
Margin = 0,
CharacterSet = "UTF-8",
ErrorCorrection =
Bitmap bitmap = (url);
if (!(userFace))
Bitmap bits = ()(userFace);
if (bits != null)
//Cut a 80*80 logo image
ImageCut img = new ImageCut(0, 0, 80, 80);
icon = (bits);
//userFace_b.jpg is a border image
Bitmap bits2 = new (()( + "/user/userFace_b.jpg"), 84, 84);
if (icon != null)
//Draw 2 borders, one is the logo, and the other adds a border around the logo
using (var graphics = (bitmap))
(bits2, ( - ) / 2, ( - ) / 2);
(icon, ( - ) / 2, ( - ) / 2);
catch (Exception ex)
(fileName, );
return bitmap;
public class ImageCut
/// <summary>
///Cutting -- Use GDI+
/// </summary>
/// <param name="b">original Bitmap</param>
/// <param name="StartX">Start coordinate X</param>
/// <param name="StartY">Start coordinate Y</param>
/// <param name="iWidth">Width</param>
/// <param name="iHeight">Height</param>
/// <returns>Cropped Bitmap</returns>
public Bitmap KiCut(Bitmap b)
if (b == null)
return null;
int w = ;
int h = ;
int intWidth = 0;
int intHeight = 0;
if (h * Width / w > Height)
intWidth = Width;
intHeight = h * Width / w;
else if (h * Width / w < Height)
intWidth = w * Height / h;
intHeight = Height;
intWidth = Width;
intHeight = Height;
Bitmap bmpOut_b = new (b, intWidth, intHeight);
w = bmpOut_b.Width;
h = bmpOut_b.Height;
if (X >= w || Y >= h)
return null;
if (X + Width > w)
Width = w - X;
X = (w-Width) / 2;
if (Y + Height > h)
Height = h - Y;
Bitmap bmpOut = new Bitmap(Width, Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
Graphics g = (bmpOut);
(bmpOut_b, new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height), new Rectangle(X, Y, Width, Height), );
return bmpOut;
return null;
public int X = 0;
public int Y = 0;
public int Width = 120;
public int Height = 120;
public ImageCut(int x, int y, int width, int heigth)
X = x;
Y = y;
Width = width;
Height = heigth;
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string UserId = "1245460396";
string curFilePath = "/user/";
string curFileName_b = "DimensionalPig_" + UserId + "_b";
string path = + curFilePath;
if ((path) == false)//Create a file folder if it does not exist
string fileName_b = + curFilePath + "/" + curFileName_b + ".jpg";//Get uploaded file name
string UserUrl = ("https:///u{0}", ());
string userFace_b = + "/user/" + UserId + "_b.jpg";
Bitmap bitmap_b = GetCodeImgUrl(fileName_b.Replace("_b.", "_b_ewm."), UserUrl, 400, 400, userFace_b);
(fileName_b.Replace("_b.", "_b_ewm."));