protected void BtGroup_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Homepage of the Industry Group
string tempGroupData = GetHttpData("/Test/");
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( + "Group\\", false, ("utf-8")))
public string GetHttpData(string sUrl)
string sRslt = null;
WebResponse oWebRps = null;
WebRequest oWebRqst = (sUrl);
= 50000;
oWebRps = ();
if (oWebRps != null)
StreamReader oStreamRd = new StreamReader((), ("utf-8"));
sRslt = ();
return sRslt;
//Homepage of the Industry Group
string tempGroupData = GetHttpData("/Test/");
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( + "Group\\", false, ("utf-8")))
public string GetHttpData(string sUrl)
string sRslt = null;
WebResponse oWebRps = null;
WebRequest oWebRqst = (sUrl);
= 50000;
oWebRps = ();
if (oWebRps != null)
StreamReader oStreamRd = new StreamReader((), ("utf-8"));
sRslt = ();
return sRslt;