Updated on 2025-03-07

(C#) Operating SQLite database instance

using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;

public partial class _Default :
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
(("~") + "/");
SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + ("~" + "/"));
("The database was opened successfully~~<br />");
SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand();
= "create table Users (UserID int primary key,UserName varchar(100) not null,UserPassword varchar(100) not null)";
= conn;
for (int i = 0; i < 100;i++ )
= "insert into Users (UserID,UserName,UserPassword) values (" + i + ",'TestUser_" + i + "','" + ().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(":", "-") + "')";
("Insert successfully~~<br />");
= "select Username from Users where UserID=1";
= conn;
string tempUserName = ().ToString();
("Single value query result is:" + tempUserName + "<br /><br />");

= "select * from Users ";
= conn;
SQLiteDataReader sdrInfo = ();
if (sdrInfo!= null)
int userID = 0;
string userName = ;
string userPassword = ;
userID = Convert.ToInt32(sdrInfo["UserID"]);
userName = sdrInfo["UserName"].ToString();
userPassword = sdrInfo["UserPassword"].ToString();
("UserID:"+userID+"<br />");
("UserName:" + userName+ "<br />");
("UserPassword:" + userPassword + "<br />");
("<br />");
= "update Users set UserPassword='linxiang'";
= conn;
("Update the data in the database successfully.");
("The following results are the edited data items from the database after querying<br /><br />");
= "select * from Users ";
= conn;
sdrInfo = ();
if (sdrInfo != null)
int userID = 0;
string userName = ;
string userPassword = ;
while (())
userID = Convert.ToInt32(sdrInfo["UserID"]);
userName = sdrInfo["UserName"].ToString();
userPassword = sdrInfo["UserPassword"].ToString();
("UserID:" + userID + "<br />");
("UserName:" + userName + "<br />");
("UserPassword:" + userPassword + "<br />");
("<br />");