This article describes the method of C# to implement multi-threaded files. Share it for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:
using System; using ; using ; using ; using ; using ; using ; namespace WfpApp { public class MultiDownload { #region variable private int _threadNum; //Number of threads private long _fileSize; //File size private string _fileUrl; //File address private string _fileName; //file name private string _savePath; //Save path private short _threadCompleteNum; //The number of threads completed private bool _isComplete; //Is it done private volatile int _downloadSize; //Current download size (real time) private Thread[] _thread; //Thread array private List<string> _tempFiles = new List<string>(); private object locker = new object(); #endregion #region properties /// <summary> /// file name /// </summary> public string FileName { get { return _fileName; } set { _fileName = value; } } /// <summary> /// File size /// </summary> public long FileSize { get { return _fileSize; } } /// <summary> /// Current download size (real time) /// </summary> public int DownloadSize { get { return _downloadSize; } } /// <summary> /// Whether it is completed /// </summary> public bool IsComplete { get { return _isComplete; } } /// <summary> /// Number of threads /// </summary> public int ThreadNum { get { return _threadNum; } } /// <summary> /// Save the path /// </summary> public string SavePath { get { return _savePath; } set { _savePath = value; } } #endregion /// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="threahNum">Number of threads</param> /// <param name="fileUrl">File Url path</param> /// <param name="savePath">Local save path</param> public MultiDownload(int threahNum, string fileUrl, string savePath) { this._threadNum = threahNum; this._thread = new Thread[threahNum]; this._fileUrl = fileUrl; this._savePath = savePath; } public void Start() { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)(_fileUrl); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)(); _fileSize = ; int singelNum = (int)(_fileSize / _threadNum); //Average distribution int remainder = (int)(_fileSize % _threadNum); //Get the remaining ones (); (); for (int i = 0; i < _threadNum; i++) { List<int> range = new List<int>(); (i * singelNum); if (remainder != 0 && (_threadNum - 1) == i) //Leave the rest to the last thread (i * singelNum + singelNum + remainder - 1); else (i * singelNum + singelNum - 1); //Download data at the specified location int[] ran = new int[] { range[0], range[1] }; _thread[i] = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Download)); _thread[i].Name = (_fileUrl) + "_{0}".Replace("{0}", (i + 1)); _thread[i].Start(ran); } } private void Download(object obj) { Stream httpFileStream = null, localFileStram = null; try { int[] ran = obj as int[]; string tmpFileBlock = () + + ".tmp"; _tempFiles.Add(tmpFileBlock); HttpWebRequest httprequest = (HttpWebRequest)(_fileUrl); (ran[0], ran[1]); HttpWebResponse httpresponse = (HttpWebResponse)(); httpFileStream = (); localFileStram = new FileStream(tmpFileBlock, ); byte[] by = new byte[5000]; int getByteSize = (by, 0, (int)); //Read method will return the total number of bytes read into the by variable while (getByteSize > 0) { (20); lock (locker) _downloadSize += getByteSize; (by, 0, getByteSize); getByteSize = (by, 0, (int)); } lock (locker) _threadCompleteNum++; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(()); } finally { if (httpFileStream != null) (); if (localFileStram != null) (); } if (_threadCompleteNum == _threadNum) { Complete(); _isComplete = true; } } /// <summary> /// Merge file blocks after downloading /// </summary> private void Complete() { Stream mergeFile = new FileStream(@_savePath, ); BinaryWriter AddWriter = new BinaryWriter(mergeFile); foreach (string file in _tempFiles) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, )) { BinaryReader TempReader = new BinaryReader(fs); (((int))); (); } (file); } (); } } }
string httpUrl = @""; string saveUrl = () + "//" + (httpUrl); int threadNumber = 5; MultiDownload md = new MultiDownload(threadNumber, httpUrl, saveUrl); ();
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's C# programming.