using System;
using ;
using ;
using ;
using ;
namespace XMLReader
class XMLReader
static void Main(string[] args)
string xmlFilePath = "";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
//School Use xpath expression to select all schoo children in the document
XmlNodeList schoolNodeList = ("/school");
if (schoolNodeList != null)
foreach (XmlNode schoolNode in schoolNodeList)
//Get the attribute with the attribute name through Attributes
string schoolName = ["name"].Value;
("School:" + schoolName);
#region Grade
//Get the grades child nodes under the current node through the SelectSingleNode method
XmlNode gradesNode = ("grades");
if (gradesNode != null)
//Get all first-level child nodes of grades through the ChildNodes attribute
XmlNodeList gradeNodeList = ;
if (gradeNodeList != null)
foreach (XmlNode gradeNode in gradeNodeList)
("Grade: " + ["name"].Value + " ID:" + ["id"].Value);
#region Class
//Get the classes child nodes under the current node through the SelectSingleNode method
XmlNode classesNode = ("classes");
if (classesNode != null)
//Get all first-level child nodes of classes through the ChildNodes attribute
XmlNodeList classNodeList = ;
if (classNodeList != null)
foreach (XmlNode classNode in classNodeList)
(" Class: " + ["name"].Value + " ID:" + ["id"].Value);
#region Teacher
XmlNode teachersNode = ("teachers");
if (teachersNode != null)
XmlNodeList teacherNodeList = ;
if (teacherNodeList != null)
foreach (XmlNode teacherNode in teacherNodeList)
XmlNode teacherNameNode = ;
XmlCDataSection cdate = (XmlCDataSection);
if (cdate != null)
(" "+["teach"].Value + "Teach: "+()); �
#endregion Teacher
#region All students
XmlNode studentsNode = ("students");
if (studentsNode != null)
XmlNodeList studentNodeList = ;
if (studentNodeList != null)
foreach (XmlNode studentNode in studentNodeList)
(" �
//Get the student's attribute value name and text
XmlNode stu1 = ;
XmlElement xe1 = (XmlElement)stu1;
if (xe1 != null)
(" �
//Get the student's attribute value sex and text
XmlNode stu2 = ;
XmlElement xe2 = (XmlElement)stu2;
if (xe2 != null)
(" �
#endregion All students
#endregion Class
("\r\nPress the random key to jump out");