Updated on 2025-03-08

Students take you to write Java thread pool first version

Java handwriting thread pool (first generation)

I often use thread pools, so today I have a sudden idea and will have many shortcomings when writing a thread pool by hand. Please be tolerant. Because this is also the first generation version, it will be more complete in the future.

Handwriting thread pool - define parameters

	private final AtomicInteger taskcount=new AtomicInteger(0);
    private final AtomicInteger threadNumber=new AtomicInteger(0);
    private volatile int corePoolSize; 
    private final Set<> workers; 
    private final BlockingQueue<Runnable> waitingQueue; 
    private final String THREADPOOL_NAME="MyThread-Pool-";
    private volatile boolean isRunning=true; 
    private volatile boolean STOPNOW=false; 
    private final ThreadFactory threadFactory; 
  • taskcount: Number of tasks executed
  • threadNumber: thread number, incremented from 0.
  • corePoolSize: Number of core threads
  • Workers: Worker threads
  • waitingQueue: Waiting for queue
  • THREADPOOL_NAME: Thread name
  • isRunning: Whether to run
  • STOPNOW: Should I stop immediately
  • threadFactory: thread factory

Handwriting thread pool-constructor

    public MyThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, BlockingQueue&lt;Runnable&gt; waitingQueue,ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
        =new HashSet&lt;&gt;(corePoolSize);
        //Thread preheating        for (int i = 0; i &lt; corePoolSize; i++) {
            new MyWorker();

This constructor functions:

1: Assign values ​​to the parameters.

2: Thread warm-up. Call MyWorker's constructor according to the size of corePoolSize. We can see what the MyWorker constructor does.

	final Thread thread; //For each MyWorker
            Thread td = (this);
  • The MyWorker constructor generates Thread for the current object through a thread factory;
  • And set the thread name: MyThread-Pool-self-increment thread number;
  • Then call the start method of the thread to start the thread;
  • Finally, it is stored in the workers Set collection, so that thread reuse can be implemented.

Handwriting thread pool - default constructor

	public MyThreadPoolExecutor(){
        this(5,new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(10), ());
  • The assignment initial value of the default constructor:
  • corePoolSize:5
  • waitingQueue: new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(10), a finite blocking queue of length 10
  • threadFactory:()

Handwriting thread pool-execute method

	public boolean execute(Runnable runnable)
        return (runnable);
  • In essence, it is actually putting Runnable (task) into the waitingQueue.

Handwriting thread pool - handle tasks

        public void run() {
            //Cyclic receiving tasks                while (true)
                    }else {
                        Runnable runnable = ();

In essence, it is a dead loop receiving task, and the exit conditions are as follows:

  • Elegant exit. When isRunning is false and the queue size of waitingQueue is 0 (that is, there is no task)
  • Violent exit. When STOPNOW is true, it means that the shutdownNow method has been called
  • The else statement block will keep getting tasks as tasks! When =null, the run method is called to handle the task.

Handwritten thread pool - elegantly close thread pool

	public void shutdown()

Handwriting thread pool - Brutal shutdown thread pool

	public void shutdownNow()

Handwritten thread pool - source code

  • Handwritten thread pool source code
package ;

import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;

  * Thread pool class
  * @author You Zhengjie
public class MyThreadPoolExecutor {

    private final AtomicInteger taskcount=new AtomicInteger(0);//Number of tasks executed    private final AtomicInteger threadNumber=new AtomicInteger(0); //Thread number    private volatile int corePoolSize; //Number of core threads    private final Set&lt;&gt; workers; //Work thread    private final BlockingQueue&lt;Runnable&gt; waitingQueue; //Waiting for queue    private final String THREADPOOL_NAME="MyThread-Pool-";//Thread name    private volatile boolean isRunning=true; //Whether it works    private volatile boolean STOPNOW=false; //Stop immediately    private final ThreadFactory threadFactory; //Thread Factory
    public MyThreadPoolExecutor(){
        this(5,new ArrayBlockingQueue&lt;&gt;(10), ());

    public MyThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, BlockingQueue&lt;Runnable&gt; waitingQueue,ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
        =new HashSet&lt;&gt;(corePoolSize);
        //Thread preheating        for (int i = 0; i &lt; corePoolSize; i++) {
            new MyWorker();

      * MyWorker is each of our thread objects
    private final class MyWorker implements Runnable{

        final Thread thread; //For each MyWorker
            Thread td = (this);

        public void run() {
            //Cyclic receiving tasks                while (true)
                    //Loop exit conditions:                    //1: When isRunning is false and the queue size of waitingQueue is 0 (that is, there is no task), it will exit gracefully.                    //2: When STOPNOW is true, it means that the shutdownNow method has been called for brute force exit.                    if((!isRunning&amp;&amp;()==0)||STOPNOW)
                    }else {
                        //Continuously pick up tasks and be a task!  When =null, the run method is called to handle the task.                        Runnable runnable = ();

    public boolean execute(Runnable runnable)
        return (runnable);
    //Elegantly closed    public void shutdown()
    // Violent Close    public void shutdownNow()
  • Test using handwritten thread pool code
package ;

import ;

import ;
import ;

public class ThreadPoolTest {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

      MyThreadPoolExecutor myThreadPoolExecutor = new MyThreadPoolExecutor
              (5,new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(6), ());

      for(int i=0;i<10;i++){

          int finalI = i;
              (().getName()+">>>>"+ finalI);



//      ();



Why do custom thread pool execute fewer tasks sometimes?

That's because waitingQueue is full and can't let go of the task, causing the task to be discarded, which is equivalent to the DiscardPolicy rejection policy

Solutions are:

1: Set the maximum number of threads to automatically expand the thread pool.

2: Increase the capacity of waitingQueue

Finally: Because this is the first version of the thread pool I handwritten, it basically implements the reuse function of the thread pool. However, there are still many unfinished articles. In the future, there will be several more completed articles to upgrade the current handwritten thread pool.

In the future, we will continue to publish blog posts about the author's handwritten Spring framework, handwritten Tomcat framework and other frameworks! ! ! ! !

This is the article about how to write Java thread pools step by step from the student perspective. For more related Java thread pool content, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!