If you think it is a little helpful, just give it a try.
Socke programming supports multiple clients and multi-threaded operations to avoid interface jamming.
Turn on socket
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int port = (txt_port.Text); string host = txt_ip.Text; //Create endpoint IPAddress ip = (host); IPEndPoint ipe = new IPEndPoint(ip, port); //Create Socket and start listening newsock = new Socket(, , ); //Create a Socket object. If you use UDP protocol, you need to use a socket of type (ipe); //Bind EndPoint object (0); //Start monitoring //Create a new socket for the newly created connection acceptClientThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(AcceptClient)); (); SetText("Start listening"); } catch (Exception exp) { (exp, ); } }
Monitor ports and receive clients
/// <summary> /// Accept the client, which can accept multiple clients to connect at the same time, and register the connected clients to the client list. /// </summary> public void AcceptClient() { try { while (true) { Socket client = (); ip = ; RegeistUser(, client); Thread clientThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ReceiveData)); object o = client; (o); } } catch (Exception exp) { (exp, ); } }
Receive client data and broadcast data
/// <summary> /// Receive client data and forward it to the target client. /// </summary> public void ReceiveData(object o) { try { while (true) { Socket client = (Socket)o; string recvStr = ""; byte[] recvBytes = new byte[1024]; int bytes; bytes = (recvBytes, , 0); //Receive message from client recvStr = Encoding.(recvBytes, 0, bytes); SendMessage(client, recvStr); SetText(recvStr); (recvStr); } } catch (Exception exp) { (exp, ); } }
Determine whether the user registers or sends a message
/// <summary> /// Determine whether the user is registering or sending a message /// </summary> /// <param name="p_strMessage"></param> public void SendMessage(Socket client,string p_strMessage) { if (p_strMessage.StartsWith("@")) { RegeistUser(p_strMessage, client); } else if (p_strMessage.StartsWith(">")) { DeleteClident(p_strMessage); } else { //SendMessageToTarget(p_strMessage); SendAllMessage(p_strMessage); } }
Register socket as specified username
/// <summary> /// Register socket as specified username /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <param name="ss"></param> public void RegeistUser(string user, Socket ss) { user = (0, 1); (user, ss); SendOneMessage(ss, "welcome" + user + "Connect!"); RefreshClient(); }
Remove client from client dictionary
/// <summary> /// Remove client from client dictionary /// </summary> /// <param name="p_strMessage"></param> public void DeleteClident(string p_strMessage) { p_strMessage = p_strMessage.Remove(0, 1); (p_strMessage); RefreshClient(); }
Mass message
/// <summary> /// Bulk message /// </summary> /// <param name="p_strsend"></param> public void SendAllMessage(string p_strsend) { //(p_strsend); foreach (string item in ) { byte[] bs = Encoding.(p_strsend); userSocketDict[item].Send(bs, , 0); } }
Assign value to text box
public delegate void SetTextHandler(string text); /// <summary> /// Assign value to the text box /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> private void SetText(string text) { if (rich_back.InvokeRequired == true) { SetTextHandler set = new SetTextHandler(SetText);//The delegate method parameters should be consistent with SetText rich_back.Invoke(set, new object[] { text }); //The second parameter of this method is used to pass in the method, instead of the formal parameter text } else { rich_back.Text += "\n" + text; } }
Connect to the server
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { user = txt_name.Text; int port = (txt_port.Text); string host = txt_ip.Text; //Create the endpoint EndPoint IPAddress ip = (host); IPEndPoint ipe = new IPEndPoint(ip, port); //Convert ip and port into IPEndPoint instance //Create Socket and connect to the server Socket c = new Socket(, , ); // Create Socket cc = c; (ipe); //Connect to the server clientThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReceiveData)); (); //Send the local username to the server so that the server can register the client SendMessage("@" + txt_name.Text); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { ("argumentNullException:{0}", ex); } catch (SocketException exp) { ("SocketException:{0}",exp); } }
Send a message to the server
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (""==txt_target.Text) { ("Dialogue character not selected"); return; } //Send information to the server string sendStr = txt_name.Text + "@" + target + ":" + txt_message.Text; SendMessage(sendStr); rch_back.Text += "\n" + sendStr; txt_message.Text = ""; }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SendMessage(">" + txt_name.Text); //(true); //(); //(); } catch (Exception exp) { (exp, ); } }
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope you like it.