Updated on 2025-03-07

How to generate QR code with ThoughtWorks in C#

In current projects, QR codes are mostly used. I introduced an operation of using Gma to generate QR codes. Now I will introduce a third-party component, which mainly introduces the generation of QR codes, the analysis of QR codes, and the selection of related information of QR codes. Now I will introduce ThoughtWorks for generating QR codes. This essay uses .net4.5 and C#6.0 syntax, and you can also view the underlying source code of ThoughtWorks.

1. Generate QR code:

    /// <summary>
    /// Generate QR code    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="content">String with generated QR code</param>    /// <param name="path">path</param>    /// &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    public static string CreatehoughtWorksQrCode(string content, string path)
      if ((content))
        throw new ArgumentNullException(content);
      if ((path))
        throw new ArgumentNullException(path);
      var qrCodeEncoder = new QRCodeEncoder
        QRCodeEncodeMode = QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.BYTE,
        QRCodeScale = 4,
        QRCodeVersion = 8,
        QRCodeErrorCorrect = QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.M
      Image image = (content);
      var filename = ("yyyymmddhhmmssfff") + ".jpg";
      var filepath = ("{0}{1}", path, filename);
      FileStream fs = null;
        fs = new FileStream(filepath, , );
        (fs, );
      catch (IOException ex)
        throw new IOException();
        if (fs != null) ();
      return CodeDecoder(filepath);

2. Analyze the QR code:

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// QR code decoding    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// <param name="filePath">Picture Path</param>    /// &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    public static string CodeDecoder(string filePath)
      if ((filePath))
        throw new ArgumentNullException(filePath);
        if (!(filePath))
          return null;
        var myBitmap = new Bitmap((filePath));
        var decoder = new QRCodeDecoder();
        var decodedString = (new QRCodeBitmapImage(myBitmap));
        return decodedString;
      catch (Exception ex)
        throw new Exception();

3. Select the generated QR code parameters:

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Select the relevant type to generate the QR code    /// <param name="strData">The text or number to be generated is supported in Chinese.  For example: "4408810820 Shenzhen-Guangzhou" or: 4444444444</param>    /// <param name="qrEncoding">Three sizes: BYTE, ALPHA_NUMERIC, NUMERIC</param>    /// <param name="level">Size: L M Q H</param>    /// <param name="version">version: such as 8</param>    /// <param name="scale">Ratio: such as 4</param>    /// &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    public void CreateCode_Choose(string strData, string qrEncoding, string level, int version, int scale)
      var qrCodeEncoder = new QRCodeEncoder();
      var encoding = qrEncoding;
      switch (encoding)
        case "Byte":
           = QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.BYTE;
        case "AlphaNumeric":
           = QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.ALPHA_NUMERIC;
        case "Numeric":
           = QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.NUMERIC;
           = QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.BYTE;

       = scale;
       = version;
      switch (level)
        case "L":
           = QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.L;
        case "M":
           = QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.M;
        case "Q":
           = QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.Q;
           = QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.H;
      Image image = null;
      FileStream fs = null;
        //Sign up pictures        image = (strData);
        var filename = ("yyyymmddhhmmssfff") + ".jpg";
        var filepath = (@"~\Upload") + "\\" + filename;
        fs = new FileStream(filepath, , );
        (fs, );
      catch (IOException ex)
        throw new IOException();
        if (fs != null) ();
        if (image != null) ();

The above is the detailed content of how to generate QR codes with ThoughtWorks in C#. For more information about generating QR codes in C#, please pay attention to my other related articles!